Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 4, 1984, p. 13

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Acton plant focus of Energy From Waste study o turning its garbage nightmares into in energy users dream is looking brighter now with the results of a four month regional study pointing to six possible industrial customers for an energy from plant The Beardmore tannery in Acton is one of six Hal ton companies out of studied that show promise as users of steam and electricity produced by a garbage burning EPW plant according to the marketing After the study team presents its find ings at a public meeting in mid January its task will be to do a more detailed study of the six to access the financial environ mental and technical usability of EFW at each The main thing is that we feel we have identified a market said Project Officer Vicky Gibson That will be welcome news to regional which is hoping to turn 73 per cent of Halt on s garbage into an energy re source leaving per cent of the waste is useless for the widely unpopular landfill alternative Besides Beardmore the other com panies include the Canada refinery Union Carbide plant and Ford assembly plant all in the plant in Burlington and Leaver Mushrooms in Mil- Energy use questionnaires were sent to 1300 area businesses in August and of those which responded the field was narrowed down to the final six because they were the only ones falling within Hal tons stipu la t Ion that their energy consumption re quire the burning of at least 75 tonnes of garbage per day The fortunes or a Hal ton facility have been further brightened by an Ontario Hydro policy that any electrical power produced will be purchased says the report This has created three options for the region including the production of energy for an industrial consumer strickly for Hydro or some combination of the two We feel confident that one of the three will work said Gibson Of the six plants Beardmore appears to the most potential to the location of an plant nearby according to the results of the report These include the lack of a good site for the plant a possible reduction of the buffer rone between the plant and the nearby residences and possible conflicts that uldresull from that and the great age of the tannery complex That doesnt mean these problems are insurmountable said Gibson who ex plained Beardmore is a bit more com plicated but it does have the advantage in that it is up in Hal ton Hills a source of garbage Representatives of ere unavailable for comment Councd has asked for a answer on the tocatlonof EFW by July when it will decide whether to stick to its original target of per cent energy use and IS per cent landfilllng of garbage or revise Its plans decision on how much can be fed to will determine the sire needed for a landfill site which the region must select this if it is to be in operation in 1988 Gibson would give no firm figures on how much the study has cost taxpayers so far but she indicated they have been kept low by council insistence that paid con be used only in areas where regional staff lacks expertise newsmakers GeorgetownActon Wednesday January Georgetown 8775108 Toronto Una 6776802 Esquesing rebels story as told to a judge This is the second instalment of the saga of John Stewart the rebel A resident of the Township of in the area known as he Scotch Block which covered all of the township south of 17 Sideroad and west of the Sixth Line The first instal ment included the of John Stewart for insurrection rebellion public war and regicude A follower of William Lyon Mackenzie we left Stewart as he became interested in the reforms proposed by Mackenzie Naturally a Speaking of his period Mr I was natural a Reformer and when I saw the condition to which the country had been brought by the Family Compact 1 determined in to stand or foil and to risk everything I had Tor those with whom I had allied It is an easy matter to be a Reformer now but at that time you were perhaps shunned by your neighbors and all your actions subjected to an organized system of espionage became an agent for Mr Mackenzie paper sparing neither labor nor expense to circulate it amongst the people being willing to do all in my power to advance the good of my country I generally went to Toronto twice a year and after transacting business with Mr Mackenzie in his store on Yongc St we had long conversations on the conditions of the country In June being In Toronto Mackenzie took me to a yard back of his store to be private and after sounding me well and finding out that I could be relied one declared to me the whole of the secrets of himself and This was sub stantially that they would make another fort to reform the Government by means and failing that they would summon their friends to arms and depose he ruling power From that day I became a subordinate conspirator the duly being posed on me of marshalling and rousing our friends in the district of which the township of was the centre The French in Lower Canada at that time were getting very restless under the rule of Gov and overtures were made to