The Acton Free Press Wed October jjl Editorial Page Li Congratulations teenagers Teenagers were in the public eye a couple of times on the weekend and they looked just fine At commencement a lively and poised group of young people came forward to the platform to receive their diplomas Their freshness and enthusiasm were a delight to theaudience There obviously is a group who will do something with their lives that will be good for the whole community In a far less formal vein over high school students embarked on a Saturday to raise money for cystic fibrosis The affair ran smoothly with no problems at all according to organizers and the police who kept an eye on things The energy expended in the gym on hours of solid dancing was terrific And still at the deadline the beat went on Only five had dropped out during all those hours and the rest of them were leaping and jiving as if they still had vast stores of energy in their bones Look out world here they come Pennies and jelly beans Pennies gathered on Halloween will help 860 million children in 112 developing countries The whole thing started in a small way just years ago when a Sunday School class the S decided to ask for coins instead of candy They sent all of to that first year Just a few coins in those black and orange boxes can mean much Six cents buys penicillin to cure infections 27 cents buys a thermometer The money also provides wells vaccines teaching aids seeds veterinary medicines starter supplies of fish chicks and ducklings blackboards and chalk Childrens delight in Halloween and its mysteries wont be diluted any by thinking of others as well Conserve money energy The first week in November is Energy Conservation Week Nothing particular is planned for Acton m fact the Hydro Com mis agreed to just ignore the whole thing Conserving energy is conserving money so its not a bad idea to think about saving anyway Ontarios overall energy is seven and a half billion dollars a year Hydro officials think a billion dollars could be cut off that total Voluntary support is needed Here are a few easy suggestions By insulating caulking and having your furnace properly maintained you could reduce your annual energy bill by as much as per cent Lowering daytime temperatures from 22 degrees to 20 72 degrees to degrees and nighttime temperatures to 17 degrees F could save an additional per cent On a fuel bill these four steps could mean a combined saving of up to 180 per year Lower the thermostat to degrees 55 degrees when leav ing the house for a day or so Draw the drapes over all windows during winter nights to reduce heat loss through glass Keep them open on sunny days Clean or replace air filters on warm air heating systems at least once a month Avoid overheating the furnace Keep a constant daytime temperature and dont play with the thermostat A watt fluorescent bulb gives more light than a incand and it lasts 10 times as long A fire in the fireplace may draw off 20 per cent of the heat from the rest of the house When the fireplace is not in use make sure the damper is closed and fits tightly Dont peep into the oven Youll lose 25 degrees every time you do Turn off the roast minutes before serving time and let retained heat finish the cooking Turn off all unnecessary lights Cook more than one thing at a time in the oven Thaw frozen foods before cooking Use automatic washers and dryers only when there is a full load Keep the condenser coils of the refrigerator freezer and clean Insulate long runs of hot water pipe in the basement After all the money is coming out of your pocket Of this and that Dont forget to save your pennies this week The children will be coming with their boxes on Saturday For many years now Acton have behaved themselves on Halloween while having a lot of fun too There has been little damage done although soaped windows always marked the date Other neighboring towns have not been as fortunate Police patrols helped of course We trust things will be the same again this year Last year money was raised for Cystic Fibrosis via a walkathon This year the Kinsmen switched to a dancathon which seems a good idea They were very happy with Saturdays success here W MJAYumm OUR READERS WRITE Shares arithmetic dilemma To The Editor Acton Free Press Dear Mr Balkind appreciated your letter 1 per cent inlheFreePress OctMth I shared your arithmetic dilemma when I read Mr Campbells long tirade but had dismissed it as another in an Incessant scries of biased rhetoric But I do want to puzzling question and suggest you give up trying to see the letter in question as a mathematical truth but rather look at It as an exercise in yellow Now I have a question for you am trying to recall the origin of the word Renaissance doean It refer to something related to the Middle Ages By the way using the new math by Campbell you and I comprise a majority of the people of Acton and hereby conclude that our citizens think