Double drowning at lake Fairy Lake within an hour Brent Paley age Victoria SI was pulled from the water around Acton firefighters Immediately upon their at the scene began rescue efforts The little boy was taken away to Georgetown Hospital by ambulance and dead shortly after arrival An hour later the of Nikola was pulled from the water in ttw same following a search human Police cordoned off the area and dragged in front of the beach in two boats for about an hour beginning it p Next police divers went in the water They were at to the shore by a This went on or about W minuter Contrary to rumors wilcr t dragged and divers sent in for a search for a rd or even a fourth victim if there was a hole or rocks which might haw caused the drownings Results or a post mortem conducted Tuesday morning repealed both victims had drowned There was no sign of foul play Staff Sergeant Les Graham said Brent father Clarence said an interview that from talking lo people who were at the scene he believes life guards responded too slowly Graham said lie believes there were two lifeguards at the beach which was crowded at time of the drownings Ik is not satisfied with what the police have said Linda Patty Brent mother said there were picnic tables in the water and kids were div inc off The two victims did not know each other but she thinks they were pi in the water together Lots of times children have come out of water broken glass and beer bottles she said and should be cleaned up Brent Josephs school this fall was at the beach with a Mrs was summoned to the scene by the Gibb and Linda trick hawref used comment They haw channelled all requests for information cither the police or the Recreation Department Graham said the police have no idea what caused the drownings and I don l think we ever will He said in his opinion one boy pulled the other down but that can be proved because none of Ihe people at Ihe scene whom police haw inter anything Both bodies were found in shallow water in the of the buoy line at the beach on far left side near the overhanging willow tree Continued on page Regional Police scuba bottom of hairy Lake Monday irehedthe looking for a used the drowning A Metroiand Community Newspaper One Hundred and Eighth Ytar Issue Acton Ontario Wednesday July 21 30 Pages Thirty Cents Are reinstated quotas too littletoo late file Ha lion Hills Itecreatton offers several programs Tor yotng Janet while Leader in training David and Instructors people in the months and one Is The PI ay mobile wis and Michelle look on The Itecreation Department the rural areas bringing arts and to youngster Front row I or at the lias decline In the use of Playmohfle this year and unless attendance mobile last Wednesday are Colleen Jeff program will be cancelled and Wendy Dixon Hark row are students Kris ten McKay and Denise Dilbey spends a year absorbing Japanese culture by Helen Murray returned from a in Jipun July more of Hit met culture than of naliw people Denise was first outgoing Rotary Ex change student was also Hit first student by Japan was only here on a trial basis She f she must hive pascd the country is accepting two more for In 11 months was in Japan she totally herself in that country culture learning some of the endangered arts in people arc no interested Besides being fluent in the language and brown belt in is adept at the Tea and lying of obis for kimonos which the India she says her friends would her whit ceremony was like Shi took Japanese dame lessons flower arranging and calligraphy The first few weeks were very frightening recalls The hour from Toronto to Tokyo was full of who would be picking her up on was heightened when she arrived and dnir took her to Yokohama Kawasaki was expecting to be of summer mail strike in not be relayed her sht left The first sanation from the norm noticed was upon her in her first host home She picked up a grape and popped it in her mouth s reiction was one of astonishment she renumbers In J peel all fruit gripes She was asked her namt hut soon found out it could not be int he toll them to her for short lis of laughter followed The Denny Restaurant chain is just becoming in the country Her first day of school was more of culture shock than entering her first home She recalls bo she wis up on a stage to in to the student Then were I SOU girls all wearing and white uniforms all with dark hair about the same length and all with Oriental characteristics They kept shouting it her When she got home night she learned it meant cute wis put into grade at Baptist Christian School though she had computed her erade in Aclon In she to grade 1J Bui she wain prepared to go to an all girls school with uniforms She wasnt allowed to weir makeup or She balked and was the special privilege of wearing one family ring and a neck Hi hair had to be up ill ihe time had inside Archery isi to page individual sport Turn Two students arc suiting from Quebec new St Josephs School is still on Kcheduleforafallopeiung More on Buffalo bull on page Bl Leaves are dripping ail over See page 12 Sabres name Bill Richmond as their new coach Story on page Everything is these dart our uniform Sotnt of girls would come up to her in the hall and grab her hand shake It They would walk away gazing at their hand awestruck they had touched Canadian Denise said she felt she was in zoo or a movie star people staring at her all the lime Some of the smaller children would loose hairs off her What really was obvious was how the people arc all alike She explained are very opinionated but will not listen lo others opinions They all want be boiler than the next person but do not want to be different was very con fusing she said Status symbols are wry important lo thtm poinlsout Almost every one who is anyone golfs And with a annual membership fee it Is indeed a status symbol As much as she loved the country Ihe culture and people also found some things disgusting In Japan she expliined they give gifts symbolic it is from the heart However continued they give the gifts so readily they do not really mean anything Some of the four homes stayed in had rooms and rooms of unused gifts given from he heart which meant nothing to Iht receiver or tried to explain to them in Canada a vcrballhank you from heart means so more than a gill And when gifts are given