who does it CAMERA REPAIR Repair to a 1 make Free mites Eatlmotes ihln 1 ACTON PHOTO CAMERA Lealheftown Village EMU Chimney Sweeping John Livosay Gordon CHIMNEYSWEEP 878J093 Serving Ha Hon Year Round Service Train ad Fully In lured Member Canadian Chimney Sweep Comfo I and of a Wood Burn no Appliance CHIMNEY REPAIRS Do ii now before itstooColdl Mcmullen ACTON CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC Hour BOO am Tuag Sal mornings RICHARD TELFORD C CHIROPRACTOR TOM THOMPSON CHIROPRACTOR Man St S Monday Friday For appointment Monday Wednesday and Friday until 3460 d P SCHMUKI CARPENTRY Fort Bo estimates phono offer and from ng home CONTRACTORS Commercial cad Ron at 8784248 GUTHRIE CONSTRUCTION 853 0918 Quality Workmanship IffllMiliiliYiliill Over 300 of and Mai Boards torn Quel lied on duty to serve you ACTON PHOTO CAMERA OR R OR A Acton J Phone ALTON HILLS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING LIMITED Ros Rurol Prop LyloPruatar ri John s Custom Farming cull biting THOMPSON FUELS GULF AGENT Uoyd Mclntyre DEPDABLE SEBWCE SMCit Phone YOUNG ST ACTON ONT SUPPLYING Petroleum Product for Farm and Homo Healing Sale Service Furnace Available Hr Emergency Fuel Oil Budget Plan Be a RED CROSS BLOOD DONOR sioimaictv MM St GENERAL and iff INSURANCE DONS L0CKSERV1CE Keys Cut Lockouts Comb Changes Kays IK Churchill N KB Arinur A Johnson 7B3673 Mill St E Dr Harolds Hokhm Dr Ronald PhHDp Yarmouth Strait 822 BO Piper Vinyl Hinging QUALITY WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED RUDY HANOUSEK O REILLY PAINTING DECORATING Call us f rat for you pant and pnpoi to qu omenta Free written estimates guaranteed workmanship 10 Discount for Senior Citizens CallGuelph 823 5619 for your punnBg BOYES PLUMBING JUST MONTH OP BARLOW PLUMBING AND HEATING STAMPS THERMO ENGRAVED BUS CARDS BUS MESS FORMS NEWSPAPER PR NT ACTON FREE Acion 8770770 fa WESTERN GENERAL CONTRACTORS Spec a Is Fuse a Steal Da Envosl rough FREE ESTIMATES Coll or Erin MILTON RENTALS CALL 375 STEELES AVE a SHAMPOOING Home Apartment For Free Estimate Call una SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS Fully Guaranteed Call Bruce 584 2057 FIRST LINE TV SALES KQQjom COUNTRY CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY Complete Recovering Service Wide Range Fabrics Acton 8777231 HALTON HILLS NARY SERVICES Council decide fate Acton Free Press Wednesday Nov 11 B9 Continued ell The consultants ex plained IheLr final report will contain no recommendations but will outline several scenarios or options Ire council can consider Among the options they detail will be tearing the building down and fixing up the fire hall wall turning the building over a community group fully restoring the hall as a community centre tear the building down and use the land for parking for a com unity centre In I he fire hall and move the fire department to the hydro building Besides determining the feelings of the community about a community centre and the lown hall through a survey Interviews with people affiliated with various organizations and public meetings the consulting firm has a heritage planner structural engineer electrical engineer mechanical engineer a quantity surveyor I the person who comes up with the final costs far all alternatives and other experts all looking at the town hall In response to a question from Tyler project Ivor David said they ore aware the lown hall Is included In new downtown Acton con plan with porketies around the building no ltd Ihe downtown con comment on town hall restoration pro or con Ivor added the two studies arc unrelated and KlelnFeldt Is looking at he town hall building only There Is no question the town hall can be saved the question Is what value It will be to the community and the Doug and other residents on hand ob served one reason Actorlo is struggling get the ground for a second year of town hall fund raising and there t many people at Hie public meeting is that the town hall issue has dragged on lor so many years He and others noted so Tar all that has happened is study study Carl said the current study If it really necessary should have been done long ago but Councillor Ross said updated studies are needed because a Park is always looking or new Information after It changes grant criteria Several residents the consultants look not just at the dollars and of the town hall but also the heritage and sen value of the building Yvonne pointed out the town already owns the land the town hall stands on and If It tears he building down now and then decides In a few years to build a com centre it will cost lot more money lo acquire property David said It appear practical to