B 4 The Acton Free Press Wed October MILTONS more than just another shopping mall It didnt take Miltoii long to become accustomed the convenience ol shopping Mall This modern oilers something lot Teenagers are finding the latest in denim without diiving lo Husbands and wives shop anil needs knowing that jusl the corner is a store thai sells home supplies You can have your hair styled do the gioceiy shopping anil have a bite ol lunch without leaving the climate controlled building There many moods to Mall One can quietly browse ihiotigh a gill boutique or feel the serenity in the displayed greenery shop II youre in a hurry its possible through the many convenient entrances o run in and make that quick purchase Miltoii Mall has become a meeting place lor llic whole community Organizations are taking advantage of the opportunity to display their promotional materials is a on the move and the mall reflects its changing mood Centrally located at the intersection of Hwy 25 Ontario St and Main St E in Milton Ontario