district Eden Mills Return from Alaska fry Mr Mrs William McLean was a special guest at the marriage of her granddaughter Miss MarU Francis daughter of Mr and Mrs Bob Francis London and Leo van Hoff son of Mr and Mrs Bernard van Kitchener The lovely wedding took place at Siloam United Church in London with reception following at Country Cub Mr and Mrs Snow visited with Bettys sister Mrs Campbell MacDonald and family in Glengarry County a recent weekend Congratul ations to Ell wood and Betty on the arrival of a new grandson a first child for Nancy and Ron Vandenburg Get well wishes for speedy recovery go to Joan who had the misfortune to break a toe while water skiing at Lake Mr and Mrs Roger MacDougall Tara and Troy the weekend at their aunts cottage at McLean Lake Mr and Mrs Gordon were corned back to church on Sunday after a lovely vacation to Alaska and the Arctic Ocean An interesting sight on Saturday morning was a parade of about SO antique cars on Iheir through to Guclph The proud owners of these well kept cars are members of the Hist or leal Automobile Society of Canada and among them was Fred Rinehart with his 1M0 Chevrolet At Lutheran Camp on Sunday July 11 eight anginal tampers Joined about people for a ded ication ceremony for the spacious new brick dining hall plus loo other buildings which have been rauct proved The service was taken by Rev Jon Fugleman of St Pauls Lutheran Church Guelph The few or campers took a trip down lane with the repeating of the dedication that was first held back on July 1944 Dr William planted a tree and everyone was invited to take home a packet of seeds so that they may grow their own trees This popular camp is the summer home for about 100 boys and girls and some groups also use it in the winter months In an inning ball game at Sheffield on Monday night Eden Mills came out on lop with a score On Thursday nights game at the home town team were the losers with an score Ebenezer mm Death ends an era The community was shocked lo leam of the passing of Mrs Annie Darby Her death seems like the end of an era She and her late husband Darby farmed for many years on the fourth line of Nassau a He acted as Sunday School super intendent for years and Aunt Annie taught a class When his health failed she nursed him faithfully until he was called home years ago A life member of the WMSnow United Church Women she took a helpful part as long as she was able Her friendly interest in every good cause will be much missed Next Sunday the the three churches meet as usual The first Sunday in August there is to be a joint service at at 11 Ospringe Doris visits Callander by Doris There were five of everything The Quints Museum near Callander was one of our stopping places as I began a five day motor trip last week ac companied by my mother siller Audrey Henderson of and friend Gladys Keeler of Cedar Bailey Five baby carriages five eye droppers used to feed the tiny babies five baby bottles five rocking chairs five wee tooth brushes five sets of dark brown pigtails and many more items are on display in the original house where the Dionne Quintuplets were born 47 years ago The bed Is there that they were born in ihe but her basket where ihey were placed after birth and the stove in front of which placed the babies at birth to keep them warm Threeof the girls are living near Mon treal died at the age or and Marie at 38 The first day of our trip we had a visit with Gladyss brother and school friend of mine Jim Sim and his wife Marg at whom hadn t seen since he went up there to live 30 years ago Along the Ottawa Valley from North Bay was a nice drive but one evening as Gladys and I were going for our dally walk the mosquitoes were big and ferocious we were nearly carried away A nice cool resting area was Story Land Park at Renfrew We crossed the Ottawa River by ferry into the province of Quebec then forgetting that everyone might not understand English I asked a young lad at a gas station it that was the road to Hull Finally as comprehension dawned he asked You want to go Oul It is beautiful drive up through the Hills to the Maniwakl Hotel We found the French people very courteous and pleasant but I was relieved to rind they spoke English for with my limited French all I could do was The largest bridge tn Quebec kept In shape near the town of Grand Remous Surprisingly we had no trouble finding our way back through Hull and Ottawa and on to Peterborough to the Serpent Mounds Park Lift Locks I say surprisingly because I usually manage to get myself lost at least once on a trip My mother at was fine She would remark This is a nice drive or My Im enjoying this The weather was