Georgetown Acton Jury Hydro microwave tower is on hold Plans to erect an Ontario Hydro microwave communications tower Enn Township are on hold Hydro spokesperson Brenda Harris said in an interview this week nothing has been done on this project since public meeting In the spring when citizens learned more about the tower and commented on the seven proposed sites Plans for the tower needs to be dose to the 500 power corridor were first announced last summer Mrs Harris noted all Hydro projects are now being reevaluated in light of spending restraints A decision is expected sometime in AugustSeptember on the ate of capital projects The tower might receive a green light or be delayed CHAMBERS REALTOR MAW STREET EMU ERIN ACHE COUKTRY HOME Park setting for bedroom bungalow with stream passing in view of living room Dining aim kitchen lull basemen I wrlh bar pool table area fireplace superb hot water heating paved drive close to village school tennis court Go tram TWO STOREY HOME On nicety treed comer lot three bedrooms fireplace with living room insert hold mortgage CALL US NOW TO SEE THESE TWO BEA THIS IS A COMMUNITY Let welcome you CALEDON 10 acre estate located on Road S village of Belfountlin garage spent recently on renovations Triple glazed windows two fireplaces est square ft bungalow double roof and Many features kitchen walkout basement small fruil orchard storage bam Asking low price of Of CREDIT K storey on we treed half acre lot located on valley Well maintained home Double car garage First time offered property priced at 900 on edge One and a half storey frame aluminum aiding in excellent condition Master bedroom with balcony Large sunroom on mam floor Vendor will take back mortgage good rate Asking HOBBY FARM acres 3 bedroom sjdesplu Separate mud and laundry rooms 3 baths large family room with fireplace Also fireplace in living room dining room garage Horns set wall back from road Asking See additional McEnery Agencies listings inside RETREAT acre rolling hillside overlooking Credit river and valley One and a half storey stone renovated interior bedrooms living room study new hot water heating system fireplace Nicely sot back from road Easy commuting Just north of Georgetown Asking SISflJXKL early Canadian Stone House set well back from road in secluded area Four wildlife ponds 100 acres of rugged treed rolling land 3 bedrooms large room fireplace Asking 35 Main Street Erin 8339393 Mrtm4l6t 4533811 8775237 4531513