Reprieve for ducks swans Fairy Lake ducks and swans yet be accepted into Ihe Acton family to be housed and fed Esther Toy lor explained the problem to council Monday night and convinced councillors to have another look the wildfowl who adopted the town No Feeding signs hod been recommended by the Con Authority The works committee will get the foul problem next Miss Taylor was asked to in form the works committee how much grain would be needed to feed the birds In her presentation she contended birds which re main hero over the winter are no longer wildfowl They have lost their instinct to migrate Councillors Pal and Hyde agreed with her Warned I tried to tell you this pro blem last year Mr Duby said This is part of a pas park He said noone is more familiar with the pro blem than Miss Taylor Last year arrangements were made with parks deparl ment to house the birds and aerate the pond He explained is now having problems with he erosion of the banks near the dam Mr reported to 100 geese on the pond that morning They will leave but the ducks and swans won Instinct I agree theyll lose the in migrate in the foil but not to procreate in the spring observed councillor Morrow A hundred birds might not be a problem but birds might be Miss Taylor there are about the same number of birds on the pond now as last year Councillor Roy Booth wondered if feeding the birds simply perpetuating the problem Miss Taylor replied the birds certainly got far less this summer Presentation In her presentation Esther Taylor said I am here on behalf of one hundred odd mallard ducks and three swans living in Acton Fairy Lake which was named about 100 years ago before the term fairy was debased Unhappily 1 have to re port that despite a reduction in handouts from the public our ducks have not migrated this fall and arc not likely to leave because most of them are now ion migratory The birds are not lo blame for this situation which was con by council last winter and spring It is a man problem about which Ihe so called experts should have warned when the sane never was sane as launched five or six years The problem is not unique or limited to Belli Those of you who watch Wildlife Cinema will have heard references to semi domesticated or migratory What we now have In Acton are wildfowl lhat arc no longer wildfowl through no foul I of their own Colder weather is making them very hungry and their will sharpen as Ihe temper alure drops Anyone who sees the flock feeding time realizes without argument lhat these birds are hungry Continued on Page Or Hundred and Second Year No 1 ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 3 1976 Thirty PanesFifteen Cents 79 students Stone school to house first separate school The use of the School as Separate in was approved Thursdiy by Board of The old School is lo on school beside the Robert Little school is presently used by Hubert I students and was formerly the high school This Mill be first school for leihlies in tin Robert I idle public school- such as tin resource will be used by the scpiralt school students on a limited basis Wilt rent Tlie separate school board will rent the stone school for per and SI square foot mainlenance and pivthclrown light fuel bills will be res ponsiblc for the upkeep changes to the inside of ihe building with the of the Board The Board will be res ponsiblc for outside main lemnee It isexpeeted there will he students in the new separate school from kinder gar ten up to then the Robert Little school will only house students up There ire students there doing by this ratio the rite school will J if Ihe total tp the resource re Ihe separate school will be Ihe of ihe such the if it is nol needed b Robert I iltle students Kiev wilt pay any per if the lost of whit ire ilhmcd to use agreement ilso provide for three year lease and in surince Musical chairs In June and August we will he musical sjys bo of lorn Watson The school moves new The middle school moves the old high school The elementary school will the old Stone The separate school will move into the old Stone School Levy seeks mayors seat will he race for the miyors after ill Levy announced Mon day he will seek top spot and run against incumbent Mayor Tom Hill In he December I Mr Levy said a great deal of and consideration I have decided to seek Ihe majors seat on Hills council My reasons are twofold I was opposed to the plan to region prior to its inception and have been i constant opponent to the regional operation during the first three years of its life it would be virtually impossible lo change the philosophy the next best is to ensure lhat Hills does not get a raw deal ind that its fair share of regional lion In order do this it is imperative thai be a member of regional council Secondly being sion and nature an organizing administrator with financial background I have the to provide the leadership so desperately needed in present day Hills Consequent I feel justified in seeking the position that will best enable the fulfillment of my desires the needs of the In the past three years I have been and a member of the Com mittee and have played no small pari In ensuring Ihit Hills has had Ihe best record and lowest per capita debt of all the area within nol only our region but other regions in this part of Ontario This has been accomplished by wise financial planning but not at the expense of improving number and