hot but we had Juice and icecold water from hoe in the cooler to keep us from dehydrating And now- back to work m George Lang la recovering nicely following surgery in General Hospital and will soon be home We wish him belter health from now DANCING to Rockin Robin Music of 50s and 60 s FRIDAY JULY no COVER CHARGE Dancing On Our newly Installed Dance Floor MIDWEEK SPECIALS Monday to Thursday pm9 pm a complete dinner for 795 a different special every day Entertainment Thur TerryOdtte rOK RESERVATIONS CALL AVE ACTOn In the of Town fty fie CF1H Crossing a- VIDEODISC CLUB RENT A DISC FOR ONLY a day OVER TITLES JJ TO CHOOSE FROM RYDERS TV MOORE PARK PLAZA rV R Local teams win by Barbara Funk Wasnt that a week hot just right for all campers at Grand River Conservation Area The weather must have spurred my two favorite teams on to greater things The Squirt Soccer team played the Falcons in Acton last Wednesday night and the best news of all they won The score the game was B Falcons 1 The girts Atoms baseball team also defeated their opponents on Monday night at Centre ThescorewasRockwoodHPuslinch Well done kids keep up the good If you hae any interesting news visitors or whatever please give me a call at or drop into the store Rand MShopctte with it Lots of interesting things happen in the village during the summer and I would like to hear about it with your help Georgetown Acton Wednesday July Gordon a candidate for the mini took the sen ices for Rev Finley Gordon based his remarks on Psalm 127 Congratulations to Gail and Larry Mac- great grandchild donald of on Mr Payne Freeman and Irene by Mrs Rod McLean Moffat flew to southern Abigail She is the Saskatchewan tor seventh grandchild for family reunion When Audrey and Hank descendants of the and another the for Ihe Humes the Darby the Watsons the birth of a little Art and Marion among others daughter Hilary Diamond Catherine were over ATKINSON COLLEGE York University AutumnWinter Smslon Evening and pari time undergraduate programmes leading to D A D A S W Application lor admission to hi Autumn Winter Station will accaptad until July on Ward and Flora Bruce were camping for a couple of weeks at Silver Lake and had a lively time for a few days with their two grandsons Michael and Jeremy Robert and Agnes Keating George and are also back from a two week holiday a lake above Bancroft Mr and Mrs William daughter Diane who lives in Vancouver is enjoying a holiday with her parents Brackens Steaks Seafood KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS BINGO at Holy Cross Church Auditorium EVERY THURSDAY numbers 400 SS numbers SB numbers numbers VIDEO GAME TOURNAMENT DEFENDER SATURDAY JULY 24 SUNDAY AUGUST 1 TROPHIES to the HIGHEST SCORES Parity TO BE HELD AT HORNBY COMMUNITY PARK STEELES AVENUE WEST OF TRAFALGAR ROAD SATURDAY JULY 24th featuring MOTS SOFTBALL GAME SHARP REALTY GLEN MERCHANTS ALL STAR STAGE PROGRAM BEGINNINGAT830PM artists The JEFF BARRY BAND COUNTRY WESTERN POP RECORDING GROUP HERBflELROSE Batijo Play Con ADMISSION ADULTS WOO 14 years and up DANCING IN THE PAVILION DURING SHOW GOOD PARKING FACILITIES AND SYSTEM Refreshment Booth featuring Home Mads Pies The Optimist Club of Milton presents A ROCK ROLL DANCE featuring EDDIETHEEDSELS FRIDAY JULY 23rd 1982 8 pm 1 am OPTIMIST CENTRE 311 COMMERCIAL ST MILTON ONTARIO DOOR PRIZES 500 person TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE OPTIMIST CENTRE 8788411 DJ music by Mike tickets also available at door How will Canadian watching iheir favorite movwa in trie future with all different options now available There a pay TV regular TV channels the video course theatre For enjoy In home we now have VIDEO DISC a recorder ri resembles your phonograph turntable and spins a doc The player gives reproduction at less than hall he cost of ihe video cassette recorder and ours a on stereo sound through your home At Ryder TV we impressed wrth the perform ante quality and also the of shows Eke On Golden Pood Airplane Death Wish I Rennet and some too When you combine the features of the video disc and a screen TV as good as being there in Ask for demonstration at your convenience our V unto RYDERS TV MOORE Acton Zoning By law This Amendment involves the of Pan Lot Block Registered Plan known as Mam Sweet Town of Hills from General Com Holding CI to Commercial CI ALL INTERESTED CITIZENS WELCOME Time- Municipal AdmmrSidton Building formerly Esquesmg Office Keith Director Town of YOU ABE INVITED Term ANNOUNCES The Newly Decorated and Charming TEAHOUSE FOR SUNDAY BRUNCH ommencina fluty M an ia an oultnp in in Soot fixi fntif in enp of no tie V fat SMcmf9SC at A a iaSftm Fully licenced For 2i