Wcdn Voyaguers shine at Cdn Canoe Festival PAUL NOLAN The Voyageurs Canoe On rtt uraed to town Saturday after id Canada Day spent In tbt nation cap ital Two of the three teams earn hack with honors to their respective which were part of The Canadian Canoe Festival held annually at time This was the second year in a raw there has been a team sent to Ottawa to compete in the national display Last year defend Voyageur Cup champions comprised of six Acton High School staff members took to the Ottawa River on July hoping to re peat The team of Dr Paul Tamblyn Tom Bins Wayne Bridle Murray Kilmer Dave Boycott and Peter Harris finished second overall beaten only by a crew from Ottawa itself The Young Voyageur squad placed second in their division to a team from Brussels Ontario Renata Brillinger Sandy Bill McKenzie Ian Rick Greenly Adam Thomas Sally Lisa McGregor and Paul Moore were the members of that crew Recreation Department Happenings This year there are three Summer Ac tlvity Centre sites Middle School and St Joseph Separate School in Acton as well as George Ken nedy Public School In Georgetown The Programs are full of exciting and challenging activities such as crafts stones games movies and singing Also included in this fun packed week are three scheduled swims and a special event Bach week the program is geared to a specific theme o which ail the are related Children between the ages of five and 12 are encouraged to enroll in these ac lion packed programs Registration has begun for the many summer children programs offered by the Hal on Kills Recreation and Parks Department There is still time to register for these programs by visiting the recreation office at James St Georgetown or by mailing in the registration form found in the Spring and Summer 83 brochure Register now as summer programs begin Monday July This year they are offering a new Day Camp right in Georgetown at Cedarvale Park George Kennedy School will be the site of a Sam Activity Centre as well as the retur Franca Tot Lot will be offered at Joseph Gibbons Public School and Sport Camp at Georgetown High School Also Dramatic Arts will be held at Georgetown High School until August when it will be moved to Centra School The Dramatic Arts Summer Program so popular last year is returning for another fun filled season This summer we have even more special events with a trip to Halton Cable Television every Thursday and of course our regular performance at John Elliott Theatre The first week of programs is Outer Space Week and will be highlighted by a visit from some farout extra ter res trials The second week is Clown Week and on July 13 the whole com m unity will be invited to join us when Petal the Gown drops in to do a special show The Town of Halton Hills Recreation Parks Department In conjunction with Community Program Agencies would like lo organize an open house to in form residents of ihe recreational vices and programs available to them To make this possible we would require support from alt organizations and groups in the community who provide such leisure services The Open House would be held in a community hall so your group could set up a table providing information on your organization and answering any questions residents may have They feel this would also be an excel lent opportunity to promote your group and perhaps boost registration The feasibility of this project depends on your support If we receive favorable com unity response we will notify your group in the fall If you have any questions or tions please do not hesitate to Dalia Gesser a Canadian Mime and Dance Artist will present her show Petal The Clown at the Georgetown District High School on Wednesday July at The Recreation Departments Summer Ac Program is sponsoring the production and the coat will be only a person Anyone who is enrolled in Dramatic Arts on the week of July 11 15 will get to meet Petal in person when she conducts a special workshop on mime and clown ing Call the Summer Activities Hotline at 63 for more information Ball tourney is this weekend The Fifth Annual Acton Curling Crub Ladies Ball Townsman take to the diamonds this at Prospect Park Us a doubleknockout tourney early Saturday rooming Twelve teams from Acton Georgetown bin Bramamlea GnanrtOe and compete far the Howard Campbell and r Trophies Don Hippie Larry BUI GwynethGibb and Paid Moore placed seventh overall the premier cat Voyageur spokesman Paul Tamblyn was pleased with the results of the com petition particularly with the costume eat Both Tamblyn crew and the Young Voyageurs won the drees event while team placed fifth We certainly do shine in that category be commented The spokesman added that both Heller and Superior Glove have helped us with donaliona of leather Besides costuming the final standings of the competition were based on a race and a manoeuvre drill We bad a faster canoe this year and we were as fit as last time recalled Tamblyn but well maybe have to get a new canoe to stay competitive the race A team of Voyageurs from Rockwood captained by area resident Malcolm Ian also travelled to to compete in the Canoe Festival J- T Sports edge Willow Lane J T Sports got by Willow Lane Natural Foods 3931 in T Ball action Wednesday Kathy White Andrea Leaking Tammy Richards Adam and Piper came away with four runs each for the winners while Mark Hacbey Wendy Graham Michelle Pilgrim Alison Coe and Matt ail crossed the plate three times in the game Sean Adams picked up a pair of runs For Willow Lane It was Brian and Matthew Smith scoring five times each Troy MacDougall and Julie had four Haines Terry McLean and Kimbcrly Owen registered three apiece and Peterson grabbed a single score Kevin Paisley and Amy Leslie both scored a run to round out the scoring for Willow Lane Ball stats INDUSTRIAL ST IS 3 1 31 RJ 1 Furniture 7 Desmonds 8 8 17 Royals Acton As 2 Bears 1 11 Canadian Tire 3 Soccer stats MAJOR SQUIRT A 3 3 0 4 11 Glasvan 3 12 7 13 4 Eagles 0 2 S 5 Blizzard 10 5 7 Squirts downed The Acton County Squirts dropped an