lots each twoonii In on the south side of Highway and the I Line was proposed to the administration committee of Hills Monday night The acre was formerly Hie I ox of six and sewn acres i Mr these farms would retimed us part of statu was classified since they loo smalt to tin development grade and was not support full lime farming t Dick enough to support a lit homes pointed out the basic good farm He there would be pretty philosophy of official plan was only a mall area of nod reminded the committee igrlciiltural hunt which would be used by tiny estate type two land as farmland mini farms he and a acre lots without M llrodigan vice president of Woodland Associates planning and engineering consultants said open spice wooded area would lie retained He told tin the pari of the open space art with a watercourse running through It had been ottered to the Credit Valley Conservation Authority but bad refused since bad no adjacent land on the area Ik asked the committee for tin amendment to the plan Mr said mini ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY APRIL 10 197d Twnnty pages ficon cents Ninety ntnlh year No a pur and water piped the dividual homes Mr llrodigan claimed soil tests had proven the land suitable for septic tanks said develop ment mi much of the criteria demanded in Ihe official plan is long as it wasn good productive land It falls within type of suhdlv ismn foreseen in the official plan He pointed out the former I planning hoard hid more thin a dozen such before them at end of year The proposal was turned our to pi inner Mario Vcn and planning ad subcommittee EVERYTHING WAS SET and contractors raring to go for the final plunge into the project of the Acton Lions swimming pool Members of the Halton County Board of Education met with Con Limited representatives on Tuesday along with members of the Lions club to consummate the contract Shivering in the April cold Hills Mayor Tom Hill officially spad the first sod and seen watching proceedings are Duby Pat Jim Evans Halton Board of Education maintenance supeivisor Lions club members Don Gordon and Tom Foun David Katz principal of Acton high school Doug clerk Hills Reg Irish supervisor of design construction for the Board of Education Art Gordon Lions club project chair Donald Snider engineering architect and Gordon Hicks of Con Dign Limited construction Swim pool blitz as first sod dug Roast capital forecast at committee meeting tomans may he mint their new ecu pool steamy lions club members arc exuberant and meeting with officials of County Hoard of I I of I muted the Kitchener tractors hire complete tin jub molly si ded on forenoon We re still shooting for Hills controversial 4 million capital budget forecast took a roasting at the hands of council finance and personnel committee Monday night If regional council had passed the request we could no more finance that than fly said chairman G Pat McKenzie I m criticizing council as well as myself for letting it go without more consideration said what bothered him par tiuilarly was that other area councils spent as much as two days considering their requests while Hills never discussed it intelligently especially at the council level As a result it was left to the region to send it back with cuts of requested We should have submitted our budget to the region agreed Councillor Ernie Sykes and we haven struck it noted the figures sent to the region really only the starting base and not the figures which will be used Council had never really considered cuts but lumped all capital expenditure requests into one forecast and sent away Want change in regulate drat The committee studied the forecast with jaundiced eye agreeing the the region asked to be cut would easily be met The chairman enquired how they arrived at the 000 figure for recreation Lloyd Peterson said it came from the recreation department Once again it is only a starting base said Councillor Sykes a preliminary figure which should be slashed by a million dollars said a slashing exercise was something council must force themselves to go through to unite the municipality instead of on the region to do their work for them said he talked to the mayor who agreed they must have a committee of the whole meeting on the capital forecast He pointed out Councillor Ric Morrow had his ideas on changes in the forecast and had been trying to sell them In opinion it was a matter for the entire council Treasurer Lloyd Peterson pointed out the idea of the capital budget forecast to the region and the Ontario Municipal Board was to get approval tor the provincial allotment He noted the figures sent to the region had been based on resolutions made by council tin Vug opening campaign chairman Art Gordon who relates that wheels are beginning to turn and Acton residents who have not yet subscribed to the pro are moving in and mak requests lo be included Construction is expected to begin within the next two weeks according to Art or don and if the metre pool is completed to plan Acton residents should enjoy hours of 1 swim cording to Principal Knt of the Acton High school district high and schools will turn scheduled and ible of the new resource Hopefully it will rw open every weekend to the public says the principal tremendous mer it in the community project Again the hope from cam pilgn chairman Art Gordon Is tint residents will subscribe get on the job rem to be collect and feels that people contact is the eeting in to ute EVERY TUESDAY afternoon family counsellor Alan Borland takes over the former clerk s quarters in the town offices for appointments Garbage dumped at closed sites tit has Ihe Hills reeomnund d mini lo former Township tn law and lic rising of racing motor vehicles The amend n would allow license to operate tote revoked without a The In law wis parsed In regulate the ope i the Toronto Interniiional ihe fifth I north between