OUR READERS WRITE Change in ministry for family at Free Press Wed Jan B3 Supports chief brigade Jeffrey Ave Acton Inn To Acton roc Press Acton Ontario Dear Sir Please find enclosed a cony or the re murks 1 made lo the Council of Ho I ton Hills Monday Jim while count were discuss no and resolving Issue that has developed concerning our biro Chief Mr Mayor and fellow Councillors Many opinions haw been concerning Ihe matter under We had excellent fire protection In the past and convinced every councillor wishes It to continue Too much emphasis been placed on certificates In the field of education I have icon highly qualified people fall miserably in positions of responsibility ihnt required them lo co ordinate and people This leadership quality greiilly increases when you work with volunteers I support a volunteer fire brigade for our town In the past we have hod an excellent fire brigade In Ward 1 under Mr Hoi mi a s leadership and supervision Afler his appointment as Fire by n majority council I have deplored tht actions one councillor to force his resignation respect a right to Initiate change as outlined in our procedural however doubt ability to do so after observing his immaturity and lack of self control believe Mr Holmes deserves public apology Thin appointment was never In my estimation one but rather an appointment of experienced Fire Chief qualified to ordinate a volunteer brigade However to help resolve the situation I am willing to support the amendment to two District fire Chiefs Clean up for centennial year It Acton Dear Sir I have read your paper ever since coming lo Acton 1 ago seems be lost for a good Centennial project Weir J haw an excellent one which won t cost the towns people of Acton anything Just the people involved who are making all Ihe profit and putting out nothing in return Gel the stum landlords of to clear up and repair the down hovels for which they are gouging sleep rents in one Instance three rents for one nol fit for human They are a disgrace lo the town and I personally feel ashamed when I have visitors here who ask Don lcl me they allow people to live in those places Outside and inside ihey are a disgrace lo any community in this day and am What arc the llallon County Health people doing allowing people rent dumps like this No proper plumbing staircases falling away from wolls broken windows have mentioned these places many limes to residents who immediately clam up and like Ihe proverbial ostrich stick their heads in the ground and Just hope ft will go away Ask the people who have come here in recent who these people are and Ihey will boon tell you Ihey have nothing lo be afraid of and related to anyone here whom they micht get into trouble b Mayor said he hopes the town will clean up for 1974 which is mentioning but not detailing what I have written here I am sure now we have Regional Govern that something will be done these places on Acton get after Ihcm and make hem obey the law common decency and take their renls from well maintained and dean premises which will he a credit to this lown and not the disgrace it Is today at start or Centennial Year Concerned Resident Acton firefighters speak out Acton ire b ightcrs Association Acton Ontario January To the Mayor and Council of Hills Gentlemen During the recent control con the Hills bin Chief there have been certain statements made by some members of council lo the press which we as firefighters find most disturbing We feel thai our lews on these matters must he brought to your attention and we trust given due consideration First on the Subject of Chief Holmes We are quite disturbed w the way our Chief has been maligned He applied for the job In good faith it is it pity tins faith was violated The Acton Department has long enjoyed a reputation as an efficient well trained and group of men always willing to perform whatever action is required In firelight ing as well as all other functions of the department Mr Holmes has this Fire Department for the last 13 years we feel our record alone must sny something about the qualifications of the man as a capable and competent leader We feel it Is necessnrv lo carry on with this subject as ill one who tares to take the time can find the statist proof of our record in public Secondly The have always injoved the faith trust and opt ration of the alliens of Acton and now appears from reported statements in the local press that there are members of council who have absolutely no faith In Volunteer F re fighters indeed one member was quoted as saying the lives and property of the community would be endangered with a volunteer as Chief of llalton Hills You can understand It