No easy solution in Cyprus NEWEST SECTION of houses in Kingham Hill agreement with Halton Hills council to Improve the subdivision is shown in this aerial photograph taken grades Mill St W cuts from the centre bottom of the August 15 The clump of trees at centre left Is in the picture up to the top right Cobblehill in the fe edges haw been pared the developer middle Boom You can hear Acton grow Perhaps sounded a hit grumpy last week because this has been of those summers when chop fccN that he done thing anything or boon where And 11 has Hut Hurt Is not to it has been without Interest and incident week I whined about our scanty social life funeral one wedding However we hod Home very In lerostlng visitors Almost every day rooters painters columnist a student syndicate a physiotherapist most interesting of nil my And I reckon I learned a wee bit about human tmture in the process Perhaps lhat s what It about I like nature as well as tile next man but am fascinated human nature Physical is interesting and fairly predictable You plant a seed properly nurture it give It plenty of fertilizer the right amount of sun ana water pluck out the weeds around it and you wind up with a dandy cucumber or turnip or whatever you planted But you can t do that with humans though you try Maybe we give them too much fertilizer or don pluck the weeds We plant what we think is going to be a rose and it turns out to be cabbage Or vice versa Any parent knows this By the way don I get excited or This is not tract on Freudian soxuo symbolism It is merely a middleaged man trying to express his astonishment at the variegation of the human species Once again drift into one of those remote channels that end tip in a swamp not stick to the main stream Back to visitors There arc two Bill Smiley Those in the latter category came when we were out doing something exotic like shopping Or night when wo were cringing In the TV room lights out doors locked phone off the hook arguing about whether we d the John IWO western or the Audrey Hepburn 1953 dnzzler Among these were two people who left notes One was Doris Humphries a lively columnist In the Renfrew Mercury Darn you Smiley I came all the way from Renfrew Sorry Dons I II buy you a dinner next time I read your column every week In one of Canada a best weeklies And remind your boss that he still awes me dinner He was a terrified infantryman when I was a terrified Typhoon pilot Another note was from a student Sharp mind headed for university and law Beware you lawyers of five years from now Don fool with this young punk woman person She II murder you Typically with the deep respect my students have for me her note began Hi Smiley I came and vou even have the decency to be at home A few of the visitor outfit us home One Bill Crate of Argylc Syndicate who has more to do with getting out this 20 years ago Taken from the the Free of September 19M Following a train crash at a Corwhln le vel crossing Monday night Mrs Jessie of 1 Moffat was rushed to Guclph General hospital In serious tlon The car in which she was riding was struck passenger train stalled on the tracks at Mof fat when the train hit it Mr made a frantic effort to push the car from the tacks but was unable to do so The engine which smashed the car had t be pulled back before Mrs DeGroot could be removed from the car The gas electric engine was not damaged while the car suffered damage Ontario Provincial Police from the Guclph detachment investigated The engagement is announced of Mar caret Blow daughter of Mrs Blow and the late Mr Fred Blow to Mr James Wood Acton The marriage to take place in Knox Church October at clock The sidewalk on Mill St in front of Man Electrics new store and Ihe Free Press Is being smashed this week New sidewalk will be laid Actons new policeman replacing Const Is Const Harness who is transferred here from the detach ment of the provincial police He started his duties here on September I 50 years ago Taken from the of the Free Pre of September J It was certainly very reassuring to see the tannery team engaged the day otter the big fire In conveying shipments of Messrs Beardmore ft Co superior manufacture of sole leatherto the railway stations as us ual Business as Usual la the favorite motto of this enterprising firm On both Friday and Saturday the fire alarm called out the brigade Fortunately both fires proved Incipient One at the home of A Mcmullen Maui caught from the kitchen stove pipe and got between the walls of a partition With prompt and well directed efforts bucket brigade the lames Saturday about 30 flames were seen through an up stairs window of the house occupied by Mrs Church Street The alarm was en and In a few minutes the fire was Its origin was rather mysterious A box of matches was on top of suitcase and in some way these ignited Mrs went to the north west a couple of weeks ago and the two sons or the home were downstairs and knew nothing of the fire til neighbors rushed In Mr and Mrs H S Holmes returned on Tuesday evening from a pleasant visit with friends at Flint and De troit 75 years ago Taken from Issue or the Free Press of August 31 During the past four years Miss Ida Patterson has occupied with much accept the position of teacher of the Thud Department of Acton Public School The tendering of her resignation last week is sincerely regretted by the Public School Board and will also be by the parents of the scholars The action was taken Miss Patterson because she was given a place on thestarfafihcGuclphPublicSchooT where she will be able to reside at home Not wish ing to stand in the way of her preferment and improved position the Board has released Miss Patterson from her engagement here During her stay in Acton Miss Patterson not only has been a success ful teacher but has made herself useful as a worker in Knox Church and endeared her self to a wide circle of friends A peculiar coincidence is the fact that she leaves Acton Public school where Mr Thomas Moore was her Principal and goes to St George s School Guclph where son Mr James Moore is the Principal Chas son Of Dr was down town for the first time this morning after being laid up for two weeks as a result of having tils knee cap injured in a blcvclc accident He still has to walk with the aid of a cane ARE WELCOME on topics at general interest Please keep tbem abort and be sure to ign your name Pen names are acceptable for publication but re not recent mended I column than anyone except me Our previous acquaintance had on the phone I expected smart alec young punk of about twenty six with the big sideburns the pants and the hearty manner I was shattered He and his wife Betty arrived for that notorious ap petizer They have on eighteen old daughter sweet sli little son He demolished me at two games of and played air piano So much for eenn Some of the others who taught us in were the painters and the roofers When re up at crack of dawn ready for any questions show up When we were up at the crack or noon not expecting them the were buzzing the doorbell at llkehornets I report not happily but just as on observer that they were all stung severely by a number of hornets in our roof and environs Then there was the Scotsman He Is a physiotherapist Boy that a hard word to spell He wanted