Haton crops still good despite heavy rains crops t In the bad shape those In other parts of Ontario such as Holland Marsh are now Agricultural Representative Henry Stanley said heavy virtually continual rains haven I damaged crops much yet He pointed out there has been much rain on fields since early August but if the strange weather lasts only two weeks more every thing should be alright Starting off on a bright note Stanley observed pastures and hay crops are excellent this year the best he has seen in years Fnrmera are getting record yields of hay and while there arc some problems getting the crop off soggy fields much of good second cuts ore off Farmers who car get hay oft because machinery bogs down In wet fields are planning to wait until first frost and then remove It The corn crop Is excellent he said but less than half of the yield has been harvested He predicted it will be a while before farmers can get on their fields to get the com provided it stops raining At least there hasn been any frost to damage the good corn crop Stanley added There is lots of good grain corn We need dry weather for a week to get corn off he said Winter wheat has come up nicely but unfortunately about half of the planned winter wheat acreage was not planted before the rains came He predicted a quarter of normal winter wheat acreage won t be planted and another quarter will be late being harvested Some and vegetables are being hit by rot because of rain and delayed harvest Carrots and tomatoes are in trouble This won t hurt consumers though because importers have been keeping prices down by flooding markets Rains will also prevent a few hundred acres of spring grain from harvested There will have to be a couple more weeks of steady rain in before there is a crisis After all it rained for seven weeks now Far mcrs are used to this kind of thing Things good but I m not pessimistic We re still in pretty good shape In Or Hundred Third ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER Customer satisfaction with computer system THANKS A HEAP Outers club thanked Orwell Johnston for his help in their paper drive by presenting him with a window from his own barn with a mirror replacing the glass and a plaque on the frame Mr Johnson who stored paper for years accepts the gift from Peter Zions Paula Kitching Kathryn Beaton and Cliff Bntton Accumulated funds for memorial queried Trinity United Church and Acton Legion will be asked what the town should be doing with interest funds cumulated on bonds bought back for War Memorial maintenance Hills works com mittee decided to send copies of a report by deputy treasurer Grant Usher on ihe fate of the special fund Usher reported 15 was turned over to Milage council October 1922 which used for pur chase of the monument The la was to be invested and the principle was not to be touched bul the interest derived from this sum was to go the upkeep of the memorial Usher Ik whin he working for Ihi lownof back in 1 the coupons from the bonds had been clipped turned to the Legion the best of m kno i ledge this practice was dis continued in During the last years the fund has grown to two 100 bonds and one bond In iddition there is a balance of in a savings account and coupons of come this month The interest on the bonds is ipproximatelj J I noted the resolution passed council in is igue and can I be said for certain if the monev is to be used for upkeep of the monument itself or the War Memorial grounds Inited his teen lining Ihi foot if foot puce of the is on fur some time It the committee and council decide to turn over the present balance of and vearlv interest of to Tnmtv United Church it should be kept in mind as to where the funds would from to repair the War Memorial if the need should ever st tied Both the Church and Legion will be asked to on lishers report and suggest what should be done with the mamtemnce Councillor Pat Mckenzie said he wisnt sure if the Church whose trustees brought the item to the lion of committee earlier this month wanted the money or was interested in it happened to it LACAC would save local architectural gem Hills may soon have its own Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Com mittee known as a LAC according to John McDonald president of the Historical Mr McDonald and the Society secretary Tudor were delegates at a provincewide conference in Toronto Saturday to discuss the Ontario Heritage The conference which attracted over participants from local historical societies across the province w is The Ontario Heritage Vet Present Problems Future Prospects I nder the legislation which was enacted in munici pil government are author ized to set up LAC composed of at least five for the purpose of ing assisting local a Is in designating buildings even districts which have historic or architectural value Ontario municipal ties already have such I including Tor Flea market rained out Drenching ram Saturday afternoon caused the vendors at the flea market to pack up their goods and go home They had a couple of hours good business in the morning but when the rain began about m they expected the rest of the would