Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 11, 1982, p. 24

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C2 GeorgetownActon Wednesday ONE PAIR shoulder for hockey size smell Prone OVERHEAD garage door red wood plywood l1iJ plywood Also Operator PATtO stone gray used so cent en 877ajOt PRESSURE p1 gallon stainless Steel lank 8770341 or PRINTING Invoice forms tickets book posters envelopes Invitations etc Compete service Printing Acton THE coolest deal ml summer For lust SI Mi you can have a fully installed central conditioning In your home Texts and expert Installation ere included in this ex pries TUB only extra is or refrigerant lint which differ In length from house to house average cost Is SIM Our price will be In effect only so long at Stocks alt Thii ii a special lit summer purchase Call at 834 Guelph or Georgetown TRUCK cap to III Courier or Datum type truck Call EE lFS TREES For Colorado Blue Blue Haven Juniper Hicks Yew Crimson Maples Purple Leaf Shrub An wholesale Prices Phone r Phone USED Building material pin lumber Beams door trim fir length red and burl reclaimed brick Reiteration a specialty Call 5 USED CARPETING tor sale assorted 1 and colour Saturday USED lumber from demolished various sites Also fttater Vic Acton VOLKSWAGEN a Is U General Electric Console colour TV good working condition Beit offer WANTING to buy a pair shoulder pad to tit on eleven year old Call IS Mi Acton WATER BED mat heater liner and frame Complete 819S 3348 WHITE fridge ft good working condition PICK YOUR OWN Pickling cucumbers and potatoes at Chas Grelfj farm Bob Mabel Davolin Sideroad 1 mile wast of Trafalgar Rd 2nd driveway of RR tracks 8777484 SENIOR SUPERVISOR Required for the Garment Division of this dynamic and rapidly ex panding retail organization Applicants must be highly motivated human relations oriented and possess several years in a retail management or supervisory capacity Qualified candidates are requested to submit a resume at Eastern Ave Acton Ont CORN Pick Your Own a carrots bam anal beam Una west south of 16th Sideroad FARMS 8775582 UPICK Beet Beans Cucumber Tomatoes later lesion 111 Lino West Esquosmg ACRES of Bruce Barley In the field mutt combine Delivered and yellow beans pick your own at 877 7433 PICK own beans tomatoes cucumber Ready picked tomatoes corn peaches apple etc Phone I SI for picking condition A Acres Corn Wellington Road la mliwestot34Hwy Equipment PICK your pickling cucumbers and beets Ha Hon Road IS Sideroad 3 mile Guelph Line Closed Wed noway Neave PULLETS ready to lay brown or while egg no order too small We sell now and used cages for small lots also one used poultry Incinerator In very good condition Norman Weber 4 449 3235 BUZZ SOD for sale In Held on Line between Rd and Britannia Rd 1st line east Trafalgar We deliver or SOD nursery grown railroad tie good used we deliver Tuitman Garden Centre No mile Acton 853 1480 FARM EQUIPMENT BARM CLEANERS OVERHEAD FEEDERS CONVEYORS MANURE SPREADERS MANURE TRANSFER PUMPS AGITATOR We also sail Calf Creeps Gram Boxes Gates Hey Feeders Watei Fountain Water Bowl Waste Bets and Sublngetc for Sates Service I 1CAMPBELLV1LLE BALED barley Straw on the field or delivered call 877 daytime or evening HE N FORD tractor for salt hi lo hitch speed pro blacksmith Stave Deforest Normal and corrective shoeing RR5 bull full French registered years fact caw and FOUR YEAR ON regi Arabian barfly trained nitwit YEAS groan brake rabbits months each GOATS Toggembvrg dog kid and on young buck Good milking strain Bel fountain fSckupadsf Choice of diet lots 4ias04a WHtSPERCROFT Horses boarded Hltn Training and Pasture board aveiiabl Beautiful riding trails Call anytime ED BEAUTIFUL pur bred German Shepherd puppies excellent black and silver Parents can be teen property Mjrmed each No papers Jltl BLACK Labrador IRISH Setter and