Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 10, 1976, p. 15

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The Acton Free Press Wed November 10 5 portion of the Southwest half of Lot in the Township or Erin in County of of in am of A teres mote or I til Pin on Ontario Hydro Plan Id in instrumeni ted in the Land Reentry Office tot the Registry Division of Wellington South ai Number That portion of the Southwest half of Lot Concession in he Township of Erin in the Province of Ontario in the Land Office for of Wellington South ai Deposit Number Thai portion the Southwest half of Lot Concemon in the Township of Erin in County of Wellington and the Province of Ontario having an area of acres more or leu and designated ai Pan on Oniano Hydro Plan to an instrument depot lied in the Land Registry Office far the Registry Division of Wellington South as Deposit Number That portion of ihe Northeast and Southwest halves of Lot IB Concession I in the Townjhip of Erin in the County of Wellington and the Province of Onisno hiving a total area of acres more or ess and designated as Part on Ontario Hydro Plan 709TDI1O21Z attached to an instrument deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division Wellington South as Deposit Number 176329 it Numl That portion in the Wellington and the as Part half of Ontario less and designated Plan Reg sir Office the Reg Deposit Part mil if 1 Town On he an half f Erin l on Count desin Wei Keg str Dc Reg f Wei I That portion of the est v in the in the of Wei lington and of Ontario having an area of I more or less and designated as Part tin Plan an instrument dc Killed in I Office for the vision Drpnn Number La 112 r firihe in Deposit half Lot 1 on in ihe Irovimc of Ontario having n Hydro Office is Nun of the Norlheas Number 1 of Wellington South as Deposit ellington rem of 4 on Ont less and designated That portion of the Southwest half of Lot Concession in the Township of Erin in County of Wellington and the Province of having an area of 1 7 acres more or less and designated as Part on Ontario Hydro Plan 709TD21O21Z attached to an instrument depos led in Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Wellington South as Deposit Number 176329 Thai portion of the West half of Lot 16 Concession I in the Township of Erin in the County of Wellington and be Province of Ontario having an area of acres more or less and designated as Part I on Ontario Hydro Plan attached to an instrument deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Wellington South as Deposit Number That portion of the Last half of Lot 16 Concession in Township of fcrtn in ihc County of Wellington and the Province of Ontario having as Part 2 on Ontario Hydro Plan attached to an instrument deposited in the Land Registry Office forjhe Registry Office for the Registry Division of South as Deposit Number 176326 That portion of the Southwest half of Lot B Con cession in the Township of Erin In County of Wellington and ihe Province of Ontario hating as Part on Ontario Hydro attached to an Instrument deposited in the Land Regmry Office for ihe Division of Wei lington South Deposit Number 176326 Those portions of the Northeast and Southwest halves of Lot 7 Concession in Township of Erin in the County of Wellington and the Province of Ontario a total area of acres more or less and designated as Part on Ontario Hydro Plan attached to an instrument deposited in the Land Registry Office for Reg Division of Wellington South Deposit Number That pod ion of he Southwest half of Lot Con cession in the Township of Erin in the County of Wellington and the Province of Ontario having aa Part on Ontario Hydro Plan deposited In the Land That portion of the Northeast half Lot 7 Con cession 3 in the Township or Erin in the County of Wellington and the Province of Ontario having an area of acres more or less and designated at Pan on Ontario Hydro Plan attached to an instrument deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Wet South as Deposit Number That portion of the Northeast half of Lot Con cession in the Township of Erin in the County of Wellington and the Province of Onlario having an area of 6 acres more or less and designated as Pan 3 on Onlario Hydro Plan 709TD23023Z attached to an instrument deposited in the Land Office for the Registry Division of Wei South as Deposit Number 17623 Registry Office for the Division of Wei lington as Deposit Number and the Province Oman acres more or less and designated Ontario Hydro Flan 709TD2M123Z ited Ihe Land Division of Wei for the as Deposit and 1 Concession in the Township in the County of Wellington and Province of Ontario having a of acres more less and designated as 6 on Onurio Hydro Plan 7tyTD23l2i7 attached to an instrument deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Keg Division of Wellington South as Deposit Number That poruonof the Northeast halfof Lot Con cession in the Township of I rin in the County of Wellington and ihc Province of Onlario having an area of 3 acres more or less and designated as Pan on Hydro Plan t7 attached in instrument deposited in the Land hat portion of half of Lot ncession 3 in the Township of Erin in l of Wellington and the Province of Oman 