quality of lies we have been able to pro vide in Ihosc three years It is a matter of record thai when the subject of proposed new complex was first brought I was the only member lo oppose the pro ject result of my persis tent opposition enough ContinuidonPate Mayor on mend MILL STREET HASNT BEEN like this since sewers were installed several years ago A large backhoe up the centre of town while workmen install new and wider pipe Last weeks start on the sewer work was preceded by gas line work along the sidewalks Mayor lorn Hill is on Ihe mend and walking around on His daughter told this newspaper he had one toe removed but except for loss of weight is feeling fine She said he is moving around the room at Toronto Western Hospital without crutches but is using them for any greater distance Miller seeks regional seat Miller now area councillor for Ward Two will try for Ward Two scat on regional council in Ihe December f elections He originally planned lo run at the local level to retain his present seat but when closing of was an nounced changed his mind Miller a 27 year employee with Ihe company said he always wanted to run for regional council but felt it was unfair his employer lo take so much lum off from Now I devote my full lime lo he job he added A longtime resident of he has lived here USG for years and has 12 years municipal experience He served on former School Board for five years Ihen on council for Iwo before being elected deputy reeve for another two years where he council as well as local council For ihe past three years he has been a Ward Two councillor the local He is now acting mayor while Mayor Tom Hill is sick He said his experience qualifies him for the regional post sill Miller new bypass Trucks ire now using the Wallace St ing Mill St reconstruction are i In the last couple of weeks the II Hills work men have put 1500 tons of gravel on the new roadway to make i us ihle Trucks e north on Wallace swinging around a corner by the plant before heading north and then west through the industrial park They High way north Dawe aims for region seat Cord reil announced his can did post if regional Ward Monday Mr member of the trio Ik J 1 si id Ho irds opened lus office list after five ye in the business though iHirn in ioronto his spent his lime The w is threi ye of post second ition it I lhuntkr then In up BOBBING FOR APPLES was one way this trio of Z Bennett school pupils practised for Halloween Julie Kurtz left Tracey Dunbar centre Brain dunked with otherclassmates in Mrs Loch s grade four class the ii Mr I iv I liditt in the Mill Street In llu community Mr iriK ilh ret children it lornby home he helped mother Kelly the nursing home on High he 11 Quiet Hallowe en police schools lid Hint he like to see where its for residents 1 it the current ore il is r sdh opposition Although the I MCI 1- Swim in Silurdn disappointment I Men Id It Ih ok frcrti In this the yount pi pie who w lo be in their disquises ind ut on the streils in good tune However the rh Mr hi did not know it this time wli it the oilier stores would hi but would he m itch stores Hi sud there would lt hem spaces mil would In by septic inks Since Ihe I Ins to be re lined the planning board inner Mario ind the solicitor prepare i for the office peril i councillor for date hi Swim nil It ills included Peter Mirks Hit sum A is Hill v is Id Wood is Civiero plans ten stores icro io eon I 17 DIM squire feet if space on two if I on west of Hi lold Hills Bo the present build Twer a re injured An accident at the line and in injury pas sengers Ihe car driven by Randolph Cam bridge road and hit a fence Injured were Miller It I and iiirbira Johnston It il Acton Damage to car wis ill d by police SI Saturday vandalism There were several dents of Saturday police About dam resulted when unknown people damaged a school bus II Satur day Oct A car parked in drive way the Maria St was damaged the same day and a bar of soap placed m the gas tank An ornamental flower pot outside Bower Ave home was damaged The cost was at A window at the high school was broken again Satur day JO Estimate of damage is On Oct bedroom walls were damaged in a vacant Aclon home minutes or i maximum of lengths in the pool Most if Hit in length in lot sponsorships our sw for IMtrh with I host who pirliti were nn lick Walks is Mich Inn McVeigh SI me Held Wilson tint I Wilson Susan Don It Kick Bit I Itroistid Met nth toils I is i id and lint fin the whole in wis rcl quiet Hilton I let ind schools 1 sn look m were couple dents of indihsm Bennett spokesman sud then done to the properH en reported even thine quit school re soaped mil ftw beet bottles were lift i ml round but in Dial says Mien thre is no indal ism It w is quiet he Slid Children went door on iturda ftw win Intel Sun d to heir pi ins found slim pickings l I boxes Well our loo children look IMt I boxes with i their rounds on Sit niLhl There were ibont Oil children from each sclool participating Mr leiilurlind siid This is ml same number is will counted night Poppy Week to 11 wis dechred 1 In Hilton Hills Count Legion mil I 120 were lulhorized Hit town wrcilhs town will pay the of printing li strUce ARTS AND CRAFTS group member Laura Dittnch participated in the annual exhibition and sale Saturday Here she shows ren and ink sketches of the old railway station post office town hall and stone school More pictures and story on page