work after hours so he could buy a house I was rather Intrigued by the idea that a young man actually wanted to work And then there was my bad back which comes in handy very often He an excellent gardener and our place looks better than It has in a decade But there I run out or space and I haven even told you of the party in our backyard for retarded adults of the of my He has just arrived again and I hear him shouting downstairs for Bill or somebody who un lhat when he asleep he Is pure angel and when awake pure devil Editorial notes For the third time this year Acton and district will be enumerated Why Because the provincial government has decided alt municipalities should be enumerated at the same time from Sept 3 to 30 Its because most municipalities will have elections on Monday Dec 2 Here there s no election because of the onset of regional government less than a year ago with two year terms But we get enumerated anyway There are other purposes too says the official literature- division of school taxes jurors lists population count But we were already counted In June for the federal election and in September for our own election Well that s how the money THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Business and Editorial Office By Jim Pill It now three years I stayed In the Palace hotel and walked the dividing line between the Turkish and on that troubled Island of Cyprus The renewed fighting brought about by the coup In the last week has Into Ihe streets and areas that became familiar in a brier foray through the streets of Nicosia up the soaring tains and briefly into the streets of the pleasant ports of Kyrenia and In an Interview at time with bishop In the recently shelled Palace ho prophetically foresaw no quick solution to the difficulties that divided the historic Island Then It wait Turkish and Greek that were pitted against each other In today It Is within the Greek community the trouble has erupted Turkey has apparently Invaded Island to establish some protection for minority Turkish dement of the population outnumbered four In one The Iedra Palace a classic of hotel with luxurious setting looked out on the sand bagged Installations of Ihe Greek and Turk sides Across the road a out building decoying gradually told of island fighting which was followed by United Nations peace that has been main until recently by the Canadian and other forces the desire of the Greek to unite with mainland Greece has been a festering the Island It is this that the minority Turkish Cyprlots fLar Mnkarios has soft peddled the objective which was his as well as that of the time they assumed control told us It was national aspiration but I be proceeded with on wishful thinking obviously took a harder line that r suited in him going underground and fighting a guerilla war against the Makarlos leader ship It is this problem thai has pitted the Greeks against Greeks In the Islands current problems jinn will no doubt Ik repnsenled by their rotten on the My visit I hero me with the of r and off let It nil the peace in the tJiplial iA They respected by rs in their approach to a dlffiiuli probkm wire virtually In flit middle took them down narrow with lite wind bugged Inula In I ions of turtle Just yards away on It her I mm the fifth floor of the Ixdru on ball ony they major tnlry into iht and Ok posing Creek ami merit Mil tin sprawling partly walled city manned lookout ttenlry positions Uneasy In of la ml It in beautiful Island that lint many Invasions it bear tic mark In a lour of town of wan nothing but I led and dew homes was hen the II7 unhung began and I visited Iht blood rooms ft iA it u Ihe bullet I I it tM tut that led uimiiiui US peace Sou- ui in timid iff of the J it in the mi In i nfll yellow i one and vut j on the twit flock like I J w wunity and ln I were In It at winning Ii tven the jliutuji ism eucalyptus could alia Hit ivy mm and Html or Deserted Ormophlta after fighting In conflict 4 The Acton Free Press Wed Septe 1974 Library board complaints valid Members of the Halton Hills Public Library Board have valid complaints in their submission to town council this week regarding operation of libraries at Acton Georgetown and Stewarttown In a submission to council they point out they have received no financial statement since they started operating and thus have no idea how much money is still available in the budget The petty cash fund at the Acton library has been in such a state the Acton librarian had to pay out of her own pocket to meet commitments which was later reimbursed Maintenance at the libraries has become a problem since the Works Department of Halton Hills has not been instructed regarding duties and around library property In addition directives are given to librarians by various department heads which board members find are often contradictory The board also feels they should have the right to spend finances within the budget as they decide but without the proper information they feel they have been operating a state of limbo Much of this confusion could have been avoided Halton Hills allowed the Library Board to operate on its own within the budget prescribed The board is still an autonomous body controlled What others say Paternity leave Thats right paternity leave The idea was introduced at an Ontario Teachers Federation board of governors meeting a few years ago Mostly it received a big laugh and was dismissed as a false labor pain due to a heavy lunch But what have we here A recent contract settlement in Chicago includes a paternity leave provision Although it is somewhat discriminatory it provides male teachers up to five months of un paid leave with full job protection Females receive the same five month guarantee but are allowed a total of four years leave The shame of it all Hang on Moms and Dads there s more to this tale Arlington Virginia grants parental leave rather than maternity or paternity leave They seem to know something the others don dan t the only activity based on by the Public Libraries Act as they point out Council should feel no qualms about letting them have their head No doubt much of the confusion regarding their role has been due at least in part to the organization process in the new town and the board has done the right thing in approaching council for some clarification of their role However council would be realistic if they gave the board full autonomy as outlined by the Public Libraries Act and keep their fingers out of the library pie except when necessary Under the present system mem bers of the board feel almost un necessary and certainly powerless partners and not singles Males and females alike in Arlington are entitled to parental leave for the remainder of the school year which a baby is born or adopted Requests for extensions for another school year can be made Leave we say more Reprinted from Ont Public School Men Teachers Federation news bulletin SWIMMING AREA at the park is almost deserted as hundreds of children returned to school in town and district this morning Wednesday The summer playground and swimming programs were con successful operated for the first time under the recreation department of Halton Hills As usual many town picnickers enjoyed the fine park facilities here