One Hundred and Fourth Year No ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY JUNE 1979 Twtnty Pages Twenty Cents uninjured as train plows into car byBarbWynneck Ronald Tosh of Pushneh came within Inches of death when his car stalled on the CNR m Monday Ho leaped from the door just as the train slammed into the Gremlin The auto front end was completely demolished The driver was taken to Guelph General Hosp ital and released shaken but uninsured Guelph detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police said Mr Tosh was proceeding north on Main St listening to the stereo The bright sun shining on the crossing lights ob scured the flashing signal Mr Tosh told police his vehicle was on the tracks before he heard the warning wig wag signal and then he saw the approach train He hit the brakes police said Jamming Ihe gear Into reverse The car stalled He unfastened his opened the door and Jumped skidding on his posterior along the roadway his head two inches from the rolling train wheels Damage to the locomotive steps and front end was estimated at by engineer John Robert Robert Tosh escaped Just In nick of time when his car stalled on the of Stratford OPP estimated the auto Mala Si crossing DamagetolhcmaGrcmlin to by OPP Four candidates forfeit deposit Four of the six candidates In the federal election lost their deposits Doug Black Karen Sellck Robert Ritchie and Charles Shrybman all forfeited the money because the polled les9 than 15 per cent of the total vote Mr Block of the missed the mark by per cent to 7 votes Tor a per of Miss of the Libertarian Parly received voles or 3 per cent Independent candidate Mr Ritchie registered 131 voles for percentage and Marxist Leninist standard bearer Mr tallied votes for a per centage of CM Each candidate had pay as a deposit under Canada Election Act- This forfelted if they poll less than per cent Progressive Conscrv Otto Jelinck polled the most voles He far a per centage figure of Frank of he Liberals came second with 169 votes for a percentage tally of 7 Of the over voters eligible to vole 154 exercised their a percentage The Tories polled more voles lection when Terry 0 Conner was the losing candidate He votes Mr ptlkd 1 old voles more than his predecessor Archie Brown who tall in lost voles In In 1974 he had received votes more in A Spokesman from Halt returnii officer said no charges will be made in an alleged at one of the palls in May day of Ihe election man was speak ng in Portuguese so no nc could understand him anyway the spokesman said Candidates arc required file a 1 if their expenses and contributors with return ng officer four nthsaftcrlheeleelion Deadline is Sept Jelinek failsbid Geographic distrib ution of ridings in Ontario has cost Otto Jelinek a Cabinet seat In an Mr new Member of Parliament said Conservative party losses in Ottawa hurt his chances People Bob Cotrel and Jean would have had senior posts but they were defeated so the senior arc going to members in he Toronto- London area Joe Prime Minister Clark is having dif in spreading around the junior folios geographically I would be a junior minister a small business portfolio said Mr J el nek New chief A new leader has been appo nled commander of regional police Deputy Chief James Harding a recent the force will take over the duties of chef of police Steppii g down to a position us special con to the Police Comm on ChefKtnSkerrctt ChefHardlngwill beaclmgchicfunlilanew chef Is named by the commission fib appoint men I comes three months after an Ontario Police a on Investigation found leadership to be lacking in the regional force Bennett Public School made their were performed for the school and at own puppets and put on three plays as part of an Two of he pupped were made by Alice Blaxcr Arts and Language project The plays Punch and left and Peter and Danny Media Judy DragonsTeeth and Superior Glove union hearing ends in puzzle by Eric The Ontario Labor Relations Board OLRB hearing concerning Sup erior Glove Works Ltd ended last week will the board appearing to be puzzled by lawyers arguments A decision will be handed down by the board later Lawyers for the Acton glove manufacturer and the Canadian Union of United Brewery Flour Cereal Soft Drink and Distillery Workers argued about different issues Superior lawyer William Phelps argued Thursday as he had in the first day that the layoffs from he plant resulted from legitimate business Mr Phelps said the layoffs were a minatlon of raw materials cost factors employee training prob lems and company financial considerations On he other hand union lawyer John look a two- argument to the The company linked the layoffs to union organizing said Mr and also he contended Superior Glove is guilty of Inter ference with union work Board chairman A L observed union complaint con corned only the layoffs The interrogations in plant manager Frank Geng office he classed as color Mr MeNamee You can Ignore that con duct I don I know that you complained of the con duct in the office replied Mr Haladner The union Is asking for the with full compensation of the 12 or so workers laid off In February Union lawyer MeNamee cites the Labor Relations Act which forbids anyone linked lo management interfering with the for motion of a union Legislation allows a boss to express his views so long as he does use coercion intimidation promises or undue influence The second section f the used by the union is in regards lo a boss not employing or discriminating against anyone because he is a union member During the hearing four separate days start in April much regarding company knowledge of the union and how management handled Ihe matter was revealed All economic evidence regarding the company financial position was heard behind closed doors because of com pony concerns The same rule applied to Mr Phelps argument so he gave reporters a sum later Most porta so d lawyer lint Mr spoke to his sen or employees concerning imports because hod been promised an hour by union and he was say thai was unrealistic II very different point say I can t afford t saying you re laid if because a union is here said Mr Phelps Some