The Acton Frea Press Wednesday January MPWf thPpmntpd by Wendy Thomson This is the time of year when a person should make resolutions Im told but that a something 1 11 have to think on Instead Im counting drift through my mind The three offspring are more easily counted as blessings now that they re back at school I confess The house is except for the crackle of a log on the fire and Chopin a piano music on the radio I so content right now that the extraspecial times in the Rockies seem a little unreal There was the day I climbed over a boulder halfway up a mountain side to come face to face with a little pica grass intent on stacking it up to dry Another day a group of hikers and I sat in the son quite high up eating mountain mix mixture of peanuts and raisins and extremely good sipping a drink made with lemonade mix and glacier ice brought down by the head guide The one memorable night with the hikers was the last night when some of the group put on a little show Part of it was a fashion show of hiker and you wouldnt believe what one woman wore She started off with a complete set of ski underwear over which she wore heavy insulated pyjamas flannelette pyjamas a sweater woollen booties mitts and a scarf To make sure she stayed warm she slept in THREE sleeping bags And that no Joke either One special daytime incident was when the Riders came by with an extra horse picked me up in the hiker camp and I rode up the river with them for lunch After days on foot it felt great to be on seat Hiccup cure But there was plenty of interesting things back home that would have missed if I stayed on like I was tempted to A smallish thing but important to me was reading in a magazine here that a useful cure for the hiccups is to take a spoonful of white sugar just take it dry It worked countless times for all of us Then there was the small picnic I had here one day in late August for the friends I missed seeing all summer and their kids Very Slapdash but 1 DID enjoy it Up in the mountains I would never have come across the small card that son Jim got out of a slot machine My loved one The days I fall to hear from you are dark and dreary The sun doesn t shine and I am lost in a wilderness of doubt Tell me again Lover that I am the only one That you love me only You are so wonderful and fair and I make such a poor companion it is hard to realize that you are truly mine Please write at once every day tell me lots of lovely things about yourself what you are doing to be true to me Your Lonesome Lover And all we ever got out of slot machines was bubble gum All mall I guess the whole year balanced out I wouldnt for the world have missed the night with the riders where one of the cowboys pirouetted through his own version of Swan Lake Ballet but if I t come home I t have been here when Mike the Riders head guide arrived in the fall for a solid eight hours of Were you there when and What happened after I don t mean to imply that there was any real question of me returning to Acton or not Its just that life up in the mountains Is so simplified that it a temptation to Just drift on and on And this Christmas topped the year off terrifically My sneaky husband surprised me no end after assuring me that I get no other present since he d just bought the vacuum cleaner From the family I received everything from oven mitts badly needed through fondue pots to a stereo outfit No no green toilet seat but everything else instead Which reminds me I haven been able to find any fondue recipes except a basic cheese one and I getting all anxious to try the pot out So If anyone has recipes of interest my number is wind up with wishes for everyone for a really good and happy New Year by Thomson The peaceable kingdom Peace Garden slides shown Lakeside IODE Slides of the Peace Garden in Manitoba and North Dakota were shown to members of Lakeside chapter of the their meeting last week in the Legion ball Vefcna West showed the pictures and gave the hackgrouod of the establishment of the international garden A silent tribute was given in of the late Hon Lester Calendars given Marguerite Taylor reported calendars had been presented to schools by herself and Vera to the Robert Little school to the Bennett school 25 to the high school tux to Sunshine School and one to