yellow crossbred puppies for sale EH Brother Association of Helton Hills Volunteer urgently needed In Acton Little brothers waiting LimiTED YOU wan to inn an com exciting member an innovative 00 YOU warn to be efficient team DO YOU want id direct your drive initiative end abilities a rewarding career If SO and if you meet the following requirements for an interview TOOL DIE MAKER Minimum years experience in varied work Able work drawings and sketches without supervision Grade 12 plus and apprenticeship Helena SI N LATHE OPERATOR Grade 12 or equivalent Knowledge of controlled machines to years operating lathes 114 Both these positions are in a modern wellequipped an iioned plant and oiler a lull range com benefits Explore a future with us by mailing your resume lull confidence to ANDY KIRK MOLD MASTERS LIMITED ARMSTRONG AVE GEORGETOWN L7G EXPERIENCED AUTOMOBILE PERSON Required immediately or VoDtswagan and Honda dealership opportunity or I person Must be used cat oriented Excellent plan Weekly draw Free demonstrate Large inventory Apply person Applications handled in coot Avk tor Joe Pischmgaf BAZ MOTORS LTD Guelph St Georgetown 8775286 FACTORY HELP Tim POSITIONS Foundry and Finishing We are seeking help Will train Day end afternoon shifts applicable Good company benefits Appryinpwsonto PRODUCTION WORKER Casedon Laboratories tut troe its chemical plant Dunes mil vary from delation to pack on a shift For a 12 we can a position with a good pay scale and benefits ARMSTRONG AVENUE GEORGETOWN ONTARIO Openings are for mature people in the following positions Hotel From Desk Clerk parttime 11 em WaiuessesAilVa He Please apply person INN i 8782825 TELEPHONE SALES FROM YOUR OWN HOME For years old well established Home Im provements company Training provided Good commission CARDINAL INSULATION INC Ask for Mike MECHAMCAL Data IwaA and Son tan EnMM camv k oil Mgwtk Ml OK GDnm 90 VkM Cm WANTED Fulltime PartTime CUSTODIAN or new school In Acton Son experience preferred Ser applications to PO Box 1097 Station B Burlington OFFICE CLERK Full time position available days per weak Applications cart be picked up at 39 Martin St Milton ft PARTTIME RECEPTIONIST for Helton Hills Veterinary Service Acton and Georgetown Four evening per week and Saturday Please call 8531460 AVON ThMbnolmh Ufa tail stout ft GIRL FRIDAY for position In small company starting September 1st Duties Involve light factory work office work car of Infant and light houiework Apply In wriling to Incorporated No Acton Ontario LJ Reference are required DRESS E R wanted for Georgetown Salon Please call B7rou TUT HOUSEKEEPER required preferably an older single person who would become part of a family consisting of two executives and their children living In a country home Must love children and be willing to drive them to program and stay with them some evenings Own transportation is a necessity and live in accommodation independent Main St S Georgetown HUNTER Jumper snow stable requires full groom commencing etfiatety Transpor tattoo required Milton location or PART TIME erupt dally September October November willing to bt on call rest of year to Start DRIVERS needed Apply at St Georgetown DUE roan list Ion our schedule we require a mature part time The shift requires a person to work seven shifts 311 p over a day period I every third weekend We are a nursing home with a dynamic professional team Our requirement ere Current registration positive attitude towards the elderly willing to learn own tran Please write to Box The Acton Free Pre ELECTRONICS Assembly port time Electronics dlsirlb requires a reliable person with good soldering skills and an ability to follow written instructions Work at home Call Ti REQUIRED tor September babysitter lor 2 boys Wilt work In my home WANTED To train tor assistant manager mature Individual over SO year olds considered