Consumer credit counsel at community centre The Acton Free Press Wed Octooer JACKIE AND WON Gionet opened their store The Gift Cupboard to the public on September The store carries a wide variety of items ranging from pottery table settings to bamboo furniture The Gift Cupboard is full of nice things and Jackie like nice things They also felt there was need for a store selling nice things in Acton It was for this reason Ihey opened The Gift Cup- Tlu idea first came to the couple last In six months time the placed orders for goods from Scandinavia rented a store on Mill SI did the necessary renovations and opened their doors lo the public on Sept ember The nice things range from handcrafted jewellery fine glassware from Finland and Denmark stuffed animals and wooden toys cast iron from Den mark gift cards soaps towel gourmet accessaries dishes in both pollen and china bamlioo furniture con of a table and two chairs a room divider and towel shelf and other importers Most of Ihe slock has been purchased from the porters themselves and from companies The have not limited their lo one brand The new store owners emphasize that browser are Sykes runs for same regional spot Councillor Ernie Sjkcs will seek reelection as Ward Three representative on regional council the same position he has held since the inception of regional govern ment he announced Tuesday Sykes served as George town deputy reeve on Italian County Council for one year before regional govern was established Before thai he was a Georgetown councillor for two A Past President of Georgelow Lions Club served on the works committee at regional council for the past three and on works for a year at llalton County He has also been a member of the finance and personnel committee since Hills was established operates three bakery stores in one on Main Street one on Street and the third in Georgetown Market Centre He opened his first stare on Mill Street in 19C welcome in the shop Because of the Scandinavian stock a lot of people from that pari of the world now hung in Acton come in and just look at tides from home Mrs says the brow sers both the store Ihe merchandise Good The response so far the say has been good In less than a week of business two thirds of the wooden toys were sold wilh more on order Mrs is an Acton natue being the former Jackie Lemon She is pre sentlj attending the il at Waterloo working on her masters degree in psych dug tier husband from Montreal is a former public school teacher in Acton He with mentally re larded adults in Brampton The couple is looking forward to servicing the people of Acton in their store and providing them with goods which arc not sold any place else in town by Judy Lin If you could use help In re solving your financial pro blems managing your in come or learning lo use credit wisely the Halton Con Credit Counselling Service can help you free of charge In keeping the goal bring all available services to Ac I on and area your Community Services Centre Is pleased to announce this new service available to the community Easily available credit has become a part of our way of life Unfortunately more and more people are finding themselves overwhelmed by their financial situations Associated with debt and money problems there are life problems such as martial and family conflicts mental illness and personal and family dependency Itocenlly established The Ha lion Consumer Credit Counselling Service lias recently been established in the Region s purpose is to enable over seriously indebted persons to find the satisfactory solution possible for Iheir financial dilemma It offers counselling and practical assistance and will act as an intermediary between debtors and creditors in working out satisfactory arrangements for Ihe orderly prorating service While major goal is the welfare of the individual and his family it provides the secondary gain to the community and credit institutions of a re habilitated debtor surely a better credit risk Through agencies The service is provided through agencies in local communities in Region in through the OakvlUc Family Service Bureau In Burlington through Institute and in Acton through the Com Services Centre Area worker is Michael Males an experienced finance industry person Mike will be coming into the Wednesdays by appointment Appointments can be made through the Community Services Centre Mil Any questions re garding this service can be answered by the Centre or Family Service Bureau 3811 This service is free of charge to Ihe public Missed Your Free Press Please Let Us Know Our carriers do their best to give fast courteous service but mistakes do happen so If you do not receive your paper or have any complaints regarding delivery please call our office 8532010 OPEN WINDOWS The Ontario Safely League reminds drivers to keep a window open a bit during winter driving Fresh air will help keep you alert and against carbon monoxide poisoning too stuck in snow the snow around the car may pocket the gas and cause it to seep into the body of the car If you must keep the engine running while standing snow shovel the snow away from around the exhaust for an area of to Hyde in race seeks same seat J OFF NEW SHIPMENT OF Councillor Hyde an Tuesday night he will run for reelection as councillor in Ward Three This is the same post he has held since Ihe inception of Regional Government A veteran of 17 on Georgetown and Hills Fruit salad is project by The second meeting of the Dublin North II Home making club was held on Wednesday October at pro at Ihe home of Mrs Hunter The meeting was opened the pledge We now have two new members which arc Tonelli and Jackie Burns Susie started Ihe meeting by taking the collection Wc then began by discus sing Ihe roll call The roll call was to find Iwo reasons why we should eat fruit Mrs discussed wild fruib and cultivated fruits with us Also we talked about fruits and where they came from fruits which grow on vines and fruits that grow on Irees imported and tion and grading of fruits Later in Ihe meeting we discussed he common varie ties of Ontario apples and also what fruits we would cook and what fruits we wouldnt cook Near the end of the meeting Mrs Hunter demonstrated how make fruit salad how to cut fruits and what tools lo use We had many different kinds of fruits In the salad and many of the members lasted thai were very new to them In the salad was a variety of fruit which in cluded oranges grapes apples grapefruit pear papaya and a few others Everyone thought it was delicious We had this for our snack councils Hyde was mayor of Georgetown in IJGO and He has been a member of Hills works committee for the past three Last month Hyde said he would be in the race but at that time would not which office he would seek MILL ST EAST ACTON Top quality at a low price thats CELEBRATE THE CANADIAN CHEESE FESTIVAL CheezWhiz 29 29 Cheddar Cheese Fresh Pork Shoulder Roasts Outspan Oranges GLENLEA DRUG MART QUEEN STACTON8532220 Swifts 12oz Tin IGA PREM LUNCHEON MEAT 24 oz Frozen VEGETABLE OIL oz ASSTD VARIETIES BANQUET DINNERS Dr Ballards Tins BEEF CHUNKS MEAT BALLS GRAVY BEEF STEW DOG FOOD Moms 1 lb 100 Vegetable Oil SOFT MARGARINE SHOP and SAVE at ACTON IGA MAIN ST NORTH ACTON