Speysde School Alice reported families bad received gifts at time with candy donated by Schneiders candy factor in Used postage stamps collected will be given to toe Junior Red Cross YMCA News and Happenings GLORIA Program Their whole family was home for Christinas with Mr and Mrs Paul Peggy and Ted of Milwaukee Wisconsin with their dog Smokcy Peter and Brenda of Kingston Harry and Lois Harry Jr Cathy and David Linda and Gerry and great grandson Jason of Acton Sheriff and Mrs Mac former Sheriff Andrew Frank and Mrs Frank Local Registrar and Mrs Gordon attended the Sheriffs and Registrars Convention held at the Skyline Hotel last Thursday and Friday in Ottawa Lieut Stewart McCulloch has left for Esquimau C after a month leave spent with his parents Mr and Mrs Jim Nelson Court While he was home the went to Arizona and saw London Bridge which their namesake Bob Mc Culloch brought over to the States Jack McCutcheon who worked for boy Cartage Ltd for 20 years was honored at a party given by the staff and company He was presented with gifts including a threepiece luggage set and wine basket and from the company a barometer engraved with his name and the dates 1952 to Jack McCutcheon has assumed other work and all wished him success Visiting with the family Mrs lamb from and Mr and Mrs Thomas Welcome to Acton That was the message from the HI Neigh tour Welcome Service to quite a few new families In town recently Mr and Mrs J Van Ryk and two children moved from Woodstock to 5 Kingham Rd Mr and Mrs R and two youngsters came from Georgetown to Division St Mr and Mrs and family are at Nelson Ct they moved here from St Catharines Mr and Mrs G and youngsters came from Kingston to 136 Elmore Dr Mr and Mrs J H Markie and children came from to Main St S He works In Ac tonthat unusual for newcomers Another new who works near here at least Barrett who has moved with wife and six children to 174 Poplar Ave from Milton He is with the Milton detachment of the 0 P which patrols north Halton Mr and Mrs J Porter and two youngsters live at Longfleld They moved up from Brampton Mr and Mrs Thede from arc at Longield they have three children Mr and Mrs T and children have an apartment on Churchill They re from Night school registration Grab your coat It registration night for night school tonight Wednesday Although some school children brought liome Information on this term s classes to parents the advertise ment In today Free Press is first Indication for most people In town and district classes are offered typing bridge and pottery New Brunswick and he id now with the Georgetown police force Mr and Mrs P 0 Meara George St in the new subdivision They re from Port Credit and both are teachers Mr and Mrs D came from Ml3slssauga to Churchill S They have one child Air Canada salesmen kiln operator policemen teachers are Included in the list of new residents Greetings to them all Hold party lor Vera and Ernie Parker were honored at a surprise party attended by friends and relatives Saturday night on the occasion of their 25 wedding anniversary The couple were guests of daughter Sargent and her husband Mike at a dinner at the Mohawk Inn then returned home to find the house full of friends Daughter Moira Dye and her husband Andy arranged the surprise party A three tier cake was made for the occasion and the couple were presented with several pieces of silverware Guests were present from Dundas Hamilton Creek Guelph Alllston and HS HOLDEN OPTOMETRIST Cork St East GUELPH Phone TAJ The Men are busy remodelling nod redecorating a that we cam use for a lounge discussions reading quiet games Ac sincerely appreciate donations of used in good condition We need chairs chesterfields end coffee table very large rug desk lamps and a radio or id good working order Please spread the word amongst your friends and your that we are trying to a strong viable MC A and would appreciate their The ladies basketball is in full swing and would like a little competition to test their metal There is room for more young women if they are looking for active sport From now to midJune the membership fee is Registrations January 11 15 16 LADIES SLIM TRIM starts Man Jan 15 Fee plus membership sessions Mondays from 8 30 to JO Wednesdays M Bennett gym I SM CHILDREN S SWIMMING starts Jan