Region defers lot levies Bending under pressure from about a dozen regional council opted to defer the 2Sao per acre industrial and commercial levy originally slated to begin on January 1 The deferral was met with strong oppos ition Wednesday afternoon from a Burlington councillor who called councils move one of dynamic inaction Thai when you do nothing but you do it with style said Councillor Joan Utile who has supported the imposition of the levies from the time they v ere introduced in October But she and eight others were outvoted and the went They re just using it as a scare lactic telling us there won be any new development said coun cillor Pat McLaughlin also from Burlington be added But Mayor Pete and other Hills councillors favored the deferral Why do we have to be a leader in the very thing that is detrimental to new industry be asked He mentioned that if the levies were imposed region would be the only region to have such a policy Councillor Carol Gooding from Oakville said she couldn believe the time spent on the levies in the present bad economic climate Are we so insulated from what going on that we re willing to put even a pyschological imped iment to development she questioned council It absolutely incredible A surprise in the recorde vote was too Hilb councillor Mike Armstrong voting In favor of the deferral when be opted for the levies in October I haven changed my opinion commented Armstrong during a break In the meeting But I must admit was swayed by the developers He said developers better have very strong reasons for no levies if be was going to alter his position I think the deferral is the way right now During the 904ay referral a subcommittee will be formed to evaluate the effects of the levy on the region Consisting of the chairman the four mayors the Chief Administrative Of ficer and four representatives of the development industry the committee will report back to council about any implications newsmakers Georgetown Acton Wednesday January VON St Elizabeths Home care issue is deferred six months The Victorian Order of Nurses VON were successful Wednesday at the region in putting off the controversial issue of a second mu sing service being allowed into Ha lion The Hamiltonbased St Elizabeth Visiting Nurses Association was requesting an agreement for an expansion of their service mio Hal ton but Issue was deferred for six months Executive Director for SI Elizabeths Shjron Campbell called the request to move inlo a logical extension of Iheir seruce Does VON have exclusive rights visit in We don think so she told council saying St Flizabuh prices for home care would match those of the VON But Milton councillor Bill Johnson saw things differently Apologizing far this customary blunt less he accused Campbell of setting her sights on Hal ton because she thought it was ripe or pick The VON service is excellent I con about your motives he said to Campbell Johnson told Campbell in no uncertain lerms that he was suspicious of anyone who said they were going into business to lose money after she told him St Elizabeths would not make any money servicing Ha I ton But certainly don sec us ripe for the picking she commented Instead she thought it was a way tooffer residents an alternative in services President of the VON branch Thomas McGaughan claimed the VON was not opposed to competition but he believed there was no need for a second nursing service as the volume of his clients dropped in 1982 compared to last year If the volume Increased then we could see a se cond nursing service at that lime he said Halton Medical Officer of Health Peter Cote strongly supported St Elizabeth bid to ex tend their service intp at a Health and Social Services committee meeting before Christmas I m not saying they re VON Inefficient he told committee but I think It a positive thing to have two services St Elizabeth can do It on their own that their problem the VON has always had the region to come back to Mayor of Burlington Roly Bird said that although he did not believe anyone should have ex elusive rights In Hohon he would phone the VON if he wanted home care HaltonHillscouncillor Dave Whiting opposed to the deferral believed that competition was bene ficial My phone was out of order for a while I d like to see Bell have some competition he commented councillor Keith Bird opted defer the issue because there was not enough information and the six months would allow the VON to have an idea of their case load Audio technician Pal works on the Ltd after discovering they were no longer audiometer as Health Department employee soundproof booth Carole While right sits in the soundproof booth the Health Department The booth shots oat Inter- having her hearing tested at the Hills ft ring noises and Is available to use In Health Department In Georgetown Smith Stone tests on any Hills resident Smith Stone donates booth to Health Dept Set Popes Acton date for late in February The date Alan Pope will appear in Acton for a public meeting on the aggregate issue wont be known until after the Ontario Minister of Nat ural Resources returns to Canada on January Burlington Progressive Conser Youth President Saskia van Tetering of Nassagaweya said word Pope office last week had the meet hopefully being arranged for late February Van Tetering who is also sixth vicepresid ent of the provincial Tory Youth wing was asked by Pope to arrange a public meet ing for north Halton residents so the min ister can explain the government ate policies when the pair met at a convention in November Originally she had booked Pope to appear at Acton High School the evening of January 17 but that date had to be cancelled because the minister must be in the Legislature that night when an import ant education bill is voted on van noted The post is legitimate She been able to reach Pope the past few weeks most recently because the minister is out of the country She said she has been assured by an aide to Pope Marc Perraull that a date will be arranged likely a few days after Pope a return on January Perrault apologized for the confusion and delay in setting a date she reported adding the minister aide said there is no way Pope will becoming to Acton just to talk to the party faithful Hills residents who think they have a hearing problem can phone the Halton Health Department located on Main St South George town They II be tested in a new soundproof booth donated by Smith Stone Ltd Smith Stone gave the Health Department the booth valued at 2 because they were not us It anymore When the economy was better they bought the booth and had a technician to test their employees explained audio technician Pat They don use it now and they gave it to us so that people in the area could use it The smalt cubicle is designed specifically to shut noises out that could interfere with the hearing test The little room we were using before had lights that would buzz and the patient would here them commented the technician who has worked at the Health Department for almost four years I think it great she said believing the readings from the audiometer will be more ac curate tests all elementary students lo Acton and Georgetown in the schools The first of its kind in the North Halton area the booth is furnished with