t il I turn 1 MARZO GLOVE CO in inuf it turns of Fine Quality Leather Gloves Mitts CONGRATULATIONS to ACTON on 100th BIRTHDAY We are Nappy have been associated with Acton in business since 1954 i ihitK CHILDRENS GABARDINE incl LEATHER SKI MITTS and GLOVES MENS WORK GLOVES and MITTS in by MARZO BROTHERS ACTON ONTARIO CANADA LIMITED In Acton Since 1961 Congratulates Acton on its 100th Birthday WERE HAPPY TO HAVE ESTABLISHED HERE CANADIAN FACTORIES ORGAN COMPANY LIMITED 100 FREDERICK ST ACTON 8531510 makers of CUSTOM BUILT PIPE ORGANS EXTENDS ITS CONGRATULATIONS ACTON on 1S BIRTHDAY LIMITED and still growing Congratulates Acton on its 100th Birthday We are proud have played a part in the growth of Acton since locating here in CniMRDPI LIMITED