123161 attached to an instrumeni i the Land Office for ihe lon Wellington South as Deposit Number Inn in the of Ontario having a total area of less ami designated as Part Plan attached deposited in Land Rcgisir Registry of ellingion as Part III on Ontario Hydro Plan to an instrument depos ted in the Land Registry lifliie for division of Wellington South as Deposit Number 7710 hit portion of the Southwest half of Lot I oncesnon 3 in the Township of Inn in the ounty of and the Province of Ontario IcsignatVd as art on Ontario amched an instrument depos ted in the Land Registry Office for the Registry division of W South Deposit Number IIFDt Lt DEFINITION Or ESTATE RIGHT OR INTEREST REQUIRED ai eluding guys a atrip and to keep it clear of all trees shrubs and brush which may interfere with the safe operation and main in he Township of Erin in ounty of Wellington and the Province of Ontario having a mill area of J 6 acres more or less and designated as Part on Ontario Hydro Plan to an instrument deposited in the Land Registry Office for the he s of all lion of Northeast half of Lot 1 J Con- in the Township of in the County of Wellington and Province of Ontario having an are of acres more or less and designated as Part I on Onlario Hydro Plan 709TD23024 Notwnhslanding the foregoing in all cases where in the sole discretion of Ontario Hydro the safe operation and with the landowner from lime to lime or or of Ontario Hydro at his or their own eipense construct pipes oil and gas pipelines and fences on or under the ion thereof provided that prior com installation the landowner shall give Hydro In Land of Wei Registry Office for the Division of Wcl linglon Souih as Deposit Number Those portions of he Southwest halves of Lola and Concession in the Township of Frio in he County of Wellington and the Province of having a total area of J acres more or less and designated as Part on Ontario Hydro Plan attached to an instrument deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Reg Division of Wellington as Deposit Number Those portions of he Northeast and west halves of Lot Concession in Township of in the County of Wellington and Province or leas and designated as Part Hydro Plan attached an instrument deposited In the Lam Registry Office for ihc Reg Division of Wellington South aa Deposit Number 176126 enable OniL the sue and be present during the performance of that may be given any such in order thai such work may he carried out In such a manner as not to endanger damage of interfere with the line To erect maintain and use and such gates in all fences which arc now or may hereafter he on the strip Ontario Hydro may from time to lime consider necessary To install at a minimum depth of 12 merit below the of the land and maintain and use an underground or conductors far grounding purposes when and where required wilhin ihe strip Toentei pass and repast at any and all timet in he strip for the agents to ration subcontract it I of Ontario Hydro with or without vehicles supplies machinery and equipment for putpoita necessary or convenient to the and of the privilege hereby tuhect to payment Ontario Hydro of compensation for any crop or other damtge to the entitled thereto exercise of this right of the Ird day of November 1976 No Acton report Memorial Arena committee The committee raising funds to pay for the repairs to Georgetown Memorial Arena lacked a representative from AUCTION NOTICE it hereby known that a Plymouth Duitor He No BUA937 registered In the name of David with a antes lien In the amount of will be auctioned off by Georgetown Chrysler Ltd In conjunction with Cooksvllle Auto Auction Ltd on the 1h Day In the month of November at the CooktvllleAutoAUc tlon Ltd Road Ont AUCTION TO BEGIN AT 10 a m Acton when Wednesday nights meeting closed Councillor Ernie Sykes chairman of the committee asked for a representative from Acton but failed to get a positive response Art Gor don past president of the Acton Lions Club Don the clubs current president Acton Rotary Club president Don McDonald attended McDonald had to leave early because of a pre vious commitment Gordon who empha sized he was speaking as an in dividual not as a Lions Club member said he wanted to know the reason why was so hard to raise among Acton Eaquesing and Georgetown Councillor Sykes said he was pleased the committee had been able to raise In three weeks Even the Lions Club in their efforts cant raise that he Town of Halton Hills 1976 Municipal Elections Notice to Electors Take notice that Nomination on the proper form will be received by the undersigned at the Municipal Ad ministration Building on the Seventh Line for following Elected Offices for a two year term A Mayor one Regional Councillor and two Area Councillors from each of the Four Wardsj one School Trustee on The Halton Board of Education from Wards Che and Two and one School Trustee on the said Board from Wards Three and Four one School Truitee on The Halton Separate School Board The period during which nominations for the above offices will be received Is as follows a to pm on Friday November 1974 and on Monday November 13th 197dbetweenthehoursols 30 and m Nominations cannot be made after on Monday November 1976 The Municipal