Sheridans admission procedures In September 1973 many daytime courses will be available to members of the community who may wish to pursue studies In an area of their interest but for whom It Is more convenient to attend the college during the day than In the evening If you are Interested in parttune day studies please watch for the August Issue of Style in which a comprehensive listing of available courses will be published together with their scheduled times and a breakdown of fees The basic admission requirement to Sheridan College day programs la either the Ontario Secondary School Graduation diploma awarded on completion of Ontario Grade or after earning credits or mature student status Certain have more specific requirements and interested persons are advised to consult the Sheridan College calendar or Destination available in secondary schools libraries or at the college entering Sheridan College programs with related secondary school backgrounds may write qualifying examinations and if successful bo granted advanced standing in certain courses This Is particularly truo In the Business and Technology divisions accounting marketing mathematics electronics electricity mechanics and many more If you feel you are to write qualifying examinations please contact the college for further details DIRECT ENTHY Communication Students who have successfully completed at least one year at university may be admitted directly to the second year of the Advertising or Journalism programs Computer Studies Division Grade students with standing In mathematics calculus and analysis physics and may bo admitted to the second year of the Computer Science ethnology program after completion of a nineday computer science course School Business Secretarial Studies Students who can type at a speed of words per minute and take shorthand at a rate of 00 words per minute on a pre test may be admitted directly to the second year of the Secretarial Technology Division with Grade 13 standing in physics chemistry Math A Math B and may obtain admission directly to of a technology program providing they obtain standing on protests In the following courses For Chemical Technology Inorganic Chemistry Electricity ror Electrical Electronic Technology Electricity Electronic Techniques For Mechanical Technology Applied Mechanics Electricity Student light court to a popular relaxation area Money matters financial aid for students Students from Ontario wishing to attend Sheridan College but who lack adequate family financial resources may apply for financial assistance through the Ontario Student Awards Program Financial assistance is also available to all students in Canada under certain conditions through the Canada Student Loan Plan Last year approximately per cent of the student body at Sheridan received government aid In order to continue their studies Kaye Newton Sheridan student awards officer says per cent are using the program this year and she expects the percentage will possibly increase yearly as more students become aware of the awards program and as jobs for students are harder to find during the summer months As a general rule you are considered to be a resident the province or territory in which your parents live at the time you apply or if you are married or qualify as independent of the province in which you last lived for at least consecutive months Many students from outside Ontario who are accepted into Sheridan come to the college and then apply to their province for their student loan said Mrs Newton It can be done this way but since the deadline for application is Sept 30 and since is of prime importance for many students students are advised to work through their own provincial government before arriving in Ontario Mrs Newton will however assist these by providing them with the address in their province to which they must write for the loan application form The student may then bring the application in to the college to have the cost breakdown of the program listed on the form It is then sent back to the appropriate government agency for processing Students can either the application to Sheridan so the cost of the program can be filled out or write to Sheridan from their province for the cost of the program The application can then be processed during the summer months and the student should receive a reply before school starts Its when the application has to be sent back and forth to the province that delays are encountered Quebec is the only exception to the rule The province of Quebec relies on its own student assistance plan and does not participate in this program The maximum Canada student loan for ail provinces other than Quebec is However through the Ontario Student Awards Program the total award is divided into loan and grant portions The total award issued by the government varies according to each students needs parental support and student support All students are expected to make a financial contribution toward their postsecondary education Neither students nor their parents can transfer their financial contribution to the province on the basis of arbitrary decisions on their pari Each assessment is entirely different and it is therefore Impossible to compare one student with another In certain circumstances if a student has a strong case he or she can make an appeal to the government for reevaluation of their award Once the loan goes through the province sends a certificate of eligibility to the students which they must bring to Sheridan for signature Student Awards Of ficer The certificate is then negotiable at any bank For Ontario students at Sheridan the certificates are sent from the ministry directly to the Student Awards Officer and Mrs Newton contacts the student for pick up Independent students or over or married who have worked in Ontario for 12 months prior to Sept 1 may apply through the Ontario Student Awards Program Persons years or age who have worked for consecutive months may apply for the Canada Student Loan Student awards total Student loan plans are not the only source of income for ambitious and starving students Two friends Sheridan College students Carl and Steve Wyatt both of Oakville received each from the Thomson Newspaper chain at Sheridan annual awards night They received the money for excellence in academic work in the first year of their twoyear Community Journalism program at Sheridan They re only two of students who received some cash recognition for their efforts after their first year of work Ninety awards totalling and ranging In value from to were presented to students In nine academic division In order to meet sudden financial crises short term loans are available to students for a maximum of SO days They may be obtained after Nov 1 through student services Sheridan popular Sheridan College has received 3600 program applications as of the end of March compared with the same number received at the first of May last year According to the registrars office theyre still cominginotasteadyrateofSOaday Sheridan expects a total of 5000 applications this year Students seem to be making their decisions earlier this year and sending their applications in sooner than last year Dean John Bromley says Sheridan started processing Feb I and by March 1 many letters of acceptance bad been mailed to applicants Competitive programs such as Early Childhood Education and Travel fin up quickly By applying early students bare the summer to decide on an alternative program if they are not accepted into one of the competitive programs Sheridan expects 300 to students this fall to per cent Increase over last