jt Bummer we planned to goto Maritime Last winter we planned to to Barbados Two summers ago It was a The plans are great but the performance la nil I m not sure whose fault it is that the never get off the ground I blame my wife She hates getting ready or a trip I sometimes think she deliberately broke her ankle last summer bo she wouldn to get ready She naturally blames me because I don t get everything laid on in time She may have a point I dont like super organization like to just take off and wind up wherever the me with as little baggage as possible She likes to know where shes going to lay her head at night and like to have something decent to wear on every occasion that might present itself That means three suitcases It also poses a big problem for this summer I Just know that when the Queen and Phil hear we re going to be In the K there 11 be an invitation of some sort waiting for at the Dorchester or the Savoy or the Dirty Duck Trouble is what sort of affair will she Invite to If it a lawn party that means for my old lady a Jong summer dress big hat white gloves And for me a lougn decision whether to wear my white sport shirt or my blue one But what if it for dinner at the Palace as It probably will be That s another kettle of fish and chips It would mean a dinner dress and different shoes for the boss I could manage a black tie over my white sport shirt and if it was extra formal Id pin my Canadian Spam medal to my shirt chummy Rather like the Pope trying to draw out the parish priest The Queen How delightful of you and your charming wife to do us the honor of coming to dinner Have you been to England before Mr Wiley Me Yes your Honor uh your Worship Queen I fought for your old man In ihe last war Guess you were Just a kid A kid Really I see Your American la sow refreshing And you were one of those gallant lads from the dominions who fought my father King George the SixthT Me Just a minute Queen That no American accent It Canadian And they told me his name was Mackenzie King not whatever you said Queen How quaint And you were decorated I see That must be a medal for outstanding valour pinned to your uh I say that is a striking shirt The Duke It a ruddy sport shirt Elizabeth They all wear them Me Oh no Queen They gave these out with the rations All you had lo do was be conned Into joining up The Conned Rations Yes of course Now wed like you to have a wonderful time while you re here It lovely this time of year In Scotland Right up at the top As far as you can go Me Matter of fact Queen we thought we d stick around London a while and get better acquainted Maybe me and Phil here could do a couple of pubcrawls while you girls got together and talked about your rotten kids and stuff The Queen Ow Now I mean ow yes That would have been lovely But we must to this summer Frightful bore but there it Is Me Yep you must get sick of having to rtepolftetooralnarypeople Andltsabrute tor heat over there In the summer Especially on the prairies The Queen Quite And now if there any little thing my husband and I could do please don hesitate Me Well lets see You re the Queen of Canada Right Right Well look There a this school board see I a teacher y know If you d just write them a nasty letter Why I got one Grade class with in it Just tell them to lay off per- me Oh yeah And would you call our neighbours the and make sure they re watering our lawn Anyway Buckingham Palace won t be any problem But what are we going to wear when we duck over to Northern Ireland to see Uncle Frank who has asked ua out In his fishing boat 1 think I have my wife In green and wear something in orange At least one of us might survive May is a special month with several worthy causes Besides Police Week and Mental Retardation Week both May to 1 the month is also Red Shield I Month in honor of the Salvation Army campaign first week of the month was Child Safety Week and May is National Hospital Day Editorial Ttio Acton F Press Wednesday May 1973 Mothers Day has long sacred history Trie second Sunday in May is set aside as Mother s Day thanks to the efforts of Anna an American whose enthusiasm for a day to honor mothers was soon accepted across the United States and Canada Much has been written extolling mothers much of it treacly and sentimental designed to bring a tear to the eye and part a dollar from your pocket So it is interest ing to read some of the history of the honor paid to mothers through the centuries and realize it is not a recent emotion but one which has been with us since recorded tune Hie custom goes back at least as far as ancient Greece and Roman Legions brought the heathen ob servance of Hilaris mother of the gods to England Missionaries of the early church capitalized on the pagan festival by substituting Mothering Sunday fixing it for the fourth Sunday Lent It was little known outside of England until the greeting card industry popularized it as Mother s Day Consequently there are dif ferent dates for the celebration on either side of the Atlantic Great Britain celebrated Mother s Day on April l this year This is not the only difference Mothering Sunday also has a theological significance which a sentimental Mother s Day may well miss The ecclesiastical tradition not only venerated motherhood it was customary to go to the cathedral on Mothering Sunday for a commemorative service and then to visit one mother with a symbolic gift Motherhood despite the beating it sometimes takes from those who would have us live in an artificial world is still something sacred and a term anyone can understand Perhaps mothers are more honored among men than among women because it is almost every woman s function while the man can only be a father There is a special day set aside for fathers but it will never replace Mother Day in popularity or feeling We do need a national energy policy In a speech at Bramalea recently former cabinet minister Darcy McKeough made a lot of sense with his call for a realistic national policy on energy Now a parliamentary assistant to Premier William Davis McKeough quieted many fears when he noted that without foreign pressures Canada is endowed with enough energy resources to last for the next 50 or 200 years We have no energy crisis he told a meeting of professional engineers There is an energy crisis in the United States caused mainly by mismanagement but the crisis does not extend to Canada IT could however reach to this country if the federal government does not enunciate a concise policy McKeough said Ontario imports 80 per cent of its energy and is sensitive and vulnerable to decisions concerning energy made in Ottawa and Edmonton Energy and industrial development are primarily under the jurisdiction of the federal government One of the ironic points the former treasurer made in his speech was that the increased well head cost of Alberta natural gas will benefit the United States Of the million to be spent by the Ontario consumers on Alberta MiniComment Old Man Ontario they called Leslie Frost but it was a term of endearment not ridicule His image gave a feeling of stability and deep roots at a time when the province was undergoing rapid growth and change As Premier of the province for 12 years he made a definite imprint on the province of today His death recently at the age of terminated a life that had had a dramatic