Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 17, 1976, p. 12

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The Acton Free Press Wed November 1976 IN THE MATTER of an application by Ontario Hydro for approval o in J in the Townships of tin rid GaraJraxs in ihe County of Duff trio and in Towmhipof Erin in the County of Tor the purpose of for an electrical transmission line extending from llradley Junction Milton Transformer NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN il of the Mine right in land described in attached as Schedule y owner of lands in reipect of which an inquiry into whether ihc taking of mi and reasonably in of the expropriating shall authority in writing THE APPROVING AUTHORITY IS Minmer of Energy Ontario Buildings M it Patk ind described in definition Hydro Ft M7A IA2 Refer NOTES 1 The Expro Act Unite Toronto l6 rovdes that where Justice appointed ihe inquiry officer shall give every pari to the inquiry itnesiet personally a parly he be paid a fined fur order the expropriating pay inch com fonhwnh and registered owner are defined in the An I more or lets and designated u Pan i on Ontario Hydro Plan at itched to an deposited In ihe Land He it rr Office for Registry Division of Number 78621 Those portions of Lola and 7 Concession in Ihe Township of Eatl in County of and Protlnie of Ontario bating a total area of IH 4 acres more or less and as Part on Ontario Hydro Plan 709TD2169JZ attached to an inurnment deposited in Land Reunify Office for the Registry Division it Number I That portion of Lol 27 Concession I in the Township of East Luiher in ihc County of and of Omno hating an area of 1 9 acres more or lest and designated si Part I on Ontario Hydro Office for the Registry of Duffer in a Deposit Number live and except lhai pari of Pan I Plan 709TDI shown as Part I on Hydro Plan 223TD23363C attached an inurnment deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of as Deposit That portion of Lol Concession in the 1 of I ast in the County of and the Province of Ontario hating an area of Ontario Hydro Plan 709TD21694Z lo an instrument deposited in ihe Land Registry Office for the Registry of Duffenn as Deposit Number portion of LU Concession 4 in ihe of Duffer The El prop rial Ions Act NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL TO EXPROPRIATE LAND SI That portion of the half of Lot IB Con II in the Township of tan Garafraia in the County of and the Proline of Ontario having an ares of X mote or less and designated Pi Ontario Hydro Plan 3 attached loan instrument deposited in Land Registry Office for the Registry of as Deposit Number 7x6 I 3 Thai portion of Northeast half of Lot 1 7 Con cession II In the Township of in the County of and the Province of Ontario having arc of acres more or less and designated as Part 7 on Ontario Hydro Plan 7ilTDIiul attached to an initrument deposited In the Registry Office the Registry Dili of as Deposit Number 7X6 1 That portion of Southwest half of Lot 17 Concession in the Township of tst in of and the Province of Ontario having an area of acres more or lets and designated Pin on Ontario Hydro Plan attached lo an in itrumem deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Dm nun of Deposit Number 7x61 Thai portion of ihc Nun tic half of Lol Con wnshi of Last in the ounty Province of Ontario having a of Plan 709TD21694 attached an deposited in the Land Registry Office Registry Division of Duffenn as Deposit I the Pri Ontario hating an area of acres mure or less and desgnsteTas I on Plan attic to an instrument deposited in the Land Office fur the Duflenn a Deposit Number That portion of Southwest half of Lot I 1 in the Township fast the County of and the Province of Ontario having an area of 7 acres more or less and designated Pan 2 on Ontario Hydro Plan 7lyTD230l anached to an muniment deposited in the Land Registry Office for Dm of DufTerin at Depot I Number I it 26 and VlrfrTn ovince of On ariohang Ontario hat a mill area of acres in gnaie1 is Pirn 1 and in Hydro Plan Registry in the Land dr Han mi do the Land nun if as Deposit Ihoieportu Of the Southwest half of Those portions of 1 oil i and 3 in Township of tail Luiher in ihe County of of That portion the Souihwetl half Lot 7 Concession 1 1 in the Township of in the County of and ihe Province Ontario hatins an area of acres mure or lest and designated at Pan on Ontario Hydro Plan to an Initrumeni deposited in Ihe Land Registry Office for of aa Deposit Number Thote portions of the half 6 Concession I I in the Township of ait in the County of DufTerin and ihc Province of Omario hating a dual area of I 3 acres mure ir less and designated as Part 3 on Ontario Hydro Plan 709TD230I67 attached an deposited in ihe Land Registry Office for the Division of as Deposit Number and designated as Pari I on Oman Hydro Plan 330 attache to an Imirumeni deposited in ihc Land Office fur the Division of