be hopeless as it in deed proved to be The flea market was held in the vacant lot beside the Pine Chair shop and owner Terry Gwyer arranged the four of the expected participants even came because of the threatening weather They were from Georgetown Burlington and However they were very well pleased with the sales made in the morning and would like to come back again when another flea market is held Mr Gwyer said he expects to stage the next one in the spring onto London Port Hope ind total of briefs were presented to the confer ence bv local societies which ilreidj have functioning committees to Mr McDomld dis have taken place with the town planning department and it is hoped i LACAC will be set up the end of this vear Mr McDonald and Bruce have pre- a preliminary list of historic buildings worthy of preservation including the Acton town hall and Berwick Kail the Barber familv home in Once a property or a district has been designated under the Heritage Act no demolition or alterations incompatible with the build ing character can lake place for a period of at least days The Societ Is planning a walking tour of Limehousc on Sunday October 16 Mr McDonald is hopeful a meeting might be held in Acton soon two drug stores now among the most modern in Ontario with the in of an ultra modern computer system The pharmacist knows with the press of i key what prescriptions a specific person has been given in the pist what he or she is to whether a prescription is i or one time whether it is an luthonred prescription It the inform ilion on bottle libel ikes up he bill sends bills to third parties such is drug plan ind gener leads to more efficient records import ml ibout the computer is the of time it sivis the Insti id of spending all his or her lime elieekiriR through up prcs caption labels he or she cm doin other more import ant things and Glen lea Drug Mart hive hud the or almost two locks They are similar svstems in Ontario concentrated in the Kitchener W itcrloo ton ind Peninsula Burlington is the in to have the Inshller Peter for of Drug explained that within the next couple of most pharmicies will have the computers There are two midlines in volvtd in each system i he re all the take pi leec died the ird screen When customer hands his prescrip tion to ihc he or she the prescription on the kc board presses i Inn which flashes hat entire file on a small and enters the new prescription is pressed which another machine which vhile the druggist is putting the necessary cine In bottles etc ivpes up the bottle label and the bill If Ihc person has a drug plan where his drugs ire totally pud the machine ilso sees that Ihe bill is sent to the proper address In the meantime while ail this is taking plac the drug store electrical impulses are running Bell Canida lines to Don Mills where a main computer stores all the on ill the sjs terns patients feature ibout the is the harm itisl tell the dav trinsietious at inv time of the without disrupting It ikes a m of to fullv install each in I ph tike i short program in the computers Mr Pat naik snd it tikes one leek to learn how to use the system in the two stores is completely independent of the other rescriptions and files in one store are not known in the other Sandy Dewsbury one of the macisls at the Acton on Main St explained that she filled prescriptions In four hours something which would have been im possible had she been ally typing the labels billing and looking up records It is the patient to tell the pharmacist or his or her allergies and other pertinent details Prescriptions will already be in his files In some cases Mr said it is to check the doctors files The customers satisfaction is the key issue in the pur chase of these systems More efficient records are kept and the prescription process is up a great deal just how much depending on the individual pharmacist The computers are a big break through in the phar macy world and were placed on the market last November Acton store owners Bill Vundt and Gary Barton have always provided their customers with excel lent service and this modernization step Is Just an other way they can be as of having satisfied customers Fastball tourney victim of Saturday downpour The elements not on side last weekend as the men issociation tried their first stab il host me i f ill here in to mi The was rained out afternoon before the preliminary round was finished and will be continued next week When skies opened Myers were leading Hills Catering in the sixth Inning of their contest Because game had gone more than fue innings it was considered a complete game sending the Caters lnlo the consolation rounds of con test other entry Merchants succeeded in opening the with a in for the home learn as they idged Rockwell Milton 1 Friday night Action will be continued SANDY DEWSBURY foreground types up a prescription on the keyboard screen at Acton Pharmacy With the press of a button a customer entire file will flash on a screen Installer Peter centre and owner Bill look on Glendea Drug Mart also has the system Police nab glass smasher old Main Street North m in was arrested Hilton Regional Police for