Madrid tour six bullfights on travellers first day in Spain By Hales Hello again Im back to retell another fascinating episode from Spain or Bust etched forever In the pages our diaries When left you two weeks ago we were boarding our lane the luxurious Iberian 7 our castle In the sky Takeoff time from New York City was approximately at 7 m This made it dark enough to see the thousands of lights flicker below us as we climbed higher Into the air like a reaching finger Good slogan Iberian airlines slogan for their 747 your In the sky was perfectly suited for this mon strous winged giant night After eating a full course meal and watching the movie Cabaret starring Liza Mlnelll there was barely two hours of sleep to be taken in because of the six hour time change With the dawning of the new day the thrill of seeing a sunrise from aloft over 37000 ft altitude was a new experience for many Far below us one see the famed Sierra Nevadas With the announcement that we were to and shortly after local time the fasten your seat belts and do not smoke signs lit up Next thing we knew we were landing on tho Madrid airport runway Gathering our belongings we said Adlos to our flying castle and crew Spanish eyes After customs we boarded our buses and were accompanied by Jose Villa our guide whom we round to bo a pleasing and co operative Spanish gentleman with beautiful Spanish eyes Slower pace Shortly we were on our way As we drove through the city we saw many unique and Interesting things Jose briefed us not to expect things to be the same here as they were at home The first thing he mentioned was the different living style of his people Here the people live at a slower rate than we do But you i 1 suspect rt from a glimpse their driving habits In the afternoon most shops are closed from l 30 to for the Spanish siesta The people too are most friendly the males and I think that we found this out After our briefing on the Spanish customs we were pleased to find out that our Hotel Hotel was situated in the central section of Madrid with shopping areas all around Room with view However before we the bus our were given time to arrange room mate As our keys were handed to us everyone raced to their respective and neighbouring friends rooms out of curiositys sake For those who have travelled to Europe before we found our accommodations to be above average with a shower clean beds telephone service ana for some a balcony with a view of the busy street below During our unpacking we were informed by Jose that a bus tour through the city had been arranged for those who wished to go So wllh gorgeous weather on our side two bus loads of tired but eager students barrelled through the streets of Madrid to take In what this marvellous city had to offer A few of the sites we saw were Madrids university the El Madrids world rcknown art museum Florida Park a huge acre park with a lake for cancers several arch ways and many fountains Anticipation Finally wo arrived back at the hotel exhausted but pleased that we did go During our meal it was announced that we had the opportunity to view a bullfight If we wanted to A real live bullfight everyone thought This would be extremely exciting and very Spanish Little did we know what was In store for us lunch over we proceeded to get ready for an unknown excursion When we arrived at the arena our buses pulled Into a parking lot where wo found a swam of vendors all trying desperately to sell thetrpostcrs to the passing tourists The only way to get the message across was by spelling out loud and clear that you had pesetas The arena the Plaza do do Madrid was basically a round structure with the design the Byzantine period Tho price we paid to get In entitled us to a cushion a program and generally a good view for picture taking if you felt like taking any after what you saw The arena Itself was able to hold thousands of spectators while the bull ring was composed of a sandy dirt floor with six small separate walls built out of the main en- circllngwall These were to serve as protection for tho Picadors Symbolic key The history of the bull fight Is said to bo of colorful notes and emotions which have been skillfully portrayed by the best masters art The or Two burst Into the ring and symbolically ask for the key to open the door from where the will emerge moments In their corresponding divisions After taking the keys the two horsemen dressed completely in black following the undent style of the Alguaclllllos leave in search of the Matadors who ore followed by their corresponding team of and of which parade Into ring Tremble with emotion According to Spanish tradition it Is one of the most exciting moments The bull fighter nervous The grandstands trembling with emotions The pasclUV spills out excitement and gaiety The bull fight consists of three acts testing the bull strength provoking the bull and killing he bull Act one begins when the bull comes Into arena and a Bandcrlllo puts his courage to the test Inciting the bull with the cape This Is the first trick of the bull fight Some probing of the en follows