a chair and lamp A fan turns on when the lamp is on but the sound does notinterferewlth the test according to Tufford the past six months Tufford has tested about 40 people in the area which she says la a Ugh figure compared to where she worked for two yean It may be a smaller place so doctors an men aware of the service she explained adding most doctors prefer to see the results of the hearing teat before referring the patient specialist Testing is available for anyone free of charge at the health department office in Georgetown on Main St South Boardteachers PTR big issue in talks eg olio ton for the Halton Board of Education and Its high school teachers met Jan 10 in the first IBS session of the current contract talks The teachers who have been working without a contract since Sept 1 are bargaining for changes In the current pupil teacher ratio Robert president of the Teachers Association said he expected the meeting with high school teachers would produce some results for his members as well I think a salary settlement it definitely within reach he so id adding money is not the teachers major concern Right now the board has a of to one and they just can operate the system properly with that he said He added negotiations so far have produced a salary offer from the board which excludes the raises teachers are paid for improvements in the qualifications and experience That something we have to go through every year heaald Wealwaysatnrtatlhatpoint Mr said his members are especially concerned about because thev ex peel the provincial special education act will hate a major effect on them going to suffer because of ever increasing class sizes He stressed that teachers are not simply trying to protect their jobs when they argue for a smaller PTR Teachers just trying to feather their nests This job protection because we realize thatsomejobsaregolngtnbelost he said To date no teachers in Halton have been Tired because of declining enrolments although some Jobs have been lost through attrition You have to remember he said that when we are at the bargaining table for staff we are thereforlhekids Special programs required under the new law he said are going to mean more teachers are taken out of regular programs to meet the new demands and if the board does not increase the number or teachers it has regular programs are Region Board of Ed start budget process NEC Halton nominates five for one post Five regional councillors have been nominated forSlOOa day posts on the Niagara Escarpment Commission but only one will be chosen The Niagara Escarpment Commission asked council to submit not less than three members of council for the In to Halton CounciUors Dave Whiting Ruts Miller and Mike Armstrong Bill Johnson from MUton and Joan Little from Burlington be trying for the post The NEC passes the nominations on to the lieutenant Governor who makes the final choke There are 17 members on the commission which meets twice every month Commission members get paid a per diem fee of It DO every day the meets Eight of the members are pouticial representatives and eight Including the chair man are from Itpublic The councillor a role Is to represent the concerns of the region by Steve Arnold Officials are busily preparing budget sub missions for elected bodies now and res traint Is the key word Staff at Halton Region and the Board of Education are striving now to prepare budgets which will both pay for the services they have to provide and keep tax increases as low as possible Dennis chief adminis trative officer said he hopes to have a preliminary budget ready for regional cou ncil by January In the Tint presen tation of the 1983 docu ment Perlin said the mill rate increase will be kept to 9 per cent After the budget is presented to regional council it will be referred first to the three standing com mittees then to a final review by the ad ministration and finance committee- Final approval of the document is anticipated by April be added Efforts to keep tax increases low he said have been causing headaches for the sen ior staff preparing the documents Council has established some very specific guidelines and even if all our needs can t be accom modated the depart ments still have to stick to those guidelines when they submit those budgets to me he said admitted however that despite the best efforts of regional staff some losses In service may be unavoidable 1 would have to say we are going to see some lower levels of service In some areas he said because we be demanding more work from the same number of p If council wants to try to reduce the budget below that level where a tight bud get would not pose the same problems as in the past The wheels going to fall off It we keep if at per cent he said The budget we re presenting is Intended lo keep the wheels on According to Kit regional budgets been designed by staff based on the needs of the operation and then have been cut by councillors In an effort to get down to a level they felt would be ac ceptable to taxpayers What were presenting now Is a base budget to try to get council to not try to get down lo some ar bitrary levels We re trying to- say that e really think they should try lo cut too far he added regional council In staff has bean million for its own needs plus toother million for the Board superintendent Barbara Moore said she hoped the board 1983 budget would be finally ap proved by the end of March as required by the Ministry of Education Trustees have already approved a motion directing their staff to keep spending hikes within eight per cent this year and Mrs Moore said some restraint will be needed to meet this goal I would imagine that we won be able to fund everything that asked for and still stay within the eight per cent she said The board was the target of a wave of criticism last year for its million budget Georgetown trustee Betty Fisher says this year a budget problems are compounded by the lack of information from the ministry on grants tor ISO They promised wed have the figures in December of ISC but we are still she toM this First Sheriff appointed in 1856 Sheriff Robert M Mac Sprawl has researched the history of all 10 sheriffs since beginning with Levi Willson who served in the office from to Thisisthefirstofasenes by Mac Sprawl Sheriff Levi was born In Lincoln Ontario on February IB IBM When the Coun ty of Agricultural Society was organized in he was one of the leading spirits in the formation of the Society On July IBM of look place The first occupant of the Office of Sheriff was Levi He was appointed In 1836 and resigned in when succeeded by his deputy George Crawford At time Levi was Sheriff there were three lawyers In Milton three in George town two Oakville and Burlington for a total of eight Abo there were l Magistrates in the County During Levi term of Sheriff be bad problems with the county council one over an escape of two prisoners from the jail pur chase of books for his office and the key to a courtroom Levi married Ana on February WO and remarried a widow Mary House March She died March Ml it bar son residence near the City of Jackson federal election of 1BC3 Levi ran on the Conservative ticket being defeated by John While MP by votes Levi died on September Jackson Michigan ILSA