The Acton Free Press Wed October CHANDRA left owner of Yiman Arts and Crafts Supplies Outlet presents Cookwithamacrameowl wall hanging The owl was a draw prize on Saturday at the grand opening of the new Mill St store Obituary Mamie Allen buried Octob is er is I it SI maker liner Ilium Mimic Alien II Ho Mrs Alkti liusp iflet i Hint She is bun ember in Mrs Aliens is in golden Age Inb egion I idles ir as a member of I m A I October Obituary Mrs McCutcheon funeral Oct 23 Funeral service Saturday October J Met who lad died at Manor on Mrs lad been ill February Her home was Mill St where she bail Inert alone in recent She was an member of the Presbyterian and I adics Aid She was also a member of the Golden Arc c lub Rev A II anted at the funeral service the Shoemaker funeral home md it the graveside of I mil six Mrs ft ilk l lph r ring of I Of Arts and crafts store No thanks says just a hobby at start Wicked Willie What out as for Chandra became an actual business on Mrs Chandra has big plaiib for her store Arts and rifts Supplies Outlet on Mill Street She started out making irts and craftb for in her Normandy Ave home asked her lo make thtm items and before she knew it she was selling her work It v ibii long before Mrs found herself in need of garters so she pinch semidetached the roid from I mil FriendslnDeed Now the new store owner sure they buy the proper says she is too busy In the materials for their croft store make her own things and gets other people to make the crofts for her The name of her business describes the purpose Mrs Chandra sells supplies for almost all crafts but dots not sell the finished pro duct The items she has In the slore are for only she says She also will help people who arc just gelling started in Mrs Chandra pointed out she always people what they are going to make when they purchase supplus in her stores She she wants to make Mrs Chandra explained that she and her fomlly had moved into Ihe Inched house and are living In Ihe rooms not used for the store- She said she hopes to eventu ally sell their Normandy Ave home and build an addition onto the semidetached In this way she says Ihe family can live in the whole house with the business in the side addition Opening day was a big success Mrs Chandra says Monika Cook one of the shoppers at the store debut action is at Queens Pork- whore I want to go Hill Wicked Willie told this newspaper after he was about his intention to run in Milton muiiicipil election in December Mr Johnson has taken an active part in several com in unit groups His name is one often mentioned when coffee shop talk turns lo the election If you re going change things you have to change them at Queens Park lm handmade convinced of that Solid waste owl wall hanging Chandra said palter similar hangings able in the store Mrs is ihe- wife of Vijiya a profes won engineer and they have children girl it girl age Kitchener Ice Show though wink irlv Ibis ii is Hi i tin let Show lirlslm is shopping indie ipped Shopping be on Tuesday November the Mono ito id Shopping Mall in so thai is another is success ist ir so let hope it will hi is good not belter this il il I vvhil I lis W I 111 on 111 us to hi to mu limn pet pit In in inline will Ik Mini 1 lo ll nitre eh it for is good itoplt with problt shopping wrapping will be Hurt will be ii 1 have mi the Hindi Shopping Night and tit ishiug inform at nil l I1JOV lll Centre A it 1 1 Her so lung and Behaviour topic at Guelph conference nluilplini Hi sponsible pi Hindi 400 itttnding rtnet is spon Mired Cut lph and is rt spoil our using con social is opt to inf rtnet is minuted lop rcsponsibiliiv ml from children to ii limil It leh skills day ffe null undti I ofiiidividuil is dtvtloped Mr Skfrrell suggest oik inltiisttd nnv till him lli Ihl1i school Bike gone llu hit ingid I hurt ltd Missed Your Free Press Please Let Us Know Our do best to give courteous survice but mistakes do happen so if you do not receive your paper or have any complaints regarding delivery please our office 8532010 CUB STEVEN Dodson signs in his Apple Day returns with Scouter John Sharpies at the scout hall Saturday SPECIAL OFF Fust Month Anniversary 20 RATTAN BAMBOO WILLOW Baskets Centre Piece Baskets Bread Baskets Dining Set Chest Night Siand Etc OIinrExoircsSat Orlolitr MILL ST EAST ACTON Patrols police are extra patrols foi en for kith the and Sunday even the or with It ridios those nights example The Ministry of Environment is pro moling long term landfill he said No which way you turn the municipalities are by Queens Park There very little you cm do about it at regional council have get into s Park Toddlers to Teens your headquarters for SNOW SUITS Size 12 Months to 14 MITTS SCARFS -TOUQUES- HATS Roys Girls ACC CARPET CLEANING HOUSE HUNTING Check the Real Estate Marketplace in today issue of The LOOSE RUGS up to 12 up to Runners 7 Mats Shaj 2 Extra WALL TO WALL UPHOLSTERY Cleaned in your Home 8533930 STEAM CLEANING METHOD JUST ARRIVED A FULL MOVING VAN OF FURNITURE THIS SHIPMENT MUST BE SOLD AS WE ARE OVERSTOCKED Our Entire NOW ft Stock WOWS THE TIME TO AM DOCK BOTTOM ALSO and 4 piece SUITES WE ALSO HAVE A FEW SUITES YOU CAN MAKE US AN OFFER ON NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED CASH andCARRY ONLY SLIGHT DELIVERY CHARGE IF REQUIRED PLENTY OF FREE PARKING GEORGETOWN MARKET CENTRE 8778777 lomestea FURNITURE INTERIORS