full or part time to work some evenings weekends must I good with publl Phono from ask for Mr or Mr lams WANTED Phone 7072 during the day alter p WANTED Port mechanic will train light work senior acceptable phone 877 after p m weekdays only ask for Mr for lunch and after school for Grade One child School area Call Mr Baynes BABYSITTER liable September 1st Ewlng St area BABVSITTER for month old baby In Georgetown home a a until noon J to day a week sjqo per hour DAYCARE available former teacher offers reliable daycare located on on mile north School DAYCARE for pre school children home ITT EXPERIENCED daycare provided two preschoolers Fenced yard In BovlS subdivision 803103 TEACHER requires daycare for W end baby my home live- in or out 77 GEORGE Kennedy area experienced reliable loving provider Educational activities nutritious meal and snacks playmates receipts given and school children welcome Register now for September Call vcMdesFerSa IvakksHFotSaki m RELIABLE mother has daycare available my home Convenient location excellent care Please phone ill babysit in my home close and convenient Lots play area lor Karen WILL do daycare In my home any age tor more Informal Ion TT WILL do daycare In my home nutritious hot meal fenced In play area mother of 873 I Employment CARPENTER years experience Free mates Work Guaranteed BODY work and paint job done privately iree estimates Ask for Rene CANADIAN Nanny honours graduate seeks employment live out Call Helena For quality work call Custom House Care 97IBor87T 5WT UNIVERSITY student will do computer programming In BASIC PASCAL FORTRAN or SCRIPT for private or small Call WOMAN would like to housework Reasonable rates THE Academy School of Halrstyllng com courses in barber cosmetics Enrolling each month 273 Jig Vehicle For Sale 1581 CUTLASS LS CERTIFIED 00 All equipped with power steering power brakes nil conditioning tin led windows automatic radial W full wheel discs AM snows block hosier low kilometers Pncsd tor quick sale Cars located at L Robert son Bronte Street Milton Ontario 878 call DONS CAR CARE Complete car care Were always the lowest in pricing 8772917 St 1780 AUDI roof air conditioned speed manual i b p stereo new condition rust proofed evenings BEAUMONT original miles A cylinder new brakes good 1 1 res and battery door lS0Qes is or best offer alter good engine body needs work won take much to certify Best Offer 87 I r as IS certified body motor In excellent condition great gas mileage Asking 100 Calla761723 automatic air conditioned finished In burgundy with matching in Call Georgetown Chrysler 1974 automatic p s original miles needs body work as best offer 877 9M after a 44 CHEV ton pick up cap Pont lac cylinder car Both were on road last year Selling a is for best offer Phone A 2 Acres Si DARK LINCOLN r MERCURY TRUCKS ft CAR OF THE WEEK Pinto 8qutr Wagon Big wagon styling In a compact It looks Ilka the big one hai many of the big cars options yet it runs economically Pinto wagon offers power power brakes four cylinder economy plus air conditioning It offers you savings Marquis Pari Black SPM384 Escort Blue Chevy Morua Black MHW49I BZ Escort Pew Marquis Or tor Green MHW507 B2 Escort 4 Dr Blue Dodge Monaco Silver F1B0XL Pickup 77 Fury Or Maroon LSF121 Capri Sliver Torino Or Blue Honda Prelude n Toyota Corona Swr5MKB55 Wagon Silver OCT037 Cougar on Maroon Plckp White Sport Blue Torino Or Brown HOX433 80 Honda Civic Gold Supercab RMM795 Brown Pickup 73 comet Blue Maroon LOCK SELECTED MODELS REDUCED TO CLEAR ASK OUR SALES PEOPLE FOR DETAILS 1979 AMC Spirit one owner cylinder automatic ps b very low mileage Lie Call Georgetown Chrysler 1978 DODGE Aspen four door automatic economical slant six lots of room tor family Lie NY0I95 Call Georgetown Chrytter 1979 DODGE four door automatic p in excellent condition and extra low mileage Lie OYH709 