Susan Johnson sod Cnervl Beaton of Epilloa sorority were at tarda prrsoaaliitnK Baiter egg Sorority will again egg Thursday night and all day Saturday Hbtawvartefafrry Lots of reasonable doubt surrounding Mike FOR RENT Ford executive van Matt comfortably Ideal special For further In formal Ion call L I Ford Mercury HOLIDAY TRAILER Sleeps with frldgt 3 stove toilet and storage space TRAILER light weight deeps with toilet 1173 sim wheel sun ac DC hookup burner oven freezer I bath forced air lull length TV MORTGAGE FUNDS WANTED Local would a mortgage 00 on a valued at Terms bo or ranged Reply to Box 886 ACTON FREE PRESS 0 Box Acton Ontario 071a14 BE NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF FREDERICK KINGS MILL late of IBS On lark Sliset South Mil ton Ontario in the Town of Hon the Regional Municipal of Hilton formerly of the Ac ion I In Regional Municipality of Ha I ton Rowed Labours ALL persons having thoaforo mentioned Estate of Frederick who died en of about ho day of January to proof thereof undenngned solicitors for the on before Seventh day of May after will be distributed regard only to the claim than filed DATED at Hal Ion Hlla Ac ion this day of March MackaniN and Chap Solicitors Main Street North Ac I on Ontario for the Ex nous NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF REGINALD AHTHUR GINGER late of Churchll Road South Acton Ontario In the Town of Helton Hiita in the Regional Municipal ityotHalton deceased ALL Person having again afore mentioned of Reginald Arthur Ginger First day of May era required to proof thereof with the undersigned for Adminnitrn on or before the Seventh day May 19B2 after which data the estate wd be distributed hav ing regard only to claim then rood DATED at Helton HiUs Ac ton I this day March and Bamtier and Sole ton Main Street North Acton Ontario for the Administratrix CANOES and excellent selection Abo Fibregle canoe Ltnvrence Fnhfinder Walk a r Down riggers Marine Paints Herd CREDIT RIVER BOAT CO N O R A L ONT ALUMINUM boat with oars and lllelacker WOO all in good condition evening Reasonable doubt means never having to I wonder As be drew to an end of ha address to the Jury John D Smith defense counsel for Michael Cratall equaled his feelings on the second de gree murder trial with the saying from the movie Love Story Love means never ing to say you re sorry Smith told the jury there were nine points of reasonable doubt In the case against his client The August 19 decision to remove the rubble of the northeast end of the building before a thorough investigation was conducted could have denied evidence to exonerate his client No one took the gas furnace or fittings apart to IN THE ESTATE OF ELSIE CATHERINE the Town of Hal on Hilts the Regional Municipal Helton deceased Creditors and others having claim age nst quired send full to the undersign on or the 30ih day of April after which date the Estate assets wl be distributed regard only to claims that have been DAVID E HASTINGS 166 Woolwich Street Ontario N1H f21 Auction Sam UNRESERVED FARM AUCTION Sat April 10 am Sharp Featuring 100 farm tractors pees of equipment several combines rotary mowers rebuilt discs and consignments Consignments accepted till Fri Apnl 9 Formerly operated by Bryan Farm Supply Located al Hwy Comers mliea HerMton Marsh Bros Tractor Inc Auctioneer Jim McCartney FRIDAY Catalogue Antique Auction Sate AT BAILEY AUCTIONS WEST ON 0000 FRIDAY Arm Featuring Canadians paintings furniture rug china coUeclore SALE TME 1pm Viewing Thuirtay miring Ape tail day 1 pro CaWogun at dace AUCTOHEEft DAN BAtY EI Wanted to Rent ESTABLISHED Archery Club requires buth land acre plus for field range Call Burlington Milton 111 QUIET professional couple seeks far approximately by May or June Miiilssairga BUILDING FOR RENT Ideal for Shoe Store Downtown Acton location call Donna Noety 853001 or Dave we man 8224720 days 8370835 after 6 m gum ACTON CURLING CLUB HALL FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL BEDROOM country home on acre lot broad loomed aval able immediately monthly aim BEDROOM Townhouse In Acton walkout basement appliances every t nine tncluded except Hydro per call FOR RENT Ford executive van teats comfortably I for special occasions For turfner information call a L Ford Mercury an snow mobiles motor cycles and trailers Indoor and outdoor Brampton S- TO WINTERIZED Cabin kitchen living room washroom Milton area suit on person or also peacock bird for tale BEDROOM approximately miles from Acton Private entrance parking fridge and stove no children available May 1 uoo per month Utilities In eluded TWO BEDROOM apartment Including fridge and stove available May 2M per month ONE available call FLORIDA ION A club Inter national Membership guarantees you end family lifetime in Florida South Carolina and For a one time only membership fee of Call collect for more in formation 447 FOR commercial property St location REASONABLE industrial Units for rent from 1030 q ft and up loading docks Secretarial and an Q GEORGETOWN area Industrial Mall space tor rent ft 50 ACRES rolling farmland barn and house near IS and 41tIS55no Dropin from countered