Ad ministration Building Is closed on Saturday November 13th and Sunday November 14th The name occupation address and office nominated for each candidate will be posted In the Council Chambers at the Municipal Administration Building as nominations are received and certified The nomination of candidates or the office of Separate School Representative on The Halton Board of Education will be received by the Clerk and Returning Officer tor the Town of Milton at the Town Milton Municipal Buildings Main Street East Milton Nomination forms and information relative to nominations may be obtained from the Clerk Ad mlnlstrator In his office at the Municipal Ad ministration Building upon request G D CLERK ADMINISTRATOR AND RETURNING OFFICER TOWN OF HALTON HILLS NOMINATIONS Notice Is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the Township of In the County of Wellington that the period during which nomination papers may be filed In the office of the clerk for the purpose of municipal elections will commence on November 12 at the hour of a oclock and close on November IS at the hour of oclock for purpose of nominating fit and proper persons for the office of Reeve Deputy Reeve and Councillors or the township of Trustees for the Police Village of Eden Mills Trustees for the Police Village of Rock wood Member to represent the Townships of Eramosa and Guelph on the Wellington County Board of Education of which all Electors are hereby required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly and further take notice that the manner In which said nominations shall be filed Is set forth In section 34 of The Municipal Elections Act which provides that A person maybe nominated as a candi date for an office by filing In the office of the clerk during the normal office hours of the clerk within the period In which nominations may be filed a nomination paper In pre form which shall be signed by at least ten electors whose names are entered In the polling list of electors entitled to vote In an election to such office ib shall state the name occupation and address of the person nominated In such manner as will Identity him and the office for which he Is nominated and c shall state the name and address of each elector signing the nomination paper and where the for which the person Is nominated Is a member of a school board that such nominator Is a public school elector or a separate school elector as the fact Is Consent and declaration to be fifed Public School nominators Separate School nominators Separate Nominal Ion Ckrfc to keep Nomination Onus on parson nominated 2 No nomination Is valid unless there Is filed with the nomination paper a consent In writ ing to the nomination and a declaration of Qualification In the prescribed form by the person nominated A paper nominating a person lor an office the holder of which Is required to be elected by public school electors shall be signed by public school electors only 1974 14 A nomination paper nominating a person tor an office the holder of which Is required to be elected by separate school electors shall be signed by separate school electors only Each candidate for election to an office shall be nominated by a separate nomination paper but on elector may sign the nomination papers of different candidates 6 After a nomination paper is tiled with the clerk It shall remain In the possession of the clerk The onus Is on the person nominated for election office to file a bona fide nomina tion paper It a greater number of candidates than required to fill the offices are nominated and make the required declarations notice of the time for the holding of the poll Including the advance poll and notice of the last day for making applications for a certificate to vote by proxy will be given forthwith Given under my hand this 3rd day of November Gordon then claimed that the Acton Lions Club had offered cash to put in a new arena and had been laughed at Sykes conceded that perhaps he as chairman had his sights high enough Weve all got to do he said If I havent set my sights high enough lei me know Councillor Pal who was at the meeting as an observer asked about the of a door canvass He reminded the committee the Acton Lions Club had taken that route in Ihe drive for Ihclr indoor swimming pool The impression I got from the clubs the last time was that theyd like lo raise the money in their own way said Gordon insisted hed like to know what the score is Over the whole deal I think Actons the only place thats carried its load he said When Sykes said he was not prepared to comment on the remark Gordon clarified his statement What I meant to say he added was that Acton has carried the full load of what it got from Halton Hills not that Acton is carrying and Georgetown Ross Irwin of the George town Lions Club then suggested that a committee should be formed to go and ask Acton how much they want to pledge I sure Acton will carry their load said Gordon If it comes lo the point where Acton Georgetown will be one body lets work together Its all we need make the whole thing work Next year we may be back asking for something for our end Pointing out that it has been councils objective lo make Halton Hills all one com munity