the leaders in Upper Canada to assist them in one common remonstrance unjustly accused Mackenzie is unjustly accused of being in stigated with a desire to plunge the country into the vortex rebellion to gratify his own personal dislike to the members of the Government Nothing can be further from the truth for as an alternative to the pro posals made he suggested that a convention should be held of delegates from every part of the country to impress upon Ihe Governor the wisdom of governing the country in accordance with the instructions of his commission With that in view Mackenzie commenced to address a series of meetings holding one on our farm which was largely attended Rebellion was not advised by the speaker but he forcibly and scathingly exposed the maladministration of the Governor and his irresponsible executive This was the latter part of harvest The next meeting was held at Church but the Family Compact becoming alarmed sent word to the local Tories to suppress the meetings We how ever appointed our chairman but after I took the platform to count the number on our side the Tories made a rush plat form to throw Mackenzie down We majority but in spite of that the meeting had to be abandoned the local magistrate Col Thompson having refused to keep the peace Mackenzie left the place guarded by ills friends and I took another direction home wards Entcringthcrieldthecrowdfollowed me yelhng Kill him kill him but being swift of foot I outran them and coming to the Credit River I plunged Into it I have not the slightest doubt that had they caught up tome they would have murdered me way freedom of speech was denied at our own doors and even those who were luke warm in die cause began to see that liberty must once again be obtained by bloodshed Hints of the coming stora We could hold no meetings but to those I could trust I communicated the intention of Mackenzie and advisory council in Toronto I gave hints of the coming storm to my brothers who were in the buikung line in Toronto so that they would guard against any losses but they paid no attention Mean while the Lower Canadians hurried on the crisis and Mackenzie was sent down to Quebec where he conference with the Nelsons and others When he came back action was token and December was need on as the day for the rising of the people against the Government This JOHN STEWART The patriarch was communicated lo me by messenger from Toronto Hehfredateamta take arms to the city placing them under the care of Edward Hilton a man who could be relied on in any emergency The work of preparation and summoning of friends to the place of rendezvous had to be earned on with utmost care and secrecy Spies were on every concession and Stewarts movements were closely watched and reported by agents to headquarters On the Thursday before the day appointed for the taking of Toronto Stewart and his friends were thrown into a consternation by the arrival In their midst of a messenger from and Rolph who told them to come at once The messenger had similar papers for other districts The blunder This move on the part of the advisory council was a huge blunder and it was little wonder that the Montgomery tavern affair put an end to the rebellion Mackenzie was blamed for this new departure but Mr Stewart who knew all the affair states distinctly that he was holding meetings in die country when the order was given to reverse the decision first arrived at to march for the city so as to meet in a body December 7 After going to Burlington and Hamilton Stewart returned on Sunday night and on Monday he invited his friends to meet that night at his house lo prepare for the march Of this Mr Stewart says Ihey ed to the number of and immediately walked across two concessions where they were to wait until I should arrive from visit my mother who had broken her leg din ing the day When 1 arrived where my men were they appointed me captain but on an enumeration found to my amazement that they had all left but twenty two Nothing daunted Captain Stewart march on and met with no opposition until they came to the town line of Chinguacousy where there was a chopping bee and the choppers rushed on the patriots with Iheir axes but when they heard the click of muskets they retired and allowed them to pass unmolested The ardor of the men won began to cool and after going a short dis further nil but five relumed home Stewart Kilbume Hilton Donald Campbell and Robertson returning their arms Georgetown man heads riding IMDP Edited by Rob Burnett pushed on with a resolute determination All kinds of stones were then afloat but they said nothing After travelling by night and day through the woods Ihey crossed the Humber at Weston and made due cast for St When they came to the Green Bush Hotel they saw and heard that all was over All Is over They just arrived in time to see the Loyal set ire to Gibsons house a fid bam shoot his poultry and stock and cheer for their victory The rebels active and passive were now under the iron heel of their opponents and from this out the narra tive will be confined to the career of Mr Stewart after