FIREFIGHTERS HOSE DOWN Main St south Tuesday as an estimated gallons of fuel and stove oil pour out of a One Hundred Second Yen No Ha Black w is with Tuesdav when gallons of No fuel and oil poured out in overturned Main St s Hit side of tlu truck was fncturtd in lit undent and biggest bulk Us 10 gallon flooded out onto the id ind into neirbv creek Police firefighters town workmen and in of the of thernvironmcnl wire eillid mmutts The driver of the truck Willi im Hoi do Orangcvillt esc from the passenger side of lies huge vehicle ind seriously injured Tht nice to without him Main job for police was of traffic With the beginning repaying tin di before already sinking through town nude Firefighters arrived on tin promptly liter the sirens sounded a m and they rennmed on the TO p m The spilled oil made the roadw is not Its hint turned working rutsd iv routine Mill hick notified slipper from fire hoses to the hazard as the oil was driven into the oads of sand were brought own mm and dumped on the to up oil ike ifer I ire chief Mick Holmes was it a meeting mOikvillculienhi the irm At first Ik believed it was gasoline spilled on the liighw fir greater fire hazard People would hut hid to he from their homes for blocks if the truck id been eonluning gas instead oil No J oil is re I it el ife from fl fires is bid all those involved in villi it a distinctive odor di oil plans out in plans the nl of the must be hen there is such spill John llirrof the dtp was here from Oak villi by id and worked till about m He in the and coffee made at the fire hall for the hungry firefighters who had all missed their lunch hour Mr with region ind Hills men the course of Creek tanker trailer which overturned and fractured Most of where Ministry of the Environment officials built straw the oil flooded the road and flowed into the Black Creek dams to contain the spill Sabres upset Cougars lurtior I Sabres ended drought when they upset ihe second place l fl fi at Burlington pull within four and Oak a result thill the smallest in the central league wont to with fewer ilnn norm 1 but still in i rill in the third mod for the win ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 976 Creek black with fuel oil built iLl im of til 111 tin oil W iter is still ihk to si til Hi stnw urn locitmn on formed from tilts lll InsliK is is IS III JIM siitHdslriw si of I lined Ihefirlhis downs IS It fuurth line 1 1 fitl tint ir Ink it in Mr Birr in ended ilk the the sin mi gun I us morn if til tin low lift mi tl kill fish It the md it ol north it up the I ink hit tin on i ttliphoi ill I help ItdlMftlR pun ilhllu if ill w is ought owned inters we disp itched to the d mi Hit property whin was sucked up from Liu top of the strt It will In reetltd used Crews it in responsihli for undents of this mtliis mil men from the re l i llitir ek oil UK It ridioslu s plumed mm is on tin ill ions lliii I mil I is in tin invest Iwi tow trucks from Toronto inlck upright liiiilul it iv Ihe i w not fullv ired until I I iihIui In r it Hi is not if net did for tinning rnves ilimt ihe sunt 1 ed In pipe line m Hit like I k ph rv ice is tint il ililes wen low whtn llu 1 ken ixili wis removed Ed Wood seeks area council seat I I Wtod own of le Sports to his tin ietionrinifor irta illir Mr Wood inured he V Itetre for Council debates Wallace future HI lib works commit lee rejected a proposal for complete reconstruction of Wallace Street next year at lis Monday meeting Tht committee met engineer Robert Austin half way and authorized him to proceed with hiring of consultants to do he design work and told him he could proceed with properly acquisitions which will be needed lo bring the road up to highway standards but decided construction of road wait Councillor Ern Hyde said with gravel and some grading the road could get a lot of usi but suggested no major construction be done until the to sees how much truck there will actually be on the road He suggested complete of road was premature Tossed hack laid work on the Highway 25 and Highway intersection had been tossed back in town lap by the Ministry of Transport ition and Communications so now even more eould be done and he hoped at the intersection will start by April of next year One im prove me town has plans Is Ihe addition of left hand line from Highway onto Highway He said he had been under the impression Wallace Street was a priority item so that was why he wanted consultants to do the design work Other than acquiring land it end of Hit road we should just let its use grow before doing major set just what kind of use tbtro will lit urged Smash loe Hurst agreed Hyde hid point but the road a lot of use and if it trucks Bower will smash street to bits i very short time He suggested tint now traffic has been toured off Mill Strttl rccon it may never return and if the iff its new destination then Continued on 1ift Trick n treat on Saturday Hills council has decreed the traditional elate of celebrating Halloween this year Saturday Oc 30 They are urging everyone lo cooperate in celebrating Saturday instead of Sunday so residtnts can enjoy a traditional Sabbath Halloween is traditionally on October Iht eve of All Saints Day when it once was believed the souls of dead roamed the world Hence the and wierd get The Safely councils arc urging parents lo see their children who trick treat can sec adequately and be seen advising the use of reflective tape on costumes to increase driver awareness li Hill paced wilh hittntk while ipt I ipman ml Inwnskv fired two ills Import Chris llo inked Ins first oil as ihri Die sir ol Milton s Myers weektnd just Sibrts HO for full dttails si pige Check traffic All p irking be pro hibited on St Drive if traffic con gtstion problems while the dttiiur goes down that street during Mill Street re oust rut lion Both engineer Robert and Councillor Joe Hurst w irned there could be rtal problems on the street while it is used as a detour Hills works commit tee agreed to adopt a wait and see policy ilh the street until it is determined if there will be problems At the time Ihe com received a complaint from a resident who believes the town made a mistake in prohibiting traffic on just one side of the street but the com miltee decided to continue studying the parking sit Hon The committee prohibited traffic on one side of the last year and decided lo review the situation after a BEAVER Eddie Robinson helped raise 360 on Apple Day Saturday Scouts Cubs and Beavers found a good response to their request for donations Apples are their way of saying Thanks Mr Wood lontmued work for mad i the moved here from four ago list March Hi left the film when he worked as inspector in yt of Hydro hearing starts Nov 22 TWO TOW trucks strained to lift the overturned tanker truck on Highway 25 about Tuesday afternoon Traffic was finally back to normal about five hours after the accident at 30 m Most of the trucks cargo of oil was left behind Lice The Woods the business at Mill Street ist of This March moved Street Continued on J for Hilton Hills residents who lo lose somt of their land for the lo power corridor will begin on November ttorgclown lawyer Dick 13 whohas tangled with at expro priation hearings over hydro lines previously said in an interview this week Ihe will be held at the hall in Acton will be representing a number of the Hills members of Ihe Inter tsted Citizens Group A number of other local lawyers arc also representing area farmers who don want The inquiry officer at the hearings of necessity for Hills residents will be T and not Frederick Mill who handled the Durham area Bradley to Georgetown power line hearings last summer said he has indi lo the Out Attorney General office that his and he will be avail for the entire week of November should the hearings last that long The hearings lasted eight days noted Tom Marshall will once igain represent Ontario Hydro at the hearing