plant people audience si id hey did not know where lie figure came from They indicated they were only the point of trying lo form union The company accord ing lo Mr Phelps first learned of union hopes of organizing in Superior Glove on January 30 five days after the decision to lay off was made The contends management knew of ihe union activities earlier and thai the layoffs were result In earlier testimony Mr Geng said he talked lo some employees con the company economy He said he ind cated the company may have go per Continued on Pago 5 Reject assessment review wary of market value In the practice run Rosemary Flndley and Loci Fountain looked like hopeless losers far the three leered race Knox Presbyterian Church picnic Sunday afternoon However In the race Itself charged to a first place finish looking like they were Siamese twins Many church members at tended picnic enjoying good food races and Your RED CROSS Blood donor clinic Legion Auditorium TUESDAY JUNE 12 1979 Halton Hills council turned down any idea of a survey of methods of assessment that could lead eventually market value assess ment Only Councillors Waller and Ross backed the survey by Ihe Ministry of Revenue The survey was suggested by Treasurer Ray King who claimed he review might result in Increased assessment on older homes and pos sibly a lowering of assessment on newer ones He claimed it would provide greater equity to all taxpayers He ex plained the Ministry must be asked by council carry out the survey Councillor Roy Booth warned survey would simply be first step and market value assess ment would follow He said axes have Jumped Iwice or three limes in Hamilton under market value assessment and people are screaming He claimed the older homes perhaps assessed lower have paid com plctely for any facilities they enjoyed He mam tamed while newer homes under plans of subdivision pay for roads etc soft services police and fire are not covered He pointed out ho lives in a newer home so he was not talking from a per sonal viewpoint but emphasized older residents on fixed in comes and pensions would be badly hurt The only way market value should be imple mented is when Ihe house is sold i Councillor Pat Pat terson claimed the survey was simply a back door approach to Ihe tax reforms which the province tried to duceafewyearsago and flopped He said anyone with a bungalow and two or three acres in the country would find assessment of the land would be twice assessment of the house We don I want it Councillor Ross Kncchlcl argued com parable houses should be they want them do and warned the survey would lead the implement of market value assessment If you open the door you II get Councillor Miller warned any Jump in assessment will force older people out of homes they have lived in for 49 Councillor Walter maintained the discussion simply proved the inequHles of property laxes and claimed taxes should boon Income only Perrin Beatty cabinet post he and said he could under stand council s reluct ance simply to have a survey Councillor George suggested Province has devious ways of getting muni cipalltles to do things mem of parliament for Wellington has been named Minister of State lo he Treasury Board making him the youngest cabinet minister in the history of confederal ion Mr who cele brated his birthday few days ago was named lo post by Prime Min Joe Clark Monday while announcing his new cabinet Mr Clark is the youngest man to be elected prime minister of the country having just turned years old yesterday Tuesday With his cabinet post Mr will be as Sinclair Stevens who was named to he treasury board Mr Ste- Perrln vens has a neighboring riding to Mr He has Just entered his third term as M Prime Minister Clark noted when appointing cabinet he was ex eluding deep blue Tunes premier Bill Davto was in a Jocular mood when he opened In Friday the bright green building be laced speech with humor Later he helped regional choir man Jock unveil the commemorating the opening CVCA says Landfill site a disgrace representatives of the Region but prior to threatening to close up Georgetown landfill thai hey want to meet with Region site unless something is done to their re presents lives June to discuss proposed faction about drainage water and leachnte alterations the water course at the landfill the river site Thursday executive George engineer for the which operates said the landfill site had been ex site until June lo come up wilh some pa application to put a foot arrangement satisfactory them to drain 0 lne fill to take storm water storm wncr from the landfill site or the viol bad been made notice will be scnl rf flwaIe ttouW The CVCA will notify the Ministry of with four feet of and ask them to take further top soil separating the landfill site from the action control he flow of I each ate into Ihe He explained he is concerned about Credit River In addition the CVCA is asking entering the site and going out the for a meeting with Ihe Ministry and leachate into the river He said last year a storm sewer was installed but Is covered with 20 to 30 feet of material It would be getting into the range of Met ravine In cost commented Chairman AG said a staff meeting with the region was held April to try and find an alternative solution but there has been no re sponse Ken CVCA member said the landfill site Is a disgrace and the site storm sewer cannot take away he This is right on the side of the river It wonder the Ministry of Environment is not on their necks Clarkson remarked They re getting away with murder and were living downstream from it He warned there Is a lot of money in volved and many ramifications A suggestion from another member thai dumping be stopped immediately brought the reply from Gail Maltby lhal there is only this landfill site in the area lo serve Aclon and Milton as well as Georgetown She said a violation notice would not stop dumping The chairman countered perhaps Ihere should be a stop work issued Whillans said the resolution saying the work would bo subject a violation notice and the proposed meetings gave the municipality an opportunity to be heard and perhaps come up with an alternative