she told them they mean something She is disgusted b the way the Japanese idolize the United States sas they will not visit there on vacation because it is too dangerous preferring instead to come to Canada In one of her host homes the husband thoroughly dominated ihe wife He would come home from work and sit in his chair and dap his hands until all females of the family surrounded him dropping everything ihey were doing to wait on him found this appalling she knew she could not say Only once did her father Continued on Family bound by armed men An Eden Mills family escaped harm Monday after being tied up during a robbery in their home Guelph say the family returned to their home about 9pm and were confronted by two men One was brandishing a rifle and the other a butcher knife left cash jewellery and credit cards A warrant for armed robbery is out for two escapees of Correctional Centre Police are currently looking for the suspects and a 1962 OldunobiJe Cutlass Only time will tell if the reinstatement leather footwear quotas by the federal govern recently was too little too late for leather tanners and shoe manufacturers according to President Peter Dunham He said in an interview this week in the of he quotas being put back on that it will certainly be a psychological boost to the industries He said it can be stated that Ed reversal of Herb previous decision to lift the quotas near the end of last year was a step in the direction Ed Parent head or Local United Food and Commercial Workers at said union brass has informed him that Lumley announcement contain everything the wanted but will be of some help He noted the unions Industries asked for quotas for another five years and wound up with a little over two years Retailers have stocks of imported shoes now and will stop buying Canadian in the last half of us it comes towards the lime for quotas to be lifted so Parent figures ihe extreme end quotas will help industries lor about 18 monlhs Dunham echoed Parent comments He said there is a feeling retailers were aware the government was to take action so they may haveloided their import buying paid for already or already the line from foreign countries will be allowed in over the quota so until it is known how many shoes will come in under this provision it can I be determined how the industry will be aided by he re instate ment of quotas industry ha certainly lost fall shot or whith art madt in the spring Parent said adding since next spring lint work begins in the summer they may have missed out on How the measures will be will depend on how tloselj the government controls flow of imports If the keep on lop of it this will help If Ihey have shots heading here now back It will help Otherwise It will be like everything else government does acts in mysterious ways Parent declared I was rccog nit ion on part of the that tries were list year when Ihey warned thousands of jobs would lost if quotas were lifted said He said it will be three or four months before full impact of the quotas w ill be govtrnmtnt has here will be no fur Ihtr of the quotas but Dunham this government not still bo in power when this extension runs out II remains to be seen if industries can rt group and totally modernize in Ihe period quotas will be in smte there is a lag lime lo manufacture new equipment and some must still be designed make Ihe industries more com petitivt A enticd mailer for the leather tanners was leilhcr uppers be included in the and Dunham noted fortunately they were Two in intensive care following farm accidents Two Wellington men are in hospital In intensive care following two separate farm last Tuesday morning Arthur Simpson is in Hamilton General Hospital becoming en tangled in a portion of his hay mower and tossed around six limes before being thrown clear cording to Police say Simpson received very severe in juries lo bis groin area He was taken to Guelph General Hospital but transferred to Hamilton shortly after Simpson was cutting hay about a whenht experienced problems his machinery As he was attempting to repair the equipment entangled injured man managed disconnect the mower from his Iractor and his tractor over three f fields to gel help polite rtporl Just one hour lhat al 1U a Douglas Cross jo Hit was assisting with repairs ton hay mower and was standing loo to the machine police stale When is started up caught by hi rcvolv ing drum anil pulled forward into it The equipment severed his nose and caused to his chest and lie remains in ire in Out Iph General Hospital New Free Press publisher John Baxter president f Metroiand Print ing and Publishing Ltd is pleased lo ounce appointment of Ken Bellamy as publisher of The Acton Free Press Mr Bellamy has been associated with community newspapers for many years lnttcrly as publisher of The Georgetown Independent and prior lo thai as advertising director of The Oak lie Beaver Mr Bellamy succeeds Don nlcDonald who has left from the company Mr Bellamy said he hoped continue the fine tradition of The Acton Free Press and looks forward to meeting people from walks of life in Acton and area He will also remain publisher of The Independent George town Mr Bellamy is married and he and his wife have a daughter He started in the newspaper business with the now defunct Toronto Telegram and later joined Inland Publishing Co Limited where he special lied in servicing advertising accounts Mr Bellamy announced he had named two new staff members to The Acton rce Press Don Ryder who has been manager of The Independent has been named Advertising Director of the two Hills newspapers while Hartley Coles editor of The Independent has been named Ken Bellamy managing editor both newspapers Both are former tree Press staff members and residcnls of Acton Bill Cook lias been appointed retail sales manager and Gordon Murray will remain editor of The Free All changes arc effective this week The family members were tied up and the men a car belonging to the victim They also took Police property is vandals target Regional Police suspect the same person Is responsible for damage done to a cruiser and a police station window on Friday evening Police say a rock was thrown through the wind shield of a cruiser between nine and ID About the same time someone broke the window In Ihe door at the Mill St office