the board has schools and will be look at closing more and then selling them How ever he warned it hard to close a school be cause of community out rage Miller noted all north trustees were elec ted by acclamation so he wondered how it could be said schools cant be closed because politically move Whiting said the board should follow the region a suggestion having developers pay to build new schools the same as they frontend water and sewer costs Beevor taid the board can t do that under the Education Act but Whit ing countered the region could do the job for the board through subdiv ision agreements If municipalities wont to help the board they sh ould give the school sys tem its money as soon as it collects the taxes Beevor said Whiting and Beevor agreed both Ideas should be exam ined Bruce said busing more and not building new schools something trustees have to start looking at know we have to tough and should have earlier on school Knechtel said he wasnt sure the educ hierarchy ap preciated the depth of Cooks concerns and the feelings about education taxes which was ex pressed in two recent editorials in the Free Press He noted since the town sends out the tax bills councillors hear from ratepayers What BUI said you could go out and hear from the 000 people here said It is absolutely essential that the board communicate better with the public and ex plain their spending bet ter He also said board spending and education taxes are forcing council to cut back on its own spending and charge for things like sports field rentals Beevor said he has visited two Acton sch ools and found there are substantial facilities opportunities for stud and highly qualified staff J natural gas was a possible cause of a bole theory of the fire started is Smith Mole two If as the Crown contends gtoe in room at the hand of would be start in that room it known he was located And why Smith asks would not the night Another person on seen who baa never been charged should be a suspect In the case contended the defense counsel Counsel does not have to show this person who testified started the lire Smith said although he had a certain amount of motive in that his male vanity was hurt and he got mad at Smith pointed out the testimony of this persons actions around the time of the fire differed from the testimony of two rest home employees No one ever con sidered him as a suspect Smith said Selfconfessed arsonist Cecil is a long way from poor old Mike contends the defense lawyer Smith pointed out bow almost lost control of his emotions when shaking hands with lawyer It was one of the most frightening things I have seen in a court room he said Kirbys life Is in constant danger Smith sail I ask you not to waste any tears for Kirby he never wasted any tears for the man he killed in Toronto Reasonable doubt five Smith contended is that McCristall bad no motive to burn the hotel In twoanda half years investigation no one has been able to provide any motive for McCristall burning his home the bane of bis existence the centre of his universe The air conditioner McCristall was seen touch ing offers no Indication it had anything to do with the fire The air conditioner acted as a conduit carrying smoke from the inside of the building The black smoke Smith said probably the burning of the knobs inside the building Are you going to convict a man because he felt an air conditioner McCristall was a hero a significant person following he fire Smith told the Jury Reason able doubt seven in Smiths mind was the snip pets of conversation heard August 33 by Kim Allan in the Station Hotel Allan testified she heard the accused instructing Bert to tell the fire marshals office that he woke people up the night of the fire As for the cover up state ment maybe McCristall believed the gossip around town about Mercurl and the fire Do you not think if be was guilty he would have a nice quick explanation Instead of a mixed up account of the fire Smith asked the jury Why would use as a torch man Just for the sake of argument lets assume was going to burn down the hotel and that he tried to hire Cecil Kirby Smith said Does It always have to cost ask ing price Couldnt he have found someone cheaper the lawyer questioned McCristall helped awaken people called the owner and stayed around during the fire These were not the actions of a guilty man Smith noted His client was not a letter perfect witness he You saw how he acted did he seem a man who would commit murder the law asked After years of living as a good character should be able to draw upon his good past Smith said His October arrest is Smiths reasonable doubt number rune October 11 McCristall was arrested for murder The Crown Attorneys office recommended release pending further evidence However no more evidence was found between then and the second December 28 The Acton Free Press Apr 7 1962 TOWnhBi Continued from page community and the fact they have nothing personal to gain from saving the building This is an honest at tempt by honest people He said saving the hall by letting groups buy It presented a great opportunity to the town to save money five years down the road when