Complex held up v used by t Marry levy describe the questioning of it luisdiy nights Levy calls questioning of doctor Inquisition said people signed ihe pennon where t had the wording lhini to hack move In council Hit tun He saullhi imin rtasun IKiipk signed it is Hit fto mi taxis art loo fast now without iddmg more debt Ik admitted much of costs idvised voters to ir fill whom liny elect to liuinl ol 1 dm Hum Hi disputed the claim that tht i tin urn il mil litre in sing an is in his opinion wlim Hut money library recreation complex or bringing water to urness downgraded argument thai bringing ill departments under one roof would improvt com He said the tele provides lion much tost and Hint communication dipt rids on people than buildings Ik said hi is surprised at three Alton supporting tin iintrihztd concept and claimed be thoughl they would pushed for an office in so people could communicate with the town without driving seven Mi called Acton Press stupid irrts ponslbleand when expressed the hope might once again become a town I think the newspaper was just reflecting the opinion of the town replied The doctor suggested one tier government might do with municipal govern and make a one million dollar building obsolete He said Mr the longer the delay tht higher the cost does not hold water He said building costs are not rising faster than inflation and pointed nut a million dollar debt costs MO a year Mr Hyde suggested in comments to newspaper thai I wus suckcrcd in by a Machiavellian Councillor Morrow do his bidding not so I started this petition when two events occurred simultaneously I read about the complex and received my tax bill staled Dr He noted another ptoplt the to note They were Mr Hyde lui Until Councillor Morrow s squish improves con sldtrdbly would be better described is Mr Hyde son playmate richer lloddinoll or myself Councillor rn llyd pointed out committee and had studied need for consulted with staff department heads and had several meetings with the architect Did you and make a study of the needs after con suiting with department heads replied he hod talked to many people around loan including some people who work for Ihe town He talking lo so many people when gathering the survey was a study of sorts Was it explained to the signers that there was a need or no need insisted Hyde staled it was in press In eluding Mr view Hyde said the sewage Continued on page ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY AUGUST 1976 One Hundred and Second Year No PROSPECT PARK PLAYGROUND children worked hard on a scare crow for their float for tonights parade Playgrounds close on Friday and tonights parade and Penny carnival in the arena mark the end of another season Five of the ten children who helped make the scarecrow proudly gathered around it Left to right Gthan Fryer Kristin Spiel vogel Rocher Peggy Ancker On the floor is Keven Galloway Twoway traffic at MillArthur In Acton Shifty sewer blows budget mergencv petltd of the com on Mill Si sewers in nature of the repairs Acton is send the Suspicious Acton sewer into a de- According lo Mr Morrier position tht Regions mor work might still be Committee needed on thai line As a advised Wednesday matter of interest when we reached the sewer we found boards placid right angles under the pipes to give them support Theboardshad rol illowmg main to shift in various dircc lions which resulted in ihree of pipes Drainage OK by election problems on micron will lecord nig to Hilton Mills works committee minutes but I euod for Conn Id McKinzu if he could read into the report Holt tin point ind engineer report to ilton Hills Murks omtmlti i on the slight mult l Won Hill luow is iriffit on Mill ind in the vicinilv of Hi until lot Hurst brought to Ik it lint ion Wellington Ik I in iking thmges is Irilfic on iilhcr Mill or Streets but ihuucht tin should In ex The work tost When the sewer malfunction started regional forces attempted repair sewer and remove an obstruction in the lint When their efforts failed it became obvious that immediate attion was rcquir lo prevent sewer backups The entire line along Mill St in homes is suspect and further Don Morner reported that gallon of the sewer should costs were higher ex made in 1J77 Move from home after kitchen fire the fire department from a neighbors- borne Extensive fire damage was sustained in the kitchen and the rest of house received smoke damage The family has been forced to move from their home and stay with re latives while repairs are being made Firefighters stayed al the scene for about an hour fire chief Mick Holmes said din Repaving date soon Cameron bump butt of jokes complaints bump which is ilk on Mill Sired In i joke or tun iroitnd much lncir Tin bump is nisi so ikr run off would ilinwi inlo Mill Sin isplnli i ill I down In ird Extensive damage resulted when wiring in a dishwasher started a kitchen fire in the home of Harold Volunteer firefighters were called out Friday evening at after Corso Guclph put in the alarm He was driving past house and saw flames There was no one home at the lime so Mr called lion Mill SI will il i meet Intuitu Minislrv cm ind llillou Ihlls me ring dtp itlmcnl Wtdnts ol in lln dilt lor tin si of work will be known Hob siys Mill biluun I mil will be during the period ol rip ithed repairs Iriliu is scheduled li In rt onto hureh r id up Sim tin bump jokes lh bump irt it with ili airv 1ikc of hi bump but still t ill r from rounding the lonurdowiK Mike instiling risirknts in tin in of the bump hive hi i lining noise dishi ral hut Inn big iruikseo over tin bump JIM SAXON standing Acton Venturer was on wheelchair duty at the Olympiad for the