would be im possible Tor us as a F ire Department consisting completely of volunteers to continue without the confidence of all members of council Certainly if the Town Fathers do not have confidence In us how can we expect the citizens to rest easy If these facts are correct regrettably we must ask you to appoint a member or members of council to meet with us so that we may immediately commence to phase out Ihe volunteer service of the Acton tire Department We trust that we will be replaced with more qualified professional men If however these facts have somehow been misconstrued and all members of council do have confidence In the volunteer service we would request that the public be made aware of these feelings we request that a vote of con by all members of council be given as much publicity as the adverse comments have been given trust that this matter will be dealt with at your earliest possible convenience that the situation may be resolved Signed by all members of Acton Association Now on temporary leave of turner from the purl nil Douglas 111 wife Jean ml thrl Christmas letlerroui Inuvik Ills mother Mrs I copy with In teres tut frli nils in Aclon unit district Mr and Mrs Illtlrlch have four ihlldrrn I and lane I I iiox rati Inuvik 1 Xul DID We as will as many nf you who reeeive our annual find that tlnu stems fly by Our yearn in North been filled with activity but it is hard lo that his Is our 1ilh I elk r lo our family and friends For Doug the began wllh a short visit lo Sachs Harbour In mid January below and a brisk wind make one that nil the modern Innovations In tlu North not tin Arctic one little bit We wen saddened in February as llisliup Donald Marsh of the of Tin Arctic dlul following a Occident In Bishop Marsh ordained Dong both anil and we under him fur five years at Froblshcr Hay Doug conducted a memorial vice on librunry 11 HI shop hud lived at Aklavlk for a lime and many people here remember him lie dedicated himself to Ihe work of the In the North for yeirs His example and work are a testimony to his love unit concern for the b skimo arrives On he day Ihe Bishop die we were introduced to television via the satellite not only in with communications when Marsh tame to Hit Arctic In 1026 but also an of development when Doug first travelled him In the North in itiSJ All day television Is some what of a mixed blessing Some can be con fusing or misleading for people with limited and who have little or no experience of life outside the North Tlitre are no northern oriented or produced programs as yet There was some lively community discussion early in the year on the abortion issue with Ihe local clergy nil coming down on the side of the right to life groups have had some very entertainers in Inuvik this year including Anne Murny with John Allan Cameron the Irish Rovers the Vancouver Radio Orchestra and M Hand his way to Region he was able to see a bit of for ihe first lime The meetings of Synod occupied eight diys He found the whole experience of General Synod both valuable and enjoyable This wis his first time as a member of the national decision miking body of the Church the North The Primate North has lollple of report of the Tusk 1 on the North was presented Dona had the iippoduilty to speak Synod and offer of his lews on northern work We an optimistic that many of the miniiatliinsoflhi approved by Synod will aoon implemented and that Increased support for the work will be forth formed on all had meetings Visitors In limuary wt welcomed Dorothy Robinson a longtime r in this area on a visit to the Slit has spent Unit in Israel anil iJgtinil since having in iwH more than years in tilt Arctic I very wi had so many visitors that It Is Im practical to try to name m all nils tint In Imstlng chats with Robin of I louse Inronto I of horse Hubert a from our I days In NDP Hugh I tin Secretary of and the Dutch am is sailor to mi only stum of those who visited Inuvik In 1B7I In Doug at annual Rat Sunday thanksgiving service it On July leaving Keith and lane In cart of Inuvik flew to Vancouver via While it following day took firry lo Victoria and had a weekend Hurt Doug find linn flew San 1 rancisto for a four day sponsor il program at a centre in Oakland We id little inn to absorb the California but did motels swimming pool In tin one day we a ear and saw could of the Sin I Hay area riding the famous cars drivlnt icross the olden Uridyl as well is navigating some of I rlsco steep fulls in experience Dint was By August 1 our family was reunited in and looked back an eventful two weeks Northern nines Doug became very busy with the of the annual Northern dames held foi the first time