larger town offices Church Services ST ALBAN THE MARTYR Willow St Albans Or Sun April 1982 EASTER SUNDAY m Holy Eucharist to m Sung Euchantl 10 Church School and Nursery Week Service Wednesday 30 p Eucharist Maundy Thursday 30 Holy Eucharist Good Friday 10am Prayer and Meditation Service TRINITY UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA ACTON Rev Chutes Beaton BA MDiv Or George of Music 8 Maundy Thursday BOO Worship and Sacrament of Holy Commu nion Rev Jean Stairs assarting Crucifixion EASTER SUNDAY April 11 1982 am Service of Celebration Cherubjr and Choirs Come and Rejoice CHURCHILL COMMUNITY E Sun April 11 11 a Morning hip Sunday School Weakly Bible Study Wednesday it the KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA ACTON Rav Gerald Organist f Choir Director Mr A Hansen A EASTER SUNDAY April 1982 a Breakfast for Sunday School ChMren a Church Set vice School end Nursery ACTON BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor- Jean Stair Friday AprlS 19B2 Good Friday Service- Sermon- Wtntt About Sun April 11 EASTER SUNDAY rnEastM Pancake BnMkfan II ship Service Baptism and Sen EASTER 1 are needed in Acton Whiting said the building is surplus only because it Isnt being used now He said the town would never get the appraised value for the building rumored to be about and added he talked to consul tants and contractors who say a lot can be done for He expressed con fldence in Acton to raise funds for a commuted project and added volun labor would save money He urged council give the groups a chance adding If they failed the town could demolish the hall later Rockvvood played again rounding out the program Every body for home after an enjoyable Mr and Mrs Max MUne hope they will soon be able to be out There were lots of members on hand for a recent meeting even in the snow flurries The regular opening exer cises and sing song were conducted by President Mrs Robertson with Mrs V Black at the piano The will hold a euchre at the Town hall on April There will be a draw for a lovely brown hanger Mr Leslie Graham conducted a Lolly Pop bingo followed by winners were Mrs and Mr Geo Ingle for crokinole Mrs Vera Black and Mr Haydeo Chinese checkers was also played Lunch was in of Vera and Mrs Wills who does it BICYCLE REPAIR I ELECTRICAL SERVICE II CONTRACTORS HILLS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING LIMITED Hour Service Commercial Residential STAN S BICYCLE REPAIRS SERVICE Monday Saturday CAMERA REPAIR Repair to makes Free Estimate within one Have Your Camera Checked Today I ACTON PHOTO CAMERA Leathertown Village PSCHMUKI CARPENTRY For free estimates phone and framing home Movements end repairs interior end exterior quality workmanship Sheas Mobile Cleaning Service Ltd Carpets and furniture are oil hand with soil and solution method prolongs your cleaning re quirements NO STEAM NO SHRINKAGE All work guaranteed ACTON CHIROPRACTIC CUNIC Hours Mon Wed 00 am to m Thura am to Saturday by appointment RICHARD TELFORD D C CHIROPRACTOR Mill Street East Acton TOM THOMPSON CHIROPRACTOR Main Si S Monday thru Friday 7pm 8533460 ACTON PHOTO Er CAMERA leather own Village Dead or Disabled Animals Removed Old Healthy Horses a It FERGUS EM3224D or B432519 FARM SERVICE Deed or animal removed Phone Lie HAIRS END Prop Won Removal by EVENING SATURDAY APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE For Free Consultation Coll 8533273 mm mum Johns Custom Farming 4163363330 itlMniii 85341350 MOWBRAY LTD 87S Dr Harolds Ho Id an Or Ronald R Phillip located a Guoph 7160 Dr Retard Acton Mill St E Saturday available 8534650 Arthur A Johnson Milton Paper Vinyl Hang QUALITY WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED For Est mate Call RUDY HANOUSEK TUITMANS GARDEN CENTRE Do sign landscaping Garden Centre No 1 south Acton il KING CREST PAVING A division Ontario I Driveway Ban Parking Lots Tennis Courts WE TAKE THE TIME TO DO IT LARQE OR SMALL WE DO THEM ALL CALL NOW and our fed you on paving work 2398 Tor Atk for Claudio KING PAVING LTD 329732 ONTARIO ASPHALT PAVING CALL NOW ASK FOR BART0L0 Brampton 7834097 Toronto King Valley Paving It a ratpactad aittbtithad paving company that all surrounding araas ot Contumar and tha Bettar Buraau We are equipped to handle all submersi ble jet and piston pumps Were as near as your phone for all your plumbing needs BOYES PLUMBING 5188554232 TfflfflWffWffl BARLOW PLUMBING fiNOHEATtNG Call ACTON FREE PRESS Acton WESTERN CONTRACTORS Speclaluing In Roofing Hot Tor Doling Vinyl Alutninum Sid Soffits Steel Barns Eaveilroughmg Alum Doors Windows Insulation Addition FREE ESTIMATES Call or Erin Heel CLASSIFIED are you the protection you need A Dennys Insurance MJnSlWa Acton Personal Residential Commercial OFFICE HOURS AFTER HOURS CALL Milton Ball Fttdayt HBrotdDannyKHSM MILTON RENTALS 375STEELESAVE SIDING ROOFING FIRST LINE TV Phone 1057 For Store and Attar Hour Service I Zen th Motorola Dealer Antenna Initalia lions Repair SOFT WATER RENTALS SALES COMPLETE LINE Water Treatment Equipment for Farms and V LET US CLEAN YOUR WINDOWS Professional Service Business Residential TL ENTERPRISES 8773513 Price can be beaten I