The A Free Press Wed August Why no water in cemetery Lack of in Acton cemetery brought a question at Hal ton Kills works com millet meeting Monday from councillor Joe Hurst There have been com taints there is no water for ending lo flowers there with sting taps not operating He suggested a line should be laid to just inside he ft nee so at least one tap be available Superintendent Frank Morette explained some of the plastic line used to the taps was leaking badly and had been dug up Tour times already his summer for repairs Also laps had been deliberately broken off and water left running the water sources in the cemetery He agreed one tap should be available Feature on radial A special feature In this weeks Free Press on the Rndlal Railway pears in the Ileal section Obituary Mrs John Allen death unexpected Why rent washrooms ANONYMOUS SCULPTURE dedicated to Acton OPP was planted on the post office lawn some time during the night Monday The weighty work of art a piece of cement with an imbedded beer bottle and the inscription RIP Acton It was removed to the police office A shock to fornllj and friends was the sudden death Wednesday August of Mary Heller Allen Mr and Mrs John Allen had lived at Acton before moving not long ago Funeral service was held at the Shoemaker funeral home Thursday August conducted by the Rev Nil son Interment was in Fairview cemetery 1 1 bearers were nephews Ron Heller and Fred of Acton Mrs Allen was born in Czechoslovakia and came to Canada from in 1948 She is survived by her husband and sisters In law Mrs Frank Heller and Mrs Charles Heller In Acton Committee goes touring Members of the Regional Public Works Committee will tour sanitary landfill sites pollution control plants and systems as well as examining road projects currently underway in North today Committee ihnlrmnn lack said the tour was designed to help memoirs of the committee understand the various systems better Hills finance committee wants the Recreation Deportment to tell them the Town In renting four Johnny on portable washrooms rhcy hope to a by lime they holt their next meeting Tin four portable washrooms are being rented at So month inch and are being used at the park and park Wo out if then are washrooms already there and If why are we renting more Councillor Milter Hi wonders iflt Is a case of the permanent type washrooms there not rly mnlntnimd and nemo the need fir RENT A CASCADE HOT WATER HEATER IiIU III hum in ski I four riiiRtlons am riling SI I An I nu an loglw I firm in ss I l tii for I Itnihin tit tin to In rt iti rgius and lo nil I loo I tills On PICK YOUR OWN CORN PER DOZEN 1st Cone of Enn 2nd Farm North of Sideroad Phone 855 JOHNSHARPLES General Carpentry Rooms Cupboards Free Estimate