smashing a 300 store window on Mill Street Saturday The ipproximaieh square foot plite glass window in Delicatessen w is broken In man who fled the scene at m The mm is with mischief an of fence and liable to imprison next week from where it left off with rivers Mil loni meeting in last of the preliminary rounds Game time is J i m Because of the extra monej the issocnlion in repairing damage done to the plaving field during the fall fair it is depending on gate admission to collect the prize monev Champion ship trophy his been donated lint for five upon Rain delays road work Main St reconstruction is suffering a lernble holdup because of persistent rainfall according to town engineer Doug There have been times en the crews eould not work The sliding muddy conditions resulted in the need for graders to work overtime sometimes in Ihe middle of night is they did Saturday The curbing is expected lo legm soon 11 hid been ex peeled last week Mr he still ixpeels there will be pavine done this fall Hie conditions I el here ind ire also effected by the runs Riding through on the bus is hairs ambulance became mired in the Main N mud morning about a m and passers by had to help shove it out before it could proceed The back wheels had sunk in the wet ground near the bridge GO Agency i new GO transit Chinee leaners the Beckers PJaza on Queen St took over the duties lasl Friday Thev will ling ticket informa ind handling bus parcel express according to GO spokesman Tom Henry The buses will not be put ling into the plaza parking lot Mr said but will be stopping on llighwav in front of the plaza Presentation soon for town hall grants Architect Patrick Cole will foundation has already been make an appointment as soon to town and talked over the as possible with the Ontario project with members of the Heritage Foundation to pre- committee gent the feasibility study he has prepared for the Acton Town Hall Restoration com The committee dis cussed the report at their meeting Monday and Mr Cole will now proceed seat it It is hoped that the Heritage will make a grant for the work which could be by a Wintario grant as has been done in other town projects The town would pre- raise the remainder of the sum required Doug Koch of the Heritage Hills council has requested a report by ihe end of the so committee hopes to move speedily now the necessary feasibility study has been done The committee is expecting a Heritage grant to cover half the cost of the feasibility study and the remainder of the cost will be covered through the sale of prints of the town hall Six Beardmore workers to appear in TV series People all across Canada will be able to see Beard more s tannery as it looked a century ago as well as watching six of Beard more present employees in period costume if thev tune into- the January 22 The six employees are Jer rold Buchanan McLennan John Mac RonHaefner Henry Kulpertj and Ed The tannery and the workers were being used as a backdrop for a series being taped Friday for release in January Duby has been assist ing the CBC for more than two months in looking over the plant for out of the way places to shoot he told the Free Press The show requires a tannery in the 1890 s style for a setting and Beardmore with a little help fit the bill The help was needed because the CBC wanted people using the old methods of tanning instead of the modern mechanized process now used at Beardmore This meant earlier tanning artifacts had to be found and used for the taping The six people chosen to help were chosen because of where they worked and they had to learn ED CONNON LIFTS hides from tanning to use the old tools to do their chemicals the way tanners did it before the turn of the century s was used by the in shooting part of a series coming up in scraping hair from January on television hides and pack pulling which is how the hides used to be moved from place to place in the plant Shooting Irida when the shooting was going on there were about people in the plant Before they shot a scene thev had to be sure nothing showed to give away the fact that the tanner was not actually being used In the tun This meant wires and pipes had to be careful covered with straw and bur lip to hide them from Ihe camera before shooting could be done Even fresh painted hid to be given a nice coating of mud to make them look old While the shooting was going on other employees would drop their own work and drift over to watch as iheir direc tor ran through scenes over and over again to get them right was chosen for the film because it had struetures relating to the period iccording to Mr The tannery in the show called Sturgess Ian is supposed have been established in so was able to brag that was even older having been in he episode itself is a who is growing up but does not want to hue take his father s tannery business The series will be called Gift to Remember CAMERA LIGHTS illuminated section of s Friday as the came in to tape part of a series to be aired in January Six Beard more employees including Jerrold Buchanan hands on hips dressed in period costumeand used old tools to provide background action in show