and l said he would not with Ihe amendment which would allow revoking a license without giving a reason I question whether it would stand up in court he said However Clerk Doug told the committee the municipality can pas a by law prohibit this of use anvwherc in municipality He said the original law had passed three years agoand operators the drag strip must come back to the municipality year with a new application The reason for the new clause is because of problems encountered last year said Councilor Russell Miller The operators were taken to court last year but it was ruled against because It covered by the by law I in sec it going to court even replied to do is not sue license Miller of the strip agreed to the by law when it They license but don to live under the terms of law Miller lht is the age for cigarettes police hid com plaints of business owners selling cigarettes to minors Police remind and parents that no one is lowed to supply cigarettes to loo said people under 18 years of age oneousty up hack Invest money from taxes Tax money in Hilton Hills docs not sit in the bank waiting to be used It is in vested on a das loan basis collecting interest for tax payers Monday night the finance of council revealed half a million dollars collected from in taxes had been or a day term It does not appear in the books on the assets side of the ledger Councillor rnlc Sykes pointed out that this method of bookkeeping hardly told the true story Treasurer Lloyd Peterson acknowledged It but noted that when hair a million dollars was Invested It was not available for the to use Mr acknowledged the point but the Issue left unsolved i time because of he v nights thought the legal is 16 which them to the law We have a them too K Kit Miller igrec I council had responsibilities to the drag strip but to tile Mill of the He said operators agreed lo the hi law thiv should follow We ire responsible lo them Garbage is still being abandoned at closed dumps Hills works committee both I and Georgetown dumps people ire driving up finding the site closed abandoning their garbage At the new bile in Georgetown garbage is being left after hours at the or over the fence The police will be informed of the problem ind region will be notified Mr pointed out maybe council wis tittle to it sit notices put in piper before the dump closed He suggested go through the garbage finding names s mcetlnc to heir the story it Hydro told their proposed hydro corridors is being held in it the John next Wednesday April guest Is Gordon Hill president of the of Agriculture who will lead i panel discuss whit has become a burning issue in the farmlands which strelch from Milton to the Bruce power station it Doughs Point Hydros image is so bad Minister ipologized for it it the Wellington South Progressive Conservative Association list week Citizens from North Welling ton ire involved in the meeting next Wednesday where questions irt going to be asked about whether those hive ever been asked ifthi power is for Toronto the ince or just for the United Mites This area his been iffeeled by releise of the Commission report which recommends i foot of towers five marching through the centre of Hills into township through the middle of I- Concession Residents hope to band up with disaffected farmers done the proposed route from to Georgetown which proposes to cut the scirpment it IJmehouse Some residents of this area believe Hydro could use two or three more feasible alter Hives for their lines which would be leas destructive environmentally and affect fewer people Mr admitted in Hydros methods in the past id got them into much trouble of the to Georgetown corridor has not been set according to but residents of the area believe decision about a I imchouse crossing of the makes further public meetings with Hydro pointless Instead Ihey intend to present a united front with disaffected people along the route which would show Hydro were not going to bo browbeaten The meeting at next Wednesday is open to all interested Theme is hydro or people energy ind we licet Half of fence cost approved Firemen hose gas tank leak Members of the Acton fire brigade were called out on Monday night it when ilerted by a Constable Nick I- anon that a gas tank on a located on the corner of John and Mill Streets was leaking Firemen were instructed by Fire Chief Mick Holmes to take out the fire truck ind hose down the road No identification was made as to ownership of the vehicle discussing policy principles Hilton Hills works committee agreed lo recommend to council that up per subsidy be paid of the cost of a four foot chain link fence it the rear of the Knechtet property in Acton Meidows abutting town land on Mill St Mrs J It Knechtel had written council They intend pulling up a fence to prevent school children cutting through their property She menu red about cost sharing Chairman Coxe felt the town was obliged to pay half the cost councillor Hyde disagreed Mr Hyde also thought neigh boring property owners should be contacted first Usual procedure Is to give half the price of the standard chain link fence with the landowners in fact erecting whatever type or fence they wish Councillor Hurst recalled the of the strip of land ilongside Mill which had been intended for homes until neighbors objected He thought perhaps homes would be on improvement now and neighbors might no longer object Engineer Peter Morns reported a couple of loads have been put in the cavein of the driveway at the home on in Acton However Union Gas SMILES AND tears at Acton Figure Skating Club Lisa Kuuter as a green pea from the gar carnival Saturday and mostly all smiles Left to persuade little cow Christine Couture Sng ffwlfi Easter eggs Sharon Campbell and Julie Townsley Story and more pictures the second pay the cost wait their turn to pop out of Easter baskets Right today Free Press en tries to cry of