The Acton Free Press Wed June Trustees seeking justification for use of controversial books PERKY BONNETS ARE being made at the high school for the Centennial Days program Teresa Steel operates the sewing machine and the girls giving lots of good old fashioned advice about the fabric are Jane Williamson Schmidt Susan Ancker Helene Gunther Sandy Ross and Colleen Houston The bonnets will be worn by store clerks marking Actons centennial on the July I weekend Discouraged group waits call board of Education trustees Thursday refused to give their stamp approval to a lis or thousands of books planned to be used in lion with courses In trustees objected to a number of books referring to them Iripc trash and having no educational value The 107 page list was tabled until the next board meeting In the Interim trustees will attempt to allow the ten or principals to justify the use of the books Superintendent of Program John explained that any books that could be con sldered controversial had to be justified In writing by the teacher According to the principal must be pre pared to defend the decision If he accepts the teacher commendation He noted Ihcro was a series of checks and balances in the system He said any parent hud the right to ask that his or her child study an book According to no novel Is mandatory strenuously against censorship noting remove any given book from the student program Ihey do not and should not control other children read or study Watson Atton area trustee Tom Watson said he was disturbed with the list and claimed he board should have something better to spend the money on This stuff is available In paperbacks at the drug store That fine kids can take it home and rend it No one tan tell me that it Is good litem lure and be in the schools he charged Watson said It I a matter of but common sense in Tin was of hi books with which lit dissatisfaction Trustee Hill llunl value was inherent wilh eluding with tin Stouis ricdanci learwatir anil books of tint drought ng Hill Venus said be wondend the sun when his son ye that very books home Venus that at it point his sin did not rending it all Now the boy lias re Venus noted he was very pleased with the material his son was nailing now I not sun how hut Ins brought him along Trustee llitkf on the board to keep rush on I and Ik in thing by Trustee r to define trash an I good books Good in Him ply said It was an easy the board pray tell what wil happen trustee ferny ooel year asked What do explain the result could be sterile Fngllsh course I not sure what we it do for course if the list Is not passed Vice in Judy Alex r said trustees shotilein discussing books but tin process the mi ellng She claimed the mi i nanism there and Hun was a system whereby in or trustee criticism could be Watson objected to having to lo the il r and pn sent resolutions bonks removed from the list He claimed hi would be named and nub lldhed In the press and tint would a lo buy that particular book Hoard Hill Priestner ill not on thi provirtei illy authorize el list bad I e is by the board In re a form I Assault A 14 year old Ion inn girl dan iss mil while she walked along thi I Inl f mil Mill Police an investigating the e il hail not seen list in because I ted list in ether linleh admit Dirk Helen Tom Wilson ml Hill I verc those trie ties xprcssing sitisf ittlon wild thi list as declare ith Fewer fires Mick At cording to ripe girl as walking on when a man elrlving compact car pe I an grabbed her by the him in call pohn THE ACTON FREE PRESS Author I ed i Acton recretllon advisory committee waited In vain Thursday night for recreation director Doug and finally left for home aged Their May meeting had been called off due to Mr Col being ill that dny had not been recalled Mr Coll i son had advised arena manager Harold Town by phone he would be late he had to attend an peeled council meeting What the use was the feeling Not even a quorum hid ar rived for the meeting were Malcolm Brendan a d manager Missing wire Lou Weiod Barry lnseoe and Peter Papillon Tour eliseusslon The meet was to have begun a lour of the parks and schools for members to sec the work lo be done Also on the was the budget discussion on community use of schools of fall planned meeting with ward three and four on June of relation ship with community groups Mr oil i son later ex frustration He had to go to council but rived it Alton arena shortly alter when everyone had left He is arranging an ihte meeting dale set for the second Thursday it tin committees first mt cling in April Separate billing to continue for Acton Itepresentativch of the Hal ton were on hand at last Thursday Acton Hydro ommission meeting to cuss the possibility of com billing of iter and rira is opposed to individual billing from two of Chairman McFachcm explained that the present machine could not handle the task and to have it converted costly pointed out chit the present method of Actons hydro bills with separate lings and combined mailing his been working well for many vears Tt working well now change if he After discussion spokes man for the region Don Far said It sounds to me as if it be implemented at this time Motions passed All members of the Acton commission weir in attend at the June meeting including chairman achern secretary Audrey On die Brown Ted Tyler Us Boh and Doug Motions wire passed THAT items be purchased for giveaways at the Acton THAT letter be sent to Ontario Hydro requesting for higher m dro for the town of Acton THAT mileage rates for on Acton Hydro be increased to 17c per mile a oil be passed Also discussed the pur chase of the bucket truck presently housed in the hydro Commission mem reviewed costs and the vehicle but no decision as to its purchase A soltd investment in your future HOMES DISPLAY COURT i CENTENNIAL DAYS SIDEWALK SALE 20 OFF ALL MERCHANDISE FOR SENIOR CITIZENS JUNE 21 JULY 2 Leather thongs Water Buffalo Sandals White Dress Shoes and White Sandals GREATLY REDUCED Childrens ABC Runners PLUS MANY MORE IN STORE BARGAINS liftman Shoes formerly Bensons Shoos MILL ST E ACTON 8530360