Immediately the Matador to whom the bull cor responds places himself face to face with the animal his legs together or apart according to Ihe style the cape movement and challenges the bull The cloak Is gradually opened out other interpretations according to the manner personality or art of tho person performing it Next Act The next act opened by the and closed by the The picadors are men who are riding horseback and carrying long sticks with iron picks on we end There are two picadors In turn endure the bulls onslaught with their picks when the bull charges the horse These tricks of the picadors in the eyes of a Spaniard are considered beautiful when the bull Is not permitted to reach the horse but such action calls for a strong picador The picks are stuck into the bull neck lust In of Us back In order to lessen tho bull strenglh the horses are not hurt they are protected with breast plates and special mattress in which the bull horns are ensnared without harming the horse Personally his sec of the fight is also most pitiful to sec horse being charged by an hull with needle like horn lips was a horrifying sight even though Spanish people assured us that this aspect of the fight is a necessary part Baiting bull How marvellous Ihe Ban derma Bull and bull fighter have the charm of the world over Thus goes a couplet of Rafael Torres The bullfighter plays with the bull balling II openly challenging it and There remains seemingly nailed to the arena sand holding back Its charge a slight movement breaks the violent charge and wllh his arms raised the drives In the dnrts A sole colossal outburst of ap plause thunders am from the ring aa Act two closes The final Irick the kill Is he final ait This trick Is supposed to be an moment The bullfighter approaching from tiro front of bull has to physically hurl himself onto Ihe bull to drive lie special sword Into the bull s nape Before doing this the matador has carried out the so called displays with Ihe inula or red cloth These may he mode up of straight n a I hand natural passes Natural puss The natural pass is described The bullfighter generally takes the muluto in his loft hand and With his body challenges the bull lo onslaught He embraces It the matador effects another pass ending the scries with he breast pass When the matador sees the animal strength In lessening this Is he moment for final trick Tho man turns sat Ihrough six face to fate to the bull takes aim each having its own peculiarities and drives the sword In right up anil building up a North lo ho hill trying lo ensure that he bull falls immediately so that the a special sword a cross shaped end wont need lo be used At this time of kill the matador must dodge the sharp half moon of the bulls horns American dislike for our bull light But In fairness to Spain rend Death In the or 1 Dress you in Mourning a bullfight yourself Watch for the column on happened in Toledo Spain The Acton Freo Press Wednesday May 1973 SETS OF beads caught the fancy of these two ladies at Saturdays Robert Little school bazaar Lots of interesting articles were on sale as students raised funds for the graduating class trip to Ottawa D Gibbons photo LITTLE students Kim Wood and Norm Thomhill display one of the intriguing articles on sale at Saturday afternoons bazaar which raised money for the graduating class upcoming trip to Ottawa The bazaar was well attended and some goods were almost sold out in the first hour D Gibbons photo Notes from Acton High By Janice Gibson One of the best types of field trips took place this week Yesterday Mr Jim Coring accompanied his grade geography class on a stream analyzing program The students were to take a sec of the creek and determine type of vegetation growth speed of the current and width of their part of the stream This trip Is part of a course studying the earths forces We bad some visitors from Cathedral Boys High School in Hamilton on Tuesday That we are still attracting Interest from other schools snows that the semester program Is steadily gaining favor Seven more weeks The second set of reports for this semester were given out on Monday There are only seven more weeks of school left and the final report cards in June will mark the end of the term Thursday will be a short period day An effective reading workshop Is being held for the teachers In addition to our teachers two or three members from each of Actons feeder elementary schools five from Georgetown S and three or four from Milton will attend FIRST LINE TV SALES SERVICE 5 MILL ST E ANNOUNCES FACTORY AUTHORIZED SALE SAVE on this 17 SUPER CHROMACOLOR NOW ONLY FORMERLY Present Inventory Lasts WELCOME SERVICE If you are new in town or know someone who Is PHONE 8534805 The Exeter D3722W Elegantly styled grained American Walnut color cabinet Slid controls for tint color level and are placed high on th set Top carry handle Zenith High Performance Chassis Super video Range Toner Cabinet siM Why settle for anything loss than SUPER CHFOvlACOUDR THE STANDARD OF PERFORMANCE AND DEPENDABILITY BROKEN LINES OF PLAYTEX 12 PRICE John fashions