positively about our schools here their programmes and especially the teachers and principals Sincerely Comfort UNICEF needs volunteers DRAMATIC PHOTOGRAPHS show the size of the tanker trailer which overturned on Main S Tuesday afternoon Top left the toppled telephone pole Lower left oil pours down the road Top right dam built of straw captures oil which is being sucked up by special hoses Bottom a firefighters view of the ac cident Sugar and Spice by bill smiley A few f ill notes of superlative incc elder Pokey if now at two i half yean in he pre KindergarlLn lass at the day care centre he Ik gels very annoyed when someone needling says Oh you re in the Senior toddlers class now With a curl of the lip the retorts No 1 m pre Kindergarten at that ay there an immense concern with st To the Senior Tod the Junior Toddlers are just punks To the pre Kindergarteners Hit Senior Toddlers ire praeticilly remember how it was If you were in Grade at school it wis the supreme insult if someone isked if you were in ride Si back with all those little kids llw is the iimt in the service When you joined you were a raw ignorant rookie In six months were looking with tolerant seorn it the recruits When you got wings you looked down from Olympus at those mere children who were starling their training Then you went overseas and were suddenly a raw ignorant rookie again After operational which ensured that you were a dashing fighter pilot you were posted to a squadron and learned to Ihal were just the term for ignorant rookie Same thing as i prisoner of war just been through fairly traumatic ex and very dramatic one being shot down eaplured being beaten up got lu prison camp and were looked it with the utmost contempt of perhaps who had been shot down in such exotic places as Crete or Yugoslav or Norway and had been In the bag for three or four years You felt like a five yeir old on his first day at school Back to Poke At day care they gave him psychological label that mull community We need a nucleus of interested people to get together to form a UNICEF Commitle to sell our Christmas and Year Round Greeting Cards and to organize our Ha owe en program In general to Inform and educate your citizens about what Is all about Could you please help us If you have any questions or require further information please do not hesitate mused Ins mother infuriated his gran and delighted his grandfather It was Aggressive It t sound too nice but he s for his age and has to look himself somehow What it means gather is that when some bigger kid has pushed you around you wait until not looking then sneak up and bite him on the car or thing else that hand the postal workers are it it ignm After one of the most futile strikes ever seen in Canada they settled a year igo for a per package far above the maximum allowed by the Others mill workers were rolled back while the uncivil servants of our postal system kept their loot As I write they are holding rotating and illegal cocking a snook at government injunctions and acting like the spoiled ehlldren of children of rich parents Maybe they vc been coddled too iong I m not yet at the point where I would single out every tenth in or woman in the postal department and shoot the person But I m getting there If Trudeau were smart he call back eat humble pie and kill two birds with one stone I ambiguous toward the postal people which takes some of nesting out of attack Most of those in small towns are friends and sometimes neighbors of the people they serve re friendly reasonably courteous and as efficient as the system one of the most inefficient in the country will let them be It in the bigger towns and cities where there is no personal contact between servers and served that the militancv postal workers is fostered The workers feel themselves mere cogs in a big machine not individuals The public it gets its mall on time Therein lies revolution always has But I getting a little licked off with labor in gener in this country with i lot of other people who once supported We hue one of the histories of strikes in the world over the last few years the British working man for many years a real bearcat it to unions and strikes has realized there is a point of no return is cooperating with government in an attempt to slow inflation in the UK by limiting demands for pay boosts Not so labor It s Gimme Gimme Gimme Maybe Im old fashioned but I think there something wrong with the values of a country in which i plumber makes more than a public health nurse a meit cutter makes more than minister In fact I so fed up with labor that if mj own union the teach federation me to go on strike over some real or fancied grievance my first reaction would be Drop dead Where there is injustice it must be rectified But where there is only greed getting as much as you can and giving as little as possible I vehad enough And that ipplies to sex and sympithy as well as labor