RE2 Wednesday July 21 1962 3t Royal City 8775296 8460800 Kid mom Ittai of die floct mI1 i and datiMsritf mi kg ran Dag row run Bow t room rorw Jertangs tot property IPoUidiBIfUJbU9llS Large Invig Itthtn Aon h pfo Ad Doug about ID bean stream pord Opart i tonal Double bndi bank btro sol pasture Just Ailng J I WO Garry Row Lfl b greenery mm A tant Mil ran WO and Ew J Mm Collide J we SI both Aftng in Country bra an on pcunqut fndMd room wipofdi to AAngonlf t97XQ CdSottnCmfJJ7Saa hum bndt tun buy It Goad land n lay tat Vendor In I Ratal 774196 large Mil pump I on 1 tcrt lot many BUI Howard J found sptoel bedroom i from Course Co Iran Untune Dont mo beauty Cat 12S finjio 96 lit 77 eon eat than JO met roftngh tor imtl hern lirm Doug lor tod toe nor Attng 5796 not ran nun Ira IS inn from town and Go tin own each Doug tot dost lown ft and torn I Pin a dream home to be bid aboul Won am in f CM tarn 3a Trout Pond VandotwA haB ding Birtun COMMBICIAL bedroom how a good hgNnv fcanon and a tureh IK I Sharp 4 mm bungalow on a large WMhroomi laepteccs Owmr Ail Susan Care 17B tot Br up id UO0 tor in en tna acta bawl in Com rt let 1S6 Itptho lor Astng Wl 1905 bout Colin and took BUSTS bunaalra tut a ol loo ol wan lncfn and 2 1EB Baal and tow Eutlcnt si home bams grins tic mint availtMt 2 lOAOSIEClumi Near Van Ideal lor round or par round Sec hided or bungalow steal ban and log cab Maturt maple bush pond tic acre vaunt etna in homo lor caumtr LOT HJ Imei pud d NC appiovtd lor rue deuti 81 i29B 2 16 km eat on man Jura McUiaVn tvaeabie 10KI297U1U no Set a lust Now vacant dut to par softtl rtnons Ibgh producer rtidy to go 2 181 Mta Mkt Cm at Starr in Ha 10 and No Super brawn Century or shops on mam levti 2nd floor quarters or Laigt treed hi or Cam Eades 2 1B3 WOODED ACKt- IS I old and cedar dost torn twWy room lb ewrythng you b lew at go bom need bdrmi rec rooms and more Cat Doug Weal about your Out or rtktnra am buy on together cats ft hem lew touung an ihe ti to mm AlcaPoUidtlottUatiS J 132 it oral coumn value nub Large mar Poor tot dona bdrm ape Has barn douolt lot Bar located luting St Kit equip pnee Cat Bar Bern It WW ban I Uon IDrt a 1J00 Home pill apt with Wo I 3i0a til S3 Barbara UK 170 I I Hogg V36 rfome USPS Out Igr Home on be fume and ctl a OUR STRENGTH IS OUR PEOPLE JOAN