GewoetowfiActon Wednesday Aug CANADIAN ODEON THEATRES A GEORGETOWN 3 lad ANNf FRIDAYS ARE DANCE NIGHTS Rockln Robin Of 60s MID WEEK SPECIALS a complete dinner for SMOTHERED STEAK TUESDAYS wcDncsDArs or sole THURSDAYS SMOTHERED Entertainment Thurs Sat tons CALL 49EASTERFT AVE ACTON In centre of town by Inventory of rural Ontario A small army of people are working their way through rural Ontario taking inven tory of land tile drainage The SI million survey funded by the provinces Board of Industrial Leadership and Development BILD and Employ merit and Immigration Canada will be carried out between now and spring of these studies will provide detailed analyses of Ontario agricultural land base said Dennis Timbrel Ontario Minister of Agriculture and Food They will generate important data as the basis for planning and decui tonmaking on- a wide range of agric ultural issues Information for the tile drainage portion of the inventory is being collected through personal interviews with fanners Farmers will be asked to describe the extent and location of existing drainage systems All of the province will be surveyed with the ex ception or Russell Stormed and Grenvllle Dundas i STARTS FRIDAY FAST TIMES AT RIDGEMONTHIGH PLUS DEAOMEN DONT WEAR PLAID 1 QUEIPH Rockin Robin 50 60 will recreate the era and set the mood for nglos or couples who enjoy the social life AGE REQUIRED HO COVER CHARGE THE MOHAWK INN CAMPBELLVILLE ONT LINE AT Tor Line TOos Chinese and Canadian Specialties SpMI Free Won Ton Ivwth even with every 12 take out order take out or eat in 53 Main St S TUESDAY NIGHT St Marys BINGO counties which were surveyed under recent project To determine agncul oral land uses two person teams will travel the countryside car The crews use aerial photographs as a guide to locate and note crops ad other land uses The program will provide people with temporary jobs lasting to 36 weeks Timbrel said results of the survey will be made available to any agency concerned with agricultural land use every Thura 500930pm TBorie Steak Dinner KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS BINGO at Holy Cross Church Auditorium EVERY THURSDAY BOO numbers numbers SB numbers numbers bracken SteaksCf SeafootJ Tuxedo Royale dbermtgEORETi When Only the Best Will do after Six the Grey Cutaway Specializing In Tuxedos rental and sales For Your FREE Brochure CUP MAIL To Hoy Nam Apt No J lBM4J I Tuxedo Royale will offer the finest in quality and service OUR PRICES WILL PLEASE YOU Stop by and reserve yours today BRAMALtA CITY CENTRE HtoestMall 88461 7934322 North York Shendan Mall 2445571 Parkway Malt Tues 5to RIB FEAST inflation fiqhfpr rag NIGHT SHIFT ONE AT THE MILL RESTAURANT FINE 4COURSE MEALS OUR EARLY BIRD SPECIALS ARE BACK Every day except Sunday people who like dine early between and JO will once more be able to enjoy quality meals substantial savings at Mill Restaurant Male plan for a special evening Then reserve a table for our famous country cooking at highly affordable prices Beat ihc crowd from Toronto get an early start on your evening and save money on a great meal Call for your Early Bird Reservation at Aberfovle Mill Restaurant You savour Old Ontario surroundings lhai rccreaie more ihan 120 yean of our history EARLY BIRD DINNER MENU Choice of In lender filed p cat and scull Sole Belle lopped ion at and ft i Boneless lha lemon nrgurt Oit Cheese end Mushroom Omelette noodles and lopped ill sour cream Desert Sherry Trifle Coffee or AEERFOYLE MILL RESTAURANT ottos Old Ho lfIpaefeptaitromt Report from Queens Park by Julian Reed MPP Ontario a new Human Rights Code Claimed on the June At a dinner the occasion the Premier asked that we compare the Ontario of today with the Ontario that existed when the Human Rights Code was first created The truth of the matter Is that the Human Rights Code failed to keep pace with social and demographic changes which occurred in the two decades which followed Its original enactment In 1961 For example no provision was made for protecting handicapped persons from discrimination and the only such protection which existed was to be found within the Handicapped Emplojment Program of the Ministry of Labour crested to foster programs not to define and rights Acknowledging both the obvious need for remedial human rights legislation and the fact that 1981 was proclaimed internationally as the Year of the Disabled the government Introduced its bill To Revise and Extend Protection of Human Rights in Ontario Some of the highlights of Bill Introduced on lhc24thApril 1981 were as follows 1 The circumstances under which discrimination is prohibited were extended from basic situations of advertising access to public places accommodation and employment to virtually all activity between citUens In the public domain including particularly the prohibition of discrimination in the form of harassment The number of prohibited grounds of discrimination are extended from eight grounds to Include a Handicap Marital status with certain exceptions In the case of accommodation Record of offences in the case of employment d Age of IB and over and in the case of em under elFamllystaluswlthcertatn exceptions In the case of accommodation It Receipt of public assistance In the case of ac commodation 3 The Bill would bind the Crown and have primacy aver other legislation after a year transitional period The Commission is empowered to recom mend for consideration special plans or programs Boards of Inquiry are empowered to make orders respecting access Tor the handicapped after finding of discrimination has been made The Liberal Party supported the bill In considering It to be In many respects an enlightened piece of legislation and due to con structlve opposition the Bill was substantially amended and improved For example Human Rights Officers in vestigating complaints could no longer compel production of documents but were authorized to request that such documentation be produced for inspection Officers Investigating a complaint no longer had the power to call upon police assist thus removing the criminal taint from what is essentially a conciliatory procedure The vicarious liability of on employer for an act of employee has been limited to situations where an employee acts in the course of his employment and harassment provisions have been exempted from the vicarious liability provisions of the same sect inns In addition the upper limit of age protection has been eliminated in all areas except employ ment and the Minister has asked the Ontario Manpower Commission to study the question of eliminating the year age qualification on respect of employment and to make appropriate recommendations Provisions dealing with harassment on the ground of sex have been fled There ore aspects in which the legislation does not in the Liberal view go far enough with respect to reasonable accommodation for the handicapped with respect to the prohibition of discrimination on the basis of languare and political belief and with respect to a con of the Act becoming a cause of action for which a remedy in Court Is sought We also believe that there should be a provision making the Ontario Human Rights Commission accountable to the Legislature in the same manner as the Ombudsman therbyremovingany taint of partisanship involvement On the 16th June the Toronto Globe and Mall commented in an editorial that It is a far better bill than the one the Government originally proposed although In an area as difficult as the balancing of human rights even the Improved version gives us cause for concern the Government and its appointees must take palm not to secure one man rights by riding roughshod over those of another Grossman favors health councils District health councils will continue to have an important role to play in planning Ontario a health care system The Minister of Health made a flying visit to the District Health Council last week carrying Ihatmessageof I came here to reaffirm both publicly and privately the Important role see for district health councils be said in a press conference following a twoandahalf hour closed door session with members of the local body Mr Grossman said the District Health Council has established an excellent reputation during its years of operation as his chief advisors about the health care needs of this ares In Halton he said the health council has raised several concerns about hospital expansion plans mental health services and the needs of the elderly In the future he said he hoped to be able to give more explicit and direct answers to the con cems raised by the council over health csre in We hope to be able to the proposals that have come in to us and hopefully bring them Into line with Ministry priorities Well also try to let people know which proposals area t likely to ever be funded In the Immediate future Mr Grossman demonstrated bis explicit sad direct approach when asked plans for Mil ton District Hospital The hospital plans he said are currently being reviewed by his staff