impact on the province Premier William Davis summed it up I can think of no other man who so perfectly understood the aspirations of Ontario and who so successfully mastered the political processes involved in translating these aspirations into action Some local cyclists persist in riding their twowheelers around after dark without lights And they aren t just children either we ve seen some adults playing this version of bicycle roulette too You won find them walking along the dirty dusty streets of the cities in the current round of fund- raising walkathons you find them walking in the soft forest glades of the rural countrysides and carefully treading the hedge rows alongside lush green fields of farm produce They don walk for money they walk for the love of walking and communing with nature They re not your year somuchper mile walkers who do it for a worthy cause they re every weekend all for-the- loveof it hikers who wouldn trade a hundred dollars for a mile of rustic scenery Who Bruce Trail club members thats who Were government The remaining million will go to the oil per cent of them companies There is no guarantee that the extra profit wdl be used m whole or part for the furtherance of gas and oil exploration in Alberta or Canada The irony of this is that the US is suffering a real energy ensis but consumers in Ontario Quebec Saskatchewan ana Manitoba will pay the higher costs McKeough was quoted as saying Canada now buys back more than 300 million annually in petroleum products made in not attempting to belittle those dedicated who trudge many a weary mile to raise funds for worthwhile causes like and world relief but there s a lot more benefit to be derived from regular walks on the Bruce Trail than on an annual hike along the roadsides Think about it We hope the North Association for the Mentally Retarded is soon able to locate a suitable site for a residence that would be hope to retarded adults employed at the arc workshop Finding the combination of reasonably priced land provinciaUy acceptable standards and willing neighbors has proved a difficult task for the Association officials foreign countnes from oil which came from Canadian soil There s no doubt as the energy crisis in the United States gets worse the price of gas and oil will continue to rise That is why we need a national energy policy to ensure it does not affect our plants who produce things for export It could very well price ports out of foreign markets And of course the energy tax proposed by the Ontario government will seem minute if prices step on the escalator s speech makes sense and might some day provide the warmth we need to tide as over until alternative energy is discovered Back Issues Free Press 20 years ago The appointment of Schmull now the associate general secretary of the in Amsterdam Holland as secretory of Acton for the next year has been announced this week Mr Schmull who will arrive in Acton in Sep tember has had wide experience in work He has been on the games com was president of the Dutch basketball federation and Is active in youth hostel and church work The chairman of the board Dick Bean described his qualifications as excellent Acton competitors at the Play Day at the the A C in tied for second place with points The winning team was from Walkerton One of the contestants Paul Lawson set a record in the high jump Others who competed were Bill Coon second In the half mile race Bob Coon Wayne Richard Mason Janice Baker Anna marie B Anderson D Garner M Jennings J McCrea Oakes J and J Allan A welcome home party was held In Eden Mills hall for Sgt E C Ryder of who returned home a tour of duty In the for east With a newlyoiled street behind It ablaze a K J Beamish oiling truck burst Into a sheet of flame Wednesday afternoon The truck was oiling John St between Bower and Mill The fire truck rounded the comer onto the still and had on the truck soon The driver of the truck and foreman Al had Jumped from the cab but the arms of a young work man on the back were burned Mischievous beaver flooded a section of township roads north west of when they moved from Nassagaweya 50 years ago The nomination meeting of the Peoples Political Party at Milton Saturday afternoon crowded the hall to the doors There was quite a sprinkling of women In the large audience Premier Drury who has been the representative for Halton in the legislature for the past four years was the only candidate nominated Mr Drury said the Shevlin Clarke transaction was a piece of gross inef not lo call It something worse than that He stoutly defended the action the government in the deal He placed great emphasis on the necessity of con prohibition He said he looked back to the time when there were no prohibitory laws when every school section had its undernourished children and Its sadeyed women He said the present law is a huge success It had cut in half crimes formerly connected with drunkenness It had filled the schools it had lessened the amount of poverty it had brought the province through a time of severe depression with not one ngle case of disorder or riot a thing impossible under the conditions of a city population if the liquor traffic were In vogue Winners of the drawing competition at the school are Fred Grace Ella Woods and Bessie Trustees of S S No 8 Nassagaweya authorized the borrowing of to a new In that section The Wellington Junior Farmers debate was won by Percy and David Gray of who defeated Earl House and Russell Hall of Erin Mother s Day will be quite an im event in the churches and Sunday Schools The butcher shops have agreed upon an early closing plan for Monday Wednesday and Thursday evenings and Wednesday afternoons THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Business and Editorial Office years ago It is pretty generally taken as a act that the ratepayers desire that Acton streets should be lighted with electricity Nun hers of merchants and citizens have their willingness to put electric light into their premises provided a satisfactory system Is installed here Consulting electrical engineer J Parke of Toronto spent Friday in town and presented est mates to Council By the estimates it was seen that a plant can be put In and operated on a sound financial oasis with advantages to the municipality and at the same t me secure more superior electric I streets at a cost little or no greater than our present coal oil lamps cost us for I repairs and care The electric lamps proposed have an illuminating power times greater than the oil lamps when they are perfectly cleaned and turned up to full blaze Kit of the Mail and Empire has been despatched to Cuba as a war correspon dent This is the first time a woman has ever been chosen to fill such a post On Monday one of Mr Arch son fine team horses was misbehaving itself when its owner picked up a stick ana hit it on the head The blow was more severe than Intended and touched a vital spot for the horse fell dead at once The animal was worth over The playgrounds at the school were put in good order on Arbor Day A few trees were planted and the schoolroom windows adorned with plants and flowers Ad A lady says Inflammatory rheumatism had reached the muscles of her heart but after botUes of Paine Celery Compound she is completely cured She was rescued from a terrible suffering that was leading to death