restore town hall in stages as funds arc Provincial grunts are jus carrots held out to the town which costs to restoration and delayed he project He suggested forgetting about going after grants and just restore the building with local funds and local contractors on a reduced scale Project director Robert Graham said whatever is done with the town hall It will still have to meet minimum building standards and that will cost money Recreation director Tom observed It may becheapcr to restore the building to minimum standards without grants than it would be to include everything In restoration necessary to secure grants He added the plans could Include everything needed to meet gran I criteria and the town still wind up receiving no money Restoration use of Ihe town hall can be tailored to the money available Tyler maintained ad ding it has an Important role to play In Acton He added the use and costs must be realistic residents said the building a exterior should be restored as close to what It originally looked like and only minor a lie rations made to the Interior They said the town hall Is important the community and downtown and Ihe uses for the building t thai important as long as it is saved Councillor Ross Knechtcl described the significance of the building as a gut feeling that the town hall is an Important part the community A Youth Choir which tours Ontario performed at Church on Main St South Beard more employees for years were honored recently and given gold watches lo commemorate the occasion Bock row Hauler Roger Murray Jack and Peter Dunham president of row Ernie Coker Joe Mans ay and Hugh Photo JENNINGS Harry Otter ltd wreath Ihe cenotaph Legion happenings by Hill Look Thire was an excellent turnout Sunday for the Remembrance Day services Four of our WW I and George Elliott were our guests at the Remembrance dinner President Jim presented Alex WaJd with the Past Presidents Medal Have you checked the list at the Branch to see If your child name is registered of the Christ mas Party is November Bill Taylor will be putting up ihe Christmas decorations Wednesday Bill would appreci Rive him Hockey pool winners for November were first goal and John Tocbes last goal Reg Berry and Irwin John hit it lucky during Ihe recent deer hunt as did the ShiplKrd boys Balls are leading the Dirt League with points A flight leader is Hod Leech flight Jim Hughes and flight Lome Marsh Church Services Golden Agers Attend rally in Milton SOFT WATER AOUAHTOtP THE WAY II SHOULD RE LOWEST MONTHLY COMPLETE LINE KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA ACTON Hobo MA Sun Nov Mr A Hanson a A 100 am So mon Sub CHURCHILL COMMUNITY Jonk Sun Nov 1581 Mo Wo shp and Sc Spue nl Re tiomtironco Day SALVATION ARMY Gojp I Co every Su TRINITY UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA ACTON Sun Nov 1581 a m no Woi THE CHURCH OF ST THE MARTYR low A bans Or Rov Art Tin BAM Sun Nov 30a Ho Tl Fronk Fo I llc Clurc ACTON BAPTIST CHURCH by Edith Frank and The Golden Age Club held their afternoon meeting in the Hall on November 3 when the new committee look office The minutes were read accepted and seconded by Tom Berry and carried The roll call Was given by the treasurer Jean Jackson After the meeting euchre was played ana the winners were Max Milne and Annie Lambert On Monday November members went by Trinity bazaar Trinity United Church will hold a bazaar tea and bake sale on November 14 from to bus lo the USCO annual Milton Bronte and rally at the Canadian Burlington Legion Hall in Milton A lucky raffle was held We enjoyed a very and two prizes were won pleasant afternoon being by our fellow members entertained by members Jane Gamble and Waller from Oakville George- Hug Ebenezer Make decorations at UCW meeting by Mrs Ron McLean The November meeting of UCW was held al the home of Dorothy Powadluk The president Sadie Moore opened the meeting by reading In Flanders Fields The treasurer Laura Hewer reported on the success of the recent beef dinner and the bazaar Joan Johns was the convener All Things Bright and Beautiful was sung and a poem read The evening was spent making angels for Christmas decorations Mrs assisted Ihe hostess in serving lunch There arc two basic urges getting and giving The urge to get is prompted by the need for security the urge to give you have to reach out others It is more blessed lo give than to receive The treasury boxes were shaped like trumpets for different The widow put in all she had She gave more than all the rest We are instruments of God a will Beyond giving money there Is giving of self and for bearing In your giving of your self you are Ihe Instru ment of God will on earth