The Acton Sapt RETIRING PASTOR of St J J Glllon his thanks to at a reception the church Sunday made a presentation and rcviewod Father contributions to the church during hta two years hore The Clergy speak out ftvltrv lflimrrt Mast us have grown up hearing some version or other of the old saying the lire greener on side Ihe fen How many children have heard this ram some chiding them for the were they Yet overlook our version of greener pas lures thinking Anil one iireu of life we do Induce t times In this sort thlnkltiR Is In In hour- mm Re men relnt Inns managers life on union side looks just great They see unions striv ing to obtain nut In protect Joh securities for their mem dors who don fair days work Unions for and Ret progressively dot tor wages Increased pensions more holidays more extensive health core coverage Compared to thli man ager feel no one else will protect his needs interests Ills pay unit benefits lire subject to the whims his superiors and lie can easily he fired on the spur of the moment with out cause and without re course to any assistance In decision numbers of managers feel forced onto the defensive In face of union pressures- looks In them as If unions Ret all of the attention and sym pathy from the media governments and the general nubile As proof of the favour itism which they feel that ions enjoy managers point to what they see as union power both In law and In daytoday real- It Union pastures can look very Indeed Hut from the union side it appears thnt are the fort men women In Industry Unionists point to the pay and better pensions which a number of management cap enjoy For most workers there Is strong feeling that a has some say a for one than any worker or union- In Ills own destiny within the company and In deed In the destiny and direction of the workplace It self personnel appear to jobs which are more secure In face of In- changes dictated by Hie Increased use of techno logical knowhow In both the plant the office The labour movement feels workers gel till the blame and companies get all the sympathy whenever the news media focuses public government attention on un ion mnnnRemenl negotiat ions particularly In strike situations For unions the proof of their position of gen era disfavour Is the periodic discussions of banning strikes imposing compulsory arbitration tor contract selllements Managers scorn to have nil the good grass To an outside observer the feellnRs catalogued In the previous has some bash In fact Hut neither side has all of the facts- an obvious outcome of the adversary stylo used in labour- management relut Inns Its very easy appre ciate the benefits the other Hide holds Bui when there are no shop stewards sitting In circles and no general in imagers par in labour councils it is difficult to appreciate the problems the opposition Each side lias less than pasture of plenty to live In When a person Is caught up in his own situation he or she often sees only his own pro and only the Its of someone else position Un der this pair a persons to function effectively Hut the blockages to effectiveness can be even greater for Indi viduals Involved In an silver sary system of relationships It Is understanding not con agreement which is the to Intergroup pro What would be the ef fects on relations if and workers what it feels like to do the others jobs Perhaps the Rain would be a more human and more humane of the other side gain which both sides al ways longed to achieve from the other Thieves make off with hotel linen thieves Invaded I Intel on Main St through the nip In of Sep tember to the early hours of September 11 when robbers made off with a large quantity of linen The thieves have enough the stuff to open a small hut not before do load of Twcntj- sheets pillow cases lurklsh towels and eight hand towels all dirty were removed from their respective laundry baskets Hie same amount each item was taken from the stock of clean linen The matter is under ostlgalion by Ihe Acton Police Police busy Police were busy this past week with several incidents involving the inlokc of liquor lis results There were three liquor seizures two people drunk in public place one impaired driver and one drinking when on the interdicted list Three minors were also found con suming liquor under the legal age NOTICE ROAD CLOSURES Effective SEPTEMBER 24th to SEPTEMBER 28th Inclusive During International Plowing Match LINE from SOUTH of 10th Side Road to 15th Side Road LINE from 5th Side Road to 10th Side Road Be it known that the council of the Town of Halton Hills by bylaw order these road closures from 800 am to 600 pm on the above dates MAYOR Town of Halton Hills Presentation Sunday to Father JJ Gillen GUARDIAN DRUGS A reception and presen tation took Sunday morning lifter oclock Mass St Josephs church since the J J alien is retiring and moving to A crowd of parishioners listened and applauded as paid tribute to for his leadership in redecorating of the church by member of the and Improvements In body church dm his wo year slay hero has shared only our joys ami sue cusses hut also our anil losses Wo as parishioners appreciate his fiillhftilnoNN very much Mr said llnilrin piesented him with a purse on the of the congregation Fathei here In September long tenure of die Rev V I Morgan here he was In Illnni The Catholic Womens League catered fur lunch In the church hull following Among those the leceptlon were 1 reelor at Father Lloyd Church Ijirty Father UUviii slslei lvalue with Touches white on roof lops Tuesday morning first frost Monday and Sister Joyce of Si Catharines The Itev Smye Si chinch Hamilton replaces IH inliodiKfsl Iliigei e who K Al their first of Tuesday lust week mcmlicis of the IWI gave farewell gill ill ten Irislileut Iliuline ior ikin made ltit in of fin BINGO TONIGHT 800 pm at NEW LEGION HALL ACTON Mill St 14- Regular Games Special Games 1 Jackpot in Nos Bus will pick up Town People al Beckers Canadian Tire and Acton Pharmacy Pick up starts at pm ACTON PHARMACY Main St N ACTON