Animal care graduate referees rhinoelephant duels The elephants drank defiantly at the against the lashing autumn wind In the distance a herd of white rhinos foraged through tufts of grass and dwarfed scrub always conscious of the human Very few visitors realize that the animals on this reserve ore not tame noted an em of the African Lion Safari and Game Farm Ltd In graduated last spring from the oneyear Ani mal Care program at he Brampton Campus of Sheri dan College and began working at the African Lion Sa fari in midJune The rhinos in particular arc easily provoked said Gord We have posted notices all over the park alerting visitors to the fact that moat of these animals ore neither domesticated nor even trained works in the elephant zebra rhino eland and ostrich reserve which is one of six sections In the park Each section has a gravel thoroughfare for motorists who can observe the wildlife from the com fort and safety of their own vehicle When I first started working here In the peak of the tourist season I was assigned to the North Amen can reserve Gord says I spent most of my day in one of the zebra striped park vehicles attempting to enforce park rules This mainly involved keeping the traffic moving through the park and preventing people from getting out of their cars to photograph and feed the animals Many visitors come here with the preconceived notion that this 13 simply another zoo Whereas it is customary to feed and expect limited contact with some zoo animals these practices are strictly forbid den here All of our game have been from one natural habitat to another Their instincts are in tact and they can be Intimidated easily says I saw an opportunity to transfer to this section which entailed more direct contact with the animals I think this Is where much of my training at Sheridan has proven to be beneficial At Sheridan we were instructed in basic biology physiology and pathology it pertains to animals This knowledge is fundamental to working with any animal whether they are domesticated live stock or wildlife Since elephants and rhinos are accustomed to for aging an average of 16 hours a day Gord must spend several hours each day observing and training the ele phants in basic obedience out in the eld regardless of the weather He is constantly preventing clashes between the overly curious elephants and he hot tempered rhinos While being interviewed at the park Gord had to break up a duel between one of the young ele phants and the dominant male rhino who was acting Instinctively when he felt the females were being threatened When I m not observing the animals and keeping them from grouping in one spot I am expected to clean their night barn mend fences which are constantly punctured by the rhinos spotting and treating cuts and bruises in the skin of animals preventing elephants from trampling young trees and shrubs ana preparing shelters for winter said The animals arc acclimatized without any culty providing they are introduced to he compound in late spring so that they have summer and fall to adapt to gradual colder temperatures Shelters are provided for sick animals or exceptionally inclement winter conditions added Gord Despite he satisfaction derived from his work Gord real Interest exists in ornithology There are only a few strictly ornithological compounds In North America which could defer my entering he field for quite some lime In the one year Animal Care program attend In a portable located at the back of the campus to Injured household pet brought to the centre from Church the community The animal centre to currently housed Its a whole new game for Business and Secretarial division The area of Business and Secretarial Studies at the Brampton Campus has been expanded to include more Director Tony Holland sees program grouping programs under one division Under the guidance of Tony Holland director of the new Applied Arts Business and Secretarial Divi sion the Hotel and Restaurant Administration Garden Centre Merchandising Retail Management Arts and Travel Counsellor have been added to the regular pro gram offerings in Business and Secretarial Studies Within the Business Administration program Hol land eventually hopes to include a major in Hotel and Restaurant Administration whereby students would choose finance and marketing courses to supplement regular core business subjects He Is also looking at the possibility of Including an antique management option and a bookstore manage ment option In Ihe twoyear Retail Management Arts program at Brampton In future In he Business Administration program will be able to take the full three years at the Brampton Campus Previously the final year had to be taken at the Campus Secretarial Studies remains the same with the following programs a table oneyear Intensive Secretarial twoyear Executive MedlcaL Legal Secretarial and Word Processing Consideration is also being given to implementing bilingual courses in he division programs both and secretarial For further information write or call Tony Holland at the Brampton Campus of Sheridan College Church St Brampton at Students in tint and second year of Hotel and Rest aurant Administration program receive valuable practical training In The Room the on campus restaurant Here they are responsible tor menu selection purchasing food preparation service and bar management Now part of the business divi sion Bramptof the hotel program take over new facilities when the Brampton Campus opens next year J