Fee HO plus SO weeks Bus from at Fridays CRAFT CLASS starts Wed Jan Adults welcome tee cents plus membership or 35 cents weekly Wednesdays from 30 to 30 Variety of hobby crafts to suit your interests Jewelry making paper petaldip flowers many others THURSDAY NIGHT SPECIAL starts Jan IS Fencing lessons gymnastic lessons and yourself YOGA Fee will be very low for members Those who wish to make only occasional appearance may pay weekly fee no membership charge YOUNG MEN S AFTERNOON Starts Sun Jan 14 Basketball pool or whatever grabs you We will stay open every Sunday afternoon Drop in at your convenience Time to 30 Sundays Fee Membership or 35 cents weekly FRIDAY DANCE NEXT DANCE Jan 13Mi and up only other Friday a dance or fun and friendship We will with one dance for teens only then one dance for kids under 14 then Tor teens etc If enough teens are Interested we will try for a band and maybe four dances per month week and teens to take turns Adult needed Please help Family Page Mrs Tom Watson Daughters president or Knox held llielr January mention on Monday even Inn In lh Hie president Mrs presided ami opened the with till or and repealing the Mm Harold rend the minutes the and December tin itev A MrKcnzIc Installed following officers for the coming year president Mm WnUon vice president Moore recording Mrs A Hansen secretary Mrs J McKnight treasurer Mrs Ink Glad Tidings Mrs William press Mrs Mac Welcome and Welfare Mrs Harry and Mrs Price card convener Mrs Bern Van Fleet music committee Mrs Clifford Ashley committee Mrs and Mrs Harry leaders Mrs Robert Paul Mrs William and Mrs Harold Swallow WI for Centennial New president Mrs Watson took the chair and conducted the business Arrangements were made for the serving of refresh meats for the Brampton Presbytery meeting at Knot Church in February Roll call was answered by members and one visitor Mrs Robert Paul and her group conducted the worship opening with hymn Just as I am Scripture was read by Mrs McKenzie followed with prayer by Mrs A Hansen The meeting closed with the hymn The day Thou Lord is and the Benediction Lunch was served by the group in charge Suggestion for Acton centennial year answered to roll all at the January meeting of Women s Institute Answers Included a community church service a mausoleum for the cemetery and a booth of handicrofls Miss Dorothy Simmons opened the meeting with a poem My Friends are Countless as the Stars and A Friend for Every Need This was followed by prayer remembering those who had sorrow in the past year the Ode and Collect Thank you notes were received for Christmas remembrances Halloo origins Miss Nora reporting for Historical Research had a very worthwhile report on how began and got its name Mrs Denny gave a report featuring music Mrs was convener for the program with court whist played Lunch of biscuits cheese and Jam was Home begins Do you know how to promote safety Prevent needless home accidents The how and when of artificial respiration How to administer medication Do you know how to care for bed ridden members of the family And how to act in emergencies The Georgetown Red Cross home nursing course will give answers to these common everyday problems Many persons can benefit from this knowledge A Coming Event in toaays paper gives information on the next course open to people in Acton and area Several successive days of sunshine Is a treat this week Unusually bleak weather ushered in the changing season this year Some Actonians impatient for Old Sol are off to Florida already and more are getting packed Choose H TILDEN ANDREW MOTORS January Clearance Discount Sale USE THIS HANDY CHECKLIST TO SHOP PERSPIRANT CHILDRENS SEAMLESS LEOTARDS SSi 99 GUARDIAN BRAND MULTIPLE VITAMINS 98 DEE TEE HEATING PAD Position Heat DEE TEE SHAMPOO Regular Normal Dry 99 SWAN PINK LIQUID DETERGENT 39 ADORN HAIR SPRAY ANTIPHLOGESTINE RUB 99 BABY SCOn DIAPERS 83 BABY SCOTT DIAPER PANTS 53 BIRTHDAY CANDLES HOLDERS 37 CLARA VACUUM BOTTLE 88 CLEAR SANDWICH BAGS 66 COLD CAPSULES DEE TEE THERMOMETERS Rectal Baby 99 PI DEE TEE COTTON DELSEY BATHROOM TISSUE 37 S VAPORIZER HUMIDIFIER KOTEX NAPKINS 12 Reg Super Plus 57 CREAM FORMULA HAIR COLOR VASELINE BATH OIL 99 HI CHEWABLE TABLETS HI DEE TEE HOT WATER BOTTLE AV1IUILE AT ACTON PHARMACY GLENLEA DRUG MART