I AST item in these futile fall notes For two weeks I been wearing magnetic bracelet which is supposed to relieve my arthritis I d been just as far ahead to stick an in ear and go out and swing by the tail a deid eat at the moon like Finn A colleague suggested this He right And a happy Remembrance Day to each and every one of you too Many many thanks for your help Sincerely Mrs Robertson Chairman Public Information Committee ONTARIO COMMITTEE Cant fool a1 the people Dear Editor OntarioUNICEF a people problem we need more As you may be aware there are of volunteers working throughout Ontario on various important fund raising and educational However there Is a vital need for more volunteers particularly In your It On I October 1970 To Ihe Dear Sir No one should be surprised Premier William Davis has gained a little popularity in he lasl month or so The Legislature has not been sitting and he I had the opportunity to keep sticking his foot in his mouth Considered opinion of bird watchers at the lake Is that the wildfowl who have wintered here when the legislature reconvenes his popularity will dwindle Remember the old adage you can fool some of the of the time but you can I fool all of the people all of the time especially when you have a responsible articulate and factually informed op position challenging you William A Johnson before are not flying south despite the hints of early snow and decreased feeding THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Business and Editorial Office lino li The Free Press Back Issues 20 years ago from the Issue of the Free Press November 1 1956 Repairs were quickly completed last week to Churchill ltd South where a broken water line undermined two sections of the road Several residents who face Churchill were without water on tap until repairs were finished but provision was mode by the waterworks department for emergency supplies Newly elected director of the Wellington County Historical Research Society is Mrs Hazel Mack of Eden Mills Miss Ada of is an honorary president Mrs James Moore Mrs Vcldhuis Mrs J Hannah Bennett Mrs C Mason Mrs Force Miss Fern Brown and Miss Hawthorne attended the Sectional Rally of the Woman Missionary Society at United church Tuesday when the worship service was presented by Acton The guest speaker was Miss Clark a missionary home on furlough from Africa 50 years ago Taken from the issue of the I ree Press 1926 The eighty first anniversary of the founding of Knox Church in Acton and the thirty first of the erection and dedication of the present splendid edifice was com niemoratcd with very interesting services The splendid autumn weather was an element which facilitated a very large attendance and the church was filled to at both services Rev A C M A the pastor was in charge Night falls on Sunday this Saturday evening wdl probably be adopted as the time for this festival A new choirmaster will probably commence rehearsals with the choir of the United Church during the week On the evening of her birthday October 16th Mrs alter was pleasantly surprised on arriving home to find the house filled with friends and acquaintances After an evening of euchre and other games tea and lunch was served by Mrs and and Catharine Mackie Mrs Waller was the recipient of numerous valuable gifts The of her friends was fully appreciated The bulletin of the Hydro- LI Power Commission places the population of at 1 BIS and Acton s population at 100 years ago Taken from the issue of the Free Press 1876 Next Thursday November 2nd having been proclaimed by the last Lieut Governor of Ontario a day of thanksgiving throughout the province we presume it will be observed by a general suspension of business in our village Religious services will be held In the various churches at the usual hours A circular from the Moderator of the general Assembly of the Presbyterian Church to the various ministers recommends that Ihe day be observed by all he congregations of the church for the purpose for which il has been named A social will be given al the residence of Mr James Ryder tomorrow Friday evening In behalf of the building fund of the new Congregational Church A general invitation is extended the public A few days ago Mr S Smith of Acton shipped per express two Leicester sheep from his celebrated nock all the way to Connecticut they having been purchased forllObySethThomasCo well known stock dealers in that stale Mr Smith also shipped a few weeks ago which we omitted to notice at the time a Leicester ram to extensive dealer in the state of Illinois for which he received The Public School Inspector Little Esq has kindly furnished us with the following particulars upon this important subject The attendance of public schools during he present year Is double thai of any previous year The number of School Sections formed and In operation Is likewise double of last year On that occasion It was and at the present it la