at Deposit Number 7 y Those portions of Southwell half if lot in ihe of in ounty of and Province of Ontario hating a mil area of 6 3 etc mure or leu and designaicil Part on Oman Hydro Plan 7yTD23lll6 an imirumeni deposited In Land fur ihe Registry Division of ai Deposit Number and designated as Pan 2 on Hydro Plan to an Imirumeni deposited in the land for the Registry Division of Duffenn ai Deposit Number That portion of the Northern if Ii 3 on cession in the township of I t in to an instrument depi Land Office for the of at Number ounty of and ihe Province of having an area of I rri inure or leu and 7lt D2 an intlrument deposited in I and Office fur Division of as Deposit Number portion of the Southwell half of Lot 28 Con cession in Township of Erin in the County of Wellington and the Province of Ontario hating an area of 1 acres more or lets and designated as Part 2 on Ontario Hydro Plan to an Inurnment deposited in Lind Registry Office Tor ihe Registry Division of Wei at Deposit Number 176331 hat portion of the Southwest half of Con cession in the township of Erin in County of Wellington and the Province of Ontario having an area of I acres more or lets and at Pan I on Ontario Hydro Plan attached lo an instrument the Land Registry Office for he Registry Division of Wei Imgtm South at Number I portion of the Southwest of Con in the Towmhip of trin in the County and the Province of having an area of 4 acres more or leu and dell grilled Pan on Ontario Hydro Plan 7O9TD230157 anached an deposited in the Land Regmry Office for the Registry of linginn as Deposit Number Thai portion of the Southwest half of Con and the Prntince of Ontario hating of I s ai Part on Ontario Hydro Plan attached n imirumeni deposited in the Land Office for the Registry of as Deposit Number 176331 I hit portion of the Northeast half of Lot Con more or less and designated Hydro Plan 719TD2301J umeni deposited in Land I hole fihe of Lots 24 and I in Towmhip of in the ounty of an the Province of hiving a area of 4 more or ten and designated as Part H on Ontario Ittdro 71191 in an instrument in the Land Office for the Reg 7l9TD2l9l of ai Prt of Hydro Plan deposited the Land Registry for the of as Deposit Number In the Township Inn in the County of Wellington 2 sion 3 in the of in the Wellington the of having area of I acres mure or less and Pans and on Ontario Hydro Plan 7II9TD of last in of of rail in the or I mure or leu and deiignated Pan 1 on Ontario Hydro Plan aitichehu an dcposiied in Land Office for ai last in I nun of the Province of Ontario biting an area mure or leu and designated Pan Plan 7llyT 162 Those of Lou and 2d in the of tail Luther in fount f and Province Ontario hating a liacret moreorleit and leilgnitcI ai Parts and 3 on Ontario Hydro Plan attached io an deposited in Land Office for ihe Regmry of Number tin in of Ihiflenn the Province of biting in area of o Hydro Plan 1 to an it Registry Office for Registry Division of Dufferin as Deposit Number 7X6IH That portion of Lot Concession 2 in the township of I HI in ounly of and Ihe Wo me of Ontario an area of moreorless and deiignale a Pan of RegmVy Office for Rgti ail I lr led in if fan I ulher in ouniy of and of Omar having an area of Omar Hydro Plan 7oy 1 lfy3 to an lownihipuf I an I in the ouni of and of in area of 6 acres more or leu and Part 7 on of of til inly for Number 1 bote of Col 7 and in Pntince of total area of 12 3 acrei more or leu and deng as Pini and 3 on Ontario Hydro Plan 7II9TD2 loan deponlc I the Land Regmry Office for the Registry of ai Deposit Number 7XC I That of If 7 in the I Fin Luiher the f and the of Ontario having an area of 14 acres more or lets and designated at Pan 6 on Ontario Hydro Plan attached an instrument deposited in land Registry Tor ihe of at Deposit of tan in the County and the Province of hating an area acres more or lest and designated at Part on Ontario Hydro Plan an instrument deposited In ihe Land Office for the Registry of at Deposit Number 7N6I9 9 That portion of Lot Concession In ihe Township of tail Luther in ihe of and the Protince of Oniino hiving an area of I acres mure or lets and Part on Oman Hydro Plin I 1 to Registry Office for Ihe Division of as Number I Thai portion Lol Concession In ihe tan in the County of and of Oniano hating an area of more or less as Pin on Ontario Hydro Plan attached an intlrument depoined in Land Office for the Registry Division of at Icpoiit Number 7X621 Thai portion of Lot Concession 3 in the townthin of in ihe ounty of and Province of Oniino having an area of and of more or leu and designated at Pari I on Ontario Hydro Plan attached to an imirumeni deposited in Land Registry Office for ihc Regism Division of as Number 7X61 Thai portion of Lot II in ihc township of tan in of Puffer and the Province of Oniano hating an area of 1 1 acres more or lett and designated at Pan on Ontario Hydro Plan 71191 anached to an