Physically Disabled in Etobicoke when his parents Celia and Peeler Saxon Churchill visited the site last week Three members of the East German team appreciated Jims assistance left to right Dons Weber swimming Gunter field events and Man fred archery Ducks hunger spoils picnic Theft mily imp went I kin tutlph to Alton sp irk Mrs in to skirt somt if picnic like ind lurned to irked 1 luesi as In msiritd i i re dcfoeg micro of immuni Job placement just helped a few Judy vers f last vis ind two ilulrlrdi Innih dueks Mrs s is she has si en such hungry birds or Slit fill they wire for fond Slit mollitr dutk snatch food from her own some- Is is only by serious dcprivilion Shi look children up to Mrs K Browne s store bought lire id for the birds and nl itk feed them I could cried sin says She mis to know what can be done it who she can and if other people agree ilh her The summer job placement program for young students has proven a disappointment lo Community Services coordinator Judy Mel She offered early in the summer try place students with Mid jobs but few people with job openings contacted her She figures about ii small jobs were arranged which helped a ftw She Ihinks some changes in the system could benefit the program next summer Weekly visits on MP agenda During the summer recess of parliament Frank Phi lb rook expects lo be in Acton and district about once a week He began his visits Tuesday morning lunching president Peter Dunham and vice president Abbott Conway and then touring It was the first time he has seen the operations of the largest industry in town Dr expects to be calling door to door some days making personal contacts with Acton people Although takes a lot of time he thinks these contacts arc important I have an idea it helps he said He also plans to be here for Acton fall fair He expects lo be In his riding office in most mornings looking after his work I lie re Parliament convenes again on Car swerves fads injured Beer tent at fall fair When a swerved to avoid a poodle two of three boys walking along the road near Corners were struck Monday afternoon Line of them James He Mullen It Acton Tucs day underwent a six hour opcriiion lo replace an aorta the heart The nineyear old boy had been given to mouth resuscitation at the scene of accident by driver lien It 1 Aclon without success Hit town have any objection to the Acton Agri cultural Society beer in about minutes tent at this years fall fair ind Hie boys were taken there James was transferred to the Sick Children Has pilal in Toronto The other injured boy was Michael Reiner also of It It 1 Acton His injuries were less serious and he was re leased from hospital same Mrs Hark mi Hills council gave Hie go ahead for the beer lent meeting August 3 Last the Lions club sored the lent cast the li Hills just past Crew sun Corners when she saw a black poodle on the grade of a ind Acton detachment took road the simc meeting Ihe decided to loan Society rolls was driving snow fence and 350 posts n iddiiion a garbage packer will be loaned Ihe day ificr the fair to workers leiiung up the park over and felt the tad bctin breathe again He had rived on the scent within minutes The ambulance came from say they laying charges Ihe three hoys all live the area and were with the dog resident and fair president Brent Mar has received permission drive the packer at Pros alking J irk during the clean tip FOUNDATIONS of the new high school look like the start of a geo metry classroom Quiet week regional police m form include very Parade carnival end summer 1 will be at full the later in the evening Hie circus will be the lilt this evening iWedntsdayl The Alton Citizens Bind heme of the play is young the Mr and Miss Playground and ground float streets of to the our floats with separate squirt and penny toss annual summer playground themes from various play pints alter the parade grand finale parade grounds will gather at seven and the Olympics Ihe children have Hitparade ire the mam concern of ihe busy this week and lasl pre will journey down Mill St to children from M Bennett paring the floats for the arena Prospect Park playground Their respon Member of Parliament Frank left visited Beardmore Tuesday and was given a tour by President Peter Dunham The gentlemen stopped for a few minutes to watch Margaret Gunther at the machine while Mr Dunham explained the process The liberal M was impressed with the tannery and compared it to East German factories with the women working alongside the men hi paring me iur mi- int rum i few incidents investigated in games for where the penny carnival will Nullities will tin the past carnival be held Citizens Band will compete at CfiE Aclon Band will compete al the National contests director George says Ihe band will Iwo sections anil may add ihcr Mr Iholt saul ihe Band will concert band class In the national inter national sections include last lake place I a eh pi favorite Hit dunking is responsible for operating machine as well as the two booths- clothespin grab sponge In Ihe Prospect tow and bean bag loss Park will follow a farmer iyground supervisor ihtiru and host a llocher said that a sue and pop can knock down carnival would be the or the summer for winner children and he is looking A decision yet to be A collaboration of knvard to seeing everyone of made if the Aelon musicians and Lime house playgrounds out to enjoy them wjllvultempl the last year voted have the unions first the float in the parade will night si for a Canadian Band ihis year centre around Fraudulent cheque I- Ihemc They or bcw P fmgr of seeking a following quarter fortune telling cheque in a Mill St store this a booth week