outside Inuvik from to at hurt Hope It was another weekend but this year a sue gathering of natlvt people from iny parts of the North sharing traditional skills games and In October the Northwest lerntorus held a session in Inuvik It was an opportunity fur us to watch III Hi POLLOCK AND CAMPBELL jli Si Council coverage role for cable T V Dear Sir With Ihe advent of TV and Ihe implementation of regional government 1 think of requirements necessary before a Cable TV company received its licence should be coverage of Council meetings Let us see our elected representatives In action Let us see who stands up for what and why Such coverage could only lead to better government William A Johnson GUARDIAN DRUGS Live below your means BAZ MOTORS LTD ACTON PHARMACY Main St N 8531620 our legislators in action Doug Is taking a temporary leave of from the parish ministry and on ID we welcomed the Rev George Young from Toronto Diocese to take over the regular pariah work Doug still assists at some of the Ices and also expects to be holding communion services In settlements from lime to lime He is now able to give more time to projects Tie was already In volved in Including the Northern dames cultural development program the native friendship centre and alcohol education We hac moved out of thi our home for the past six years Into anew three bedroom mobile home about half a mile away What a job of sorting and packing Wenrcnowsetlledln and adjusting to new experience Doug shares a downtown office After having a study In Ihe for the II years this Is a change fur all of us Sharing Ministry Quoting few lines from Sharing Ministry Resource Kit a Ixxiklct publlslud by Church House may help explain the basic idea behind what Doug is doing It refers lo Jamestown Ministry community action i apartment rcsldcnli Toronto Who would ever have hough we would lie comparing downtown Toronto Traditionally the church has to people and Iheir Individual needs Only rarely docs It to the status quo lo change the structures of society so lint sonic problems are poten Daily eliminated In the St Jamestown Ministry there is an effort lo create new structures perhaps weaken or eliminate others with a view to improving the society live In Certainly the church will continue to help and to care for Individuals One way however of doing that Is to show people how can help themselves Helping fledgling organizations to establish themselves making older organizations aware of new areas for concern and action are ministries lust as appropriate as the traditional MIL TON was to the homo of I red 13 near parly Sunday morning when a hurst into flames Lost in the were a Plymouth a fiJ up truck Milton detachment of thcOPPsay tin fire have started in the block healer Photo by Dills inlstry a pro fee I to In the Christ in ministry of doing those things for Individuals In fuel In many situations today It is the only way of responding to ill needs Suiting other thine meinl the I Ibrnry Hoard lit Is to coordinate he sputa cultural to hi Id In conjunction with the Arctic Winter amis it Alaska in Mirth of I in Dicimlir Doug was up lo 1 art font mil met ting The wttktnil his is bar i written Doug is sessions of Inuvik s first Alcoholics Anonymous roundup has In 1 some Inc sptnk how ihey at tallied sobriety and also regainid their faith in til Abuse alcohol is pre ill In Arctic communities ami it results In degradation and death is gratifying to of progress of a w A group only weeks in another community There are many sharing he Gospel of and pray hat our work is used by God for His purposes Wishing and every blessing for in Call inquest Feb 5 in snowmobile death iKllviIll I inn mi li Dm id of Milton his ordered an first of the year a mi at Kelso on i nun it lift of a Camp- will I lull Iasuta of wis ml Harris of It ft I win n Hi sun on which hey were it I Im lno ilmSkKlub nidi firm wis the the it llns punt it is In man was For only well give you the key tc pur bank a Commerce Key Account this identification card entitles you to cash your personal cheque instantly at any Commerce branch SSSSSS Andteveiyofterbanldngservice new approach personal VOUielikflVtOneed Preferred Incomplete J J loans I A 21 Hour package of personal banking services and can use them at your home branch or in any of ihe more than Canada And more branches than any other bank The whole idea is to make you feci at home no Its simple A Commerce Key eliminates separate service charges and only costs you a flat S2 a month Heres what youll be getting A Commerce Key Account I Custom cheques Overdraft protection ash Dispenser I orders hour deposits 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