imirumeni in the Land Office for at Number Thai Portion of the Noriheasi half of Lol oncemon 1 1 in oftst the of and the of Oniano hating an area I acres more or lett and deiignaiel at Part on Ontario Hydro Plan in the I anil Dmiion of at Deposit Number 3 Thai portion of the Northeast half Lot 20 1 in the Township of in County of and Province of Ontario having an area of 4 1 acres more or less and designated as Part 2 on Ontario Hydro 7iyTD2Ill3 attached to an instrument deposited in Land Regmry Office for the Registry Division of at Deposit Number 7X61 3 Thai of half Lot Con cession 1 1 in Township of I in the County of and the Province of having an area of acres morcor at Part on Onlario attached to an deposited in Ihe Land Registry Office the Registry Dm lion of ai Deposit Number Those portions of Nonheail halves of Lota 1 and in of East infra a in the County of and the ince or Ontario hating a iota area of 1 1 scrct more or lest and as Part on Onlario Hydro Plan anached an imtru deposited in the Ofice for the Registry Division of at Deposit Number portion of the Southweit half of in the of Fait the ounty of and the Province of and designated Pari on Ontario Hydro Plan anached to an dtpotlted deignaicd at Part I on Oman Plin inihelindHegmr Office for iheliuni of Duffer IiiwnihipiMinGn in land ol Duffer 71191 111 17 inched lo an in ihe Land Rc for ihe Division of is Number Sol the lai a in of and ihc Province of Ontario hating an area ol 3 7 acrei more or lets and deiigntic fat Pan on Ontario Hydro Plan 31 Thai of half of I on II I owmhip of I nil Garafraia ihe of and Province of Ontario having area of 3 aires more or leu and as Pari I on Ontario Hydro Plan 7iyl 1230 If attached to an imirumeni in Land OfficcforlhellcgitryDit n in the of ami ihc Province of and designaVelfat Part on ntaVioTiydro Plan attached an deposited the Land for ihc Registry Division 32 Thu north in ihe of I ait arifraia ifferin and Proine of Ontario hating an area of 3 acres more or less and designated ai Pari 3 tin Hydro Plan Those portions 1 Plan 311 ft aniched deposited in Land Of of S Number 1763 32 Number lldro 7O9TD2302O for the Registry of ttel it Number HO hi portion of Northeast half Lot 24 Con I in Townihip of Inn in he County as Part 2 in Ontario Plan to an iniirument depoined in less and detlgnliel it Paris an I I Hydro Plin 71191 301 an insln in I lor H Number I portion ol Nonheail hall Lot on cetsion I 1 of Wellington an the Provncc of Ontario at Pa on Ontario Plan attained to an deposited in he land Registry Office or Registry Wei 1nitioSouhDermiNimbe 1M 1 hat portion of the half of I 2 on of Wellington and Iroinie of Ontario having at Part on Hydro Plan Tirol to an laud Regmry the of W I hi pornon of of I iinicmon 4 in the lowmhip of Inn in the hiving an area of aires more or lesi and It ignited at Part on Oniano Hydro Plan attained loan instrument depoined m ihc land Registry for the Dm lion Souih at Number 01 thai Nonhcailhatfoflui on cession I in the township of I nn in ihe ouniy of Welling and he Protince of Ontario having an area I ace more or and designated at Part I on Hydro Plan inched to an muniment depoiiied in the land of Wellington ai deposit Number I76HI lhai p of the Southwell Lol 21 Con i in the Township of Erin in County and of hating an area of aire more or leu and dengnaied Pan on Ontario Hydro Plan Office for the of South as Deposit Number 1 Ho 1 bit portion of the Northern half of Lot i Con cesium I and the suiheait half of ihe of lot I in ihe of in Count of Wellington and ihe mie of Ontario biting an area of 10 acres more and leignaled Part on Ontario Hydro Plan attached to an deposited in the Land Office for the Reg of Wellington is Deposit Number portion of the Northern of Lot 22 Con I in Township of in Count and the Province of in 2 acres more or en Pari on Plin 7II9TD23020Z Land Office for the Hydro iI9TDmi20 to an instrument depoin in the Land Office for Registry of hill of Lot 21 I ii of Erin in I uon of ihe Ontario an area of more or less designated a Part on Plan attuned io in depot in the Land Registry Office for the n of Wellington Souih Number Iba of the Southwell half of Lot 21 I n he of in the fWellnkion and the of area of 0 acre mure or lest and deignaicd at Pirt on Ontario Hydro Plin an instrument depot in the Land Registry Office for the of Wellington Number ion of Wellington and Province of Oniano limit an area of 3 aire more or leu and leioinaed ai Pari on Hydro j 1 112 attached an led in the Land Registry Office for the Registry tuition of Wellington Souih Number of ihc Nonheail half of Lot 20 in he lownthip in if and the Province Ontario Office for the at of and the ounce of Ontario at Pan on Ontario 11123021 attached to an initrurnent depot in he Land Regmry Office for of Wellington as Number ited nice for he Regisry Divitlon of Wellington at Number

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