GeorgetownActon Wednesday Aug 1983 FLOWER BAY WINDOWS I I a flu If room tNW is in Bay Window win transform point lot room Or in Caffotnai Mating and In Ont WE SUPPLY INSTALL GEBS CUSTOM CARPENTRY CALL 776413 FINAL CLEARANCE OF ALL SPRING AMD SUMMER MERCHANDISE merchandise must go to make room for our Fall Winter goods Because of the fantastic MARK DOWNS on our Spring Sum mer merchandise we must ask that you pay at time of purchase in full and all sales to be paid for in Cash or Cheque No charge cards at these prices There are limited quantities and sizes Goods sold on a first come first serve basis All sales final SPORT JACKETS TOPCOATS DRESS SHIRTS SPRING JACKETS NOW SWIMWEAR Otir SHORTS to Stevensons Mens Wear GEORGETOWN MARKET CENTRE AUGUST HOME SAVERS Vegetable Bin StaduUe BaautiTon Caulking Gun Made Wfcaver 182 An Inffpmato QUELPH STREET GEORGETOWN 8778277 OXBOWS LAST DAY SATURDAY 20off ALL STOCK STATIONERY OFFICE SUPPLIES OXBOW BOOKS ID MAIN ST S GEORGETOWN 8778861 if- Let her travel style with For thai unique giftgiving den visit toon Tiauri CoOreknatw Coamtfie Bag Comb ft Minor and Bag and much moit Tundau to Saturday 1 1 am t Mondaya on ax PRINCE STREET GLEN 4 It THE PLACE TO SAVE ItOurStMHr- Sot WHY WAIT CHECK US OUT ENERGY SAVING WINDOWS BRING YOUR PLANS IDEAS CUT RE COSTS DOORS METAL CUB WELL REMOVE AND REPLACE YOUR OLD DOOR NORMAL INSTALLATION OR STANDARDSIZES INSTALL 2Ml ALUM STORM WINDOWS com ALUM STORM DOORS ALUM PATIO STORM DOORS OfTMAMUFUST vamsuoB windows Double Glared with Sown Example frmeasuwgsbmce The North Halloo Youth Services held a car wash Saturday at arena parking lot Here Shelley Ken McKcnile Kevin Fabian Emmanuel Kriticoa and Jamie Alexander scrub a car clean Yugoslavs face noise charge A Yugoslav cultural official Is going to be charged under the Town noise bylaw after police were called to the properly on High way twice Sunday Because the noise problem has again reared its ugly head Halton Hills Council decided Monday night to object to the Yugoslav receiving a liquor permit for the planned August picnic One of the conditions of proval of a liquor permit for Sunday s picnic was hat two offduty policemen be hired and on the site Neighbor BUI Mc Arthur Third Line told councillors Monday that he was informed by the police early Sunday night that no offduty policemen were on the site The Town Is urging the Yugoslavs not to use loud speakers and hire offduty policemen if the August picnic proceeds desp te the fact the centre won gel a liquor permit Police went to the site once and the speaker volume was reduced However they received another complaint later Sunday and determined the noise level was excessive McArthur said neighbors felt liquor permit should be rejected since ihe noise problem was again as severe as it ever has been He added neighbors put up with the noise from 1 until after The Yugoslavs were not living up to their obligations Liquor permits have been approved for three previous picnics on the condition noise is kept down and offduty police hired Councillor Ross Knechtel noted he went to McArthur s properly around and the noise volume was unaccept able He added he was Informed the noise was lower then and noted home Is a con siderable distance away They breached their agreement with us Councillor Dave Whiting observed this is the second time the Yugoslavs haven I Kept up their part of the bargain Last year a permit condition was no loud speakers be used and they were used and now no offduty police were hired as required Reject air cleaner Town saves 1675 Hal ton Hills council Monday night rejected spending Si on a large window air cleaner Tor the chambers There have been numerous complaints primarily from Councillors Marilyn Serjeant son and Sheldon about stale air in chambers Roughly half of recent councils the press audience and some staff members are smokers Attempts to ban smoking at meetings have repeatedly failed In the past a few small desk top air cleaners have been used in the chambers but haven proved very effective Earlier Sheldon asked staff to look at the subject of air cleaners again Staff contacted four firms lor quotes and information about large air cleaners I here even been on an experimental basis In the chambers the put couple of meetings It was noisy and kept arcing and sparking Councillor John McDonald suggested the motion to buy the air cleaner be received and filed The easiest was for all the smoking councillors sit on one side and the nor smokers on the other Noting most councillors had preached restraint at election time Councillor Rick Bonnette noted if they wanted to practise restraint they spend Sheldon said this kind of expenditure what she had In mind she meant small inexpensive air cleaners She t want to see much money spent and besides most smokers are silting on Ihe other side of the room from she and Serjconlson now Deadline 5 pm Monday for contributed material Due to changing press schedules deadlines for all contributed material will be p Mondays This deadline will apply to all church and community group reports sports scores and reports contributed columns and articles etc The Monday deadline Approve lottery Hills will allow lottery tickets In aid of the Georgetown Lusty added he Burn Centre Fund Raising understood the local fire Drive to be sold In town department has agreed to Approval was given Monday support and assist In the tale of Bylaw Enforcement Officer the and they be for Jack Lusty reported to council sale at local functions such as that the request came from D fall fairs etc will apply holiday Mondays also These deadline revisions will allow for earlier publication of the paper 1 hoped the paper will generally be available In stores and newspaper boxes by Wednesdays and we re attempting to have rural mail delivery on Wednesdays also This revised deadline is live Monday August 15 coming FRIDAY AUG 19th tsmMsiait J 17th mm COME RIDE WITH US fc SAVE2 J oft our already low prices Service J Courttout Mw WilmiintMWlCm Prompt No Parting i J Gov Raw X