Lose four The Acton Freo Press Wed Way 1974 Opposition rocks Sox Sox rtcord stands at our losses In four Homes after a week of piny in the Intercity In a home Tuesdn night Ingram nipped the Sox John pit died to the fifth Inning inn up pair of hits mil two walks Wort tie Mat cot led in for up only hit and struck out Im1 lers Sox to Thursday night came with t loss Rock wood pitcher John Thatcher up four hits four In one and two thirds innings Relief Hob struck out six Waterloo lntttrs only hit mined Norm dipped out Iwo of s hits pitcher Niels bitters Din ninth Inning tit night in Pee wees win pair INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE HONORS went to top goalie Jim Brown of Vans Welding left and leading scoring and league MVP John Kavanagh of the championship Blow Press team centre The pair are receiving con gratulations from league president Bill Coon Presentations were made at a dance at the Music Centre Friday night The bowling champs 11 v John Tor lies Acton Wets won two games this wick losing the opener Both awny tames Burlington i J 1 set back then slung Brampton 1 Saturdiy morning Minor up with two wins in the first two ganus of the season with I 1 counted all hots while Hick tumid In good for Alton wen A In tin Inguc oiwncr Robin Inscoc stored the Acton goal but thi came back In the bottom of in to take win Sox pitcher lowed six hits but struck out and Harry Barber shared four of ilx hits pitcher Jake New finned Hack home against tht CHYMs fought back in the Into innings to load the bases with a score A Waterloo double ploy snuffed out thL box rilly loss Salmon tin loss with Waterloo splitting the pitch ini between John Doug and Gerry I to poem ft Waterloo scored runs with hits and two box walked four timis and placed six lilts including an ilghth Inning triple Sox tonight in Stmt ford I in and wilt host Stratford Sunday MAKING THE PUT OUT Waterloo CII first baseman readies for the infield throw and stomps the bag as the Rock wood Red Sox runner ap proaches Sox lost the Sunday night match finishing the ninth inning with bases loaded Nine homers still lose and unders hit nine homcruns late in the game but still lost 1511 Thursday was the losing pitcher SORRY If we missed you at home last weak when we canvassed ACTON Ys MEN still need your donations to make our AUCTION SALE a success If you have furniture tools old china glass old books toys appliances antiques good used rummage or Items you cant use anymore well pick It up Call 8530926 8531202 anytimef or 8531530 days only Proceeds to Support Your YMC A Rally Sport QUEEN ST BRAMPTON Under Dixie Cup Towr 4591322