decision to Pualinch Green at Prospect Park Thursday evening Paul Glass and Jeff Burton each picked up a pair of runs for the locals in the game while Mike McGrath Scott McKee and Marty McAfee all crossed the plate once Their next contest was scheduled for yesterday Tuesday in ErimoM Limehouse whips Hisakis Hisakis Gtrls were pounded by Limehouse in action last Monday The team then rebounded to defeat Eromosa last Wednesday Michelle Perry Sarah Coats Tammy Landry Terrl Yaroschak Heather Tracy Smith Jackie McHaney Tracy Toth and Melissa Fabian all reached base in the contest PAWS print From time to time through tht summer months the local PAWS Public Awareness Water Safety staff will keep us informed as to their goings on and what the local crew headed by Gwenyth is up to Here is their first report We have Just completed our present boos for the Halton Elementary Schools The schools were very cooperative and responsive to our Wa let Safety preeenta lions The poster contest we had for all the schools also went over very well We would tike to thank everyone who par ticipated and a special thanks to the For those who saw our Water Safety be Right now we are election songs and sWtaTo further enforce the rules of Wat Safety we be our new presentation to the summer recreat facUUle such as Day Camp and Tot Lot We hope to see all of you out If you bare any regarding Water Safety in any form or bout the PAWS program itself fed free to can is The incoming Erin Optimist Club president Dennis 1 tech tired a fine at North Hilton Golf Club last Wednesday to take op honor in First Annual Mayor Pete a Golf Tourney for the Optimist Drug Abuse program with the title Leech claimed the Melton a Id Restaurant Georgetown Independent Tropin 1 ro r are Pete Iomero Ken Georgetown Independent leech I- inn McDonalds and Optimist Han Leech takes Mayors title Hills Mayor Pete must have put his order in early for good weather for Mayor Pete s Golf Tourney for the Drug Abuse program last Wednesday and he ordered up a beauty A sunny warm day with a cooling breeze kept some 103 golfers happy as they helped Pete help the Optimist Drug Abuse program raise in the first of what the Mayor hopes is many tourneys of the same variety I extremely pleased commented Pomeroy of the day It was an absolute success Pomeroy is already making plans for next year event and is planning a meet soon to get the ball rolling Dennis Leech the incoming president of the Optimist Club claimed aids Res a l Georgetown Independent Trophy with a fine The law Net Award which Roes lo the low score handicap was won Doug Anderson of North Sports Ned came up within three feel of ihc on the par three I3lh at North course and claimed a year mem at the Silverereek Golf Centre and lesions with pro In special draws Bill who himself a successful lournej just a week ago for the Canadian Cancer Soeicl was rewarded with a trip to Cup and a couple of tickets for this Near ami in British Columbia Bill picked up a trip to California through and lions Travel as a special door while Hick Wist was the lutk ret i pent of a prop J no conversion for a courtesy of I G Propane Everything ran smoothly at Mayor Pele Golf for the Optimists Drug Abuse program at North Golf Club last Wednesday at over 100 golfers teed oft to help raise Clock wise from the top Mayor Pete with Ken Bellamy and Nancy of The Acton Free Press patting oat the welcome mat to golfer Doug Anderson claimed the low net award for his efforts from Mayor Pele while receives a s membership to Golf Centre from Terry Dennis Leech fired a earn Ihe low gross title and congratulations from the Mayor Middle left Mayor Pete is all miles as he aaaoaaces that bad been raised ONTARIO GAMES FOR THE DISABLED JULY 15 16 17 CCHEMOWES CMSMCUACOUSY THURS JULY BRAMPTON Pick Your Own Strawberries OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK IN OUR STORE APPLES APPLE CIDER HOMEMADE PIES DAIRY PRODUCTS FRESH FRUITS VEGETABLES RAINBOW VALLEY ORCHARDS Out by Holiday time Is here at least for Veryhothumidwcathertakcs the enjoyment out of ravelling often bringing the fore defects in the family set of wheels and especially in trailers boots or otherwise Plenty of anglers arc heading north with trailers in tow a good percentage the first long trip of the season Somi of the greater and more per problems are wheel bearings burning out due to immersion while loading the boat with not enough grease Water spots on bearings soon rust with the inevitable breakdown at the wrong time bearings are now available with turn in grease fittings great improvement over standard fittings that have to be looked after on return of every trip Tires also lake a beating Just sitting all winter often becoming cracked and low in air pressure with the first trip heat buildup soon causes trouble Many a boat trailer has hud to be left along the way for repairs at out of he way places usually with line prices The Loyalist Bass Tour a merit took place at season opening with a good turn out of contestants This contest out Collins Bay on Lake Ontario was entered by Nick Leone and Tom Lush of Georgetown with per head entry fee of 30 This contest is for the dedicated bass angler Heavy rolling waves and rough water conditions however took Ihe fun out of this trip These eastern shore areas of Lake Ontario can be treacherous with persistent wind and waves large Bass boats have their trouble with conditions Fishing was just impassible In itard size boats plus the fact that the fish did not cooperate A fish of 4z lbs took first place not too great for all the effort encountered Tournaments are okay on smaller in land lakes where everyone has an equal chance with a reasonable outfit It hard to compete with boats and equip in ihc real Lakes Mr Leon wn Stephen along with Christopher and Matthew Lush landed and released four Muskelungc of appro naleiy inches on this rip along with good bass They will be there for the next trip Hate a good day ERNIES TREE SERVICE SPECIAL Ion presentation of this SSMMG THE ARE YEARS 8774693