Call Georgetown Chrysler DURABLE cylinder 4 speed very economical seating lor eight Lie Call Georgetown Chrysler ECONOMICAL Acadian 4 cylinder speed well and in excellent condition Lie See It at Georgetown Chrysler CHEVY Monla 8 cylinder four speed very Quick AM bucket and con sale mags Lie Call Georgetown Chrysler 877 CHRYSLER New Yorker Avenue automatic pi p air cruise stereo full power accessaries wire wheel and more finished charcoal with wine Interior Lie Call Georgetown CLASSY Baron Towna Country Wagon fully loaded Including air buckets and console Finished In maroon with matching vslour Interior Lie See It at Georgetown Chrysler CUSTOMIZED Ford new paint and body bucket seats T Bar sun root AM radio CB a real show and go truck In vested sell for evening F0RLVMERCURY SALES SERVICE Used Cars Rentals Leasing Your Complete Dealer MAIN ST DODGE Van captain chain recently painted white spoke wheels sunroof best offer Dart Swinger original miles slant six auto excel I ent mechanical condition need some body work too uncertified 8770784 HONDA Civic new paint dependable HONDA Civic good condition car tilled Asking 84030 after DODGE Dart Special edition car titled ENGINE and speed standard Phone 877 3059 after FORD Mustang Coupe auto 4 barrel p original miles completely restored motor Best oiler 5387 after 5 p FORD Mustang- fast back speed high powered engine best offer 4ST3 FORD pickup wllh cap automatic ps In excellent condition Lie AJA731 Call Georgetown Chrysler 877 FORD Pinto Wagon recently driven reliable will sell as is In eluding additional engine and ran smlsslon 7800 FORD ton 303 standard with camper Phone alter Chrysler Cordoba cylinder auto p b In excellent condition and priced to- clear PFP983 See It at Georgetown Chrysler LAT Ford Granada auto finished In silver with red In An excellent running car Lie Call Georgetown s pb and only miles- Lie Call Georgetown Chrysler LOOKING for an At certified used tar at sura to see Mi Motors 19 Guelph St MAZDA perfect condition certified Beit offer 1975 MUSTANG speed or best offer Must sell MUST custom I led Ford van good condition make an offer 877 773 OLDS Cutlass US V4 automatic pi air con vary popular model low mileage Lie Cell Georgetown Chrysler OLDS CUTLASS Salon 350 Auto air all power AM stereo high back buckets centra console Blue Interior tires 83900 Will certify 8533448 LOOK WHAT YOU CAN BUY BANK FINANCING IFYOUQUAUFYI A CERTIFIED ROAD READY CAR Honda Civic demo Lie SWA232 82 Accord demo loaded sun root Rabbftdemo diesel Lie THZ012 Honda Civic auto Grand Prix- lie SI Chsv Monte Carlo SO Pick up ScottidalB Lie JD35Q7 SO Dodge Van Mutters Coup RC8246 SO Honda Civic Uc Accord Rabbit 70 Dodge Aspen Lie Bulck Regal Turbo Lie 78 Lamana MMSB9S 79 Honda Civic SJV479 Honda CMc 78 77 Toyota Corona Station Wagon LTP180 MOJ103 Honda Accord 71 Grand Monarch loaded 561 vertible brakes power steering air con dl Ing power seats top SPORTY 1910 Camaro In excellent condition very low mileage finished In brown metallic with tan Interior Lie Call Georgetown Chrysler 1971 TRANS AM with 4 4 bl 4 speed fast motor with rww clutch unit still in box Will sell without car otter 1944 VALIANT miles mechanically sound minor body work needed Vehicles HUSQVARNA or can be licensed for road lighting kit helmet bast offer 19TS VALIANT Scamp slant auto pi 44400 miles 1978 VW Rabbit door sliver 4 speed stand AM cassette civic headlights new tires battery muffler recent valve lob highway vary good condition lifted Asking Call after VW BUG In running condition a I I wheat drive engine mag wheels good tires new brakes has to be seen or HONDA Verier fairing control backrest Excellent condition only KM or bast offer Call after CLEARANCE WE MUST MAKE ROOM FOR INCOMING STOCK STOCK SUZUKIS BAZ MOTORS a GEORGETOWN HONDA 8776388

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