Sykes saw this cam palgn as a good opportunity If this was done by direct taxation said it would affect the taxes in the whole town Theres no reason why Acton should feel theyre doing anything else but saving money for them selves This is a Hills arena with equal opportunity for people of the whole town not just Georgetown Gordon suggested it was Sykes responsibility to select people willing to serve on a committee Several repre sentatives of Georgetown service clubs volunteered but when Gordon was asked he first suggested Don Mc Donald to represent Acton McDonald had left by that time so was not able to an swer Gordon then nominated Murdy who declined The meeting ended with no Acton eprcscntation on the committee Lloyd THIndley Returning Officer Halton proceeds with Swine flu vaccination Regional Health Unit will proceed with the influenza vaccinal on program as recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunizing Agents MOHDr J H Chamberlain announced this week Only persons with known hypersensitivity to egg pro tein should not receive the vaccine Bivalent A Victon a A New Jersey will be offered to persons with chronic Illnesses by their family physicians Persons over years of age will be offered the vaccine at Health Unit clinics If you have any type of heart disease lung disease as asthma chronic bronchitis bronchiectasis tuberculosis emphysema or kidney disease diabetes or any chronic consult your family physician regarding ad ministration of Bivalent vaccine the MOH suggests Clinic locations Special clinic locations and dates for persons over years of age to receive the Bivalent vaccine will likely be published within the next three weeks Monovalent vaccine A New ersej 76 will be offered to persons vears lo of age by Health Unit at special clinics as soon SHELLEY WILSON beat the cold on Saturday by jumping on cardboard boxes to crush them for the garbage Shelley Is a member of the Outers Club and took part in the monthly glass drive as the vaccine is available This vaccine will not likely arrive for a few weeks None for children As yet there is not a vaccine recommended for children but he Ontario Ministry of Health plans to begin negotia tions with manufacturers for the development of a vaccine suitable for children Chamberlain noted To receive your injection watch this paper for clinic times and locations closest to you The date the Bivalent vaccine will be from your family physician will also be published and broadcast Windows broken Doors and windows were smashed at Acton high school this week and entry gained Windows were broken at Lino TV Mill St this week as well The overhanging sign at Acton Family Billiards was smashed by a passing veh icle Cart stolen A fun cart was stolen from the North Halton Kart club track at Limehouse the past week and later recovered A lock had been broken at the club site Committee to meet The United Way Boundary Study Committee will meet at School audi tori urn Georgetown November with any agencies and individuals Interested in the impact of United Way involvement in North The Committee will try lo determine the impact of the United Way fund raising In the north of the region It is hoped all Acton agencies or any concerned people from that area will also attend Halton Social Planning Council is notifying all in the northern area of Urban Emergency fund meet could be set up Replacement of Works Equipment Fund could be set up in the future for Hills Town Treasurer Ray King made up a report on such a fund and presented it to Hills Finance end Personnel committee Monday evening He ex plained that the fund would be used for emergencies not budgetted for such as a new grader If the old one gave out unexpectedly Councillor Harry Levy said he agreed with the fund for the replacement of equip ment He did however say if it was not set up for this purpose there would be no use In having it He pointed out it would be useful because you will have funds to draw without hurting the mill rate Mr King said some have this and add so much a year to it In a few years a good size sum has been acquired Councillor Ernie said a maximum total would have to be set He wondered If could be the most allowed in the fund The committee members adopted the report as is Urge stand In a statement to the news media the Foundation for Aggregate Studies publicly requested that all candidates for the forthcoming munici pal elections take a serious look at their position on the local gravel situation Less than people at tended an open forum on urban and regional concerns at E C Drury School last Wednesday prompting Julian Reed MPP to wonder aloud whether thai meant his constituents were happy with his record or were Just apathetic The meeting was sponsored by the Burlington Provincial Liberal Associa tion The Liberal party is con ducting similar meetings across Ontario to determine the feelings of the people and their chief concerns Hill absent Three of the four advertised speakers were present Hills Mayor Tom H1U was absent and due the situation in Hills no elected representative could be found to fill In for him explained chairman Grant president of the sponsoring group

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