arriving at the Green Bush Hotel He and started for Toronto but on meeting a man who warned them against such a course Ihey retraced their steps with a view of coming to Lloyd town next day They succeeded in getting through several companies of Loyalists but at last they were and brought back to a place near where Richmond Hill now stands The arresting company was under the command of Ross McKay and there were in all 100 prisoners firm in their grasp In deal ing with this part of the subject the imprisonment trials and judgement of the courts Mr Stewart goes on to say We were put in rooms in Hotel Ross McKay was a disgusting coward He was never tired talking about our prisoner and assuming air of superiority He gave us nothing to eat until Squire Roe told him to was using his men worse than dogs We then got bread and water Extreme sufferings Next day we were marched to the number of to Toronto where we began our horrible sufferings We marched two deep the right arm of each being tied to the left of his comrade An immense crowd of people stood on both sides of and King Streets as we walked along We were hissed and groaned at on all sides We were lodged in the Parliament buildings securely guarded by soldiers pressed into service by the Government We had to lie on the floor beds being denied us Hon Archibald McLean came in to look at the prisoners and released several At torney General also released a number by what I do not know 1 decided to try my hand The Attorney- General asked me my name and on telling him he said You are a perfect devil No No You cannot get out See what you have brought the country to with your elective councils and your secularization of the clergy and what not So that it was a bad lookout tor me On the week following I called before the Commission appointed to conduct the preliminary trials A letter was found among Mackenzies papers from me and my doom was apparently sealed the letter being treasonable I was asked If that was my letter but neither denied nor confessed They asked me some questions but I said I have no knowledge of what 1 am accused and will have to take counsel Taken to Gaol was then taken to gaol by six men two before two behind and one on each side of me I was put In a cell with two felons and on making preparations to sit on the floor my fellow tenants warned me that I would soon have lots of undesirable company The cell was indescribably filthy it seethed with vermin and during the whole of the night I stood with my back to the door supplied by Society and edited by Robert Burnett till be Jo of Georgetown elected president of the Hal ton Burlington says the party will be an active and visible force In the area during the next year We are determined to make the NDP a visible and viable alternative in the Halton Burlington area We have the people we have a strong new executive and we have the money to make a real showing here in the next year and in the next election Mrs said The annual meeting of the provincial party was held at the ball in Hilton last November Elected to the executive were Mr Surich president Tom Moore a member of the Energy and Chemical Workers Union was elected vicepresident Sharon Foster of Acton continues as treasurer and Carole of Milton was elected secretary The new regional vicepresidents are Doug Hamilton Burlington Foster Acton Esther Mac Lean Milton and Claudia Wilimovsky Georgetown bersat4arge are John Brian Scott and Marl Hewitt all of Georgetown One of our first jobs will be to get mem- of the riding involved and prepared to fight the next election said Surich We plan hold a dinner in the spring with provincial leader Bob as guest speaker This riding has been quiet in the past few years this riding will now begin to make it self a loud and voice Cralglea the Stewart home In Scotch Block was the first name in the Block made of materials other than logs It was built In 1H32 and there the Esquesing rebel John Stewart was raised The home still stands in the Scotch Block Betty Fisher Board cream rises to the top By Helen Murray The past decade has seen a scries of victories for Betty Fisher which have led her from being an activist of three angry with the Halton Board of Education right up to her leadership of that very same body she so vehemently opposed The cigarette ad says Youve come a long way baby Perhaps In this case it could be changed to Youve come a long way Betty She admits shes not done it without making mistakes but she has a major role in getting the educa tion system in back lo the basics which Is what she set out to do As a mother with small children enter ing the local school system Fisher was appalled when she discovered the children in her nearby school were not being en raged to learn vowels phonetics and oil other basics of learning to read and write She was told the reading would come eventually However parent Fisher felt while parents were waiting for their voungstcrs suddenly know how lo read they were getting behind in other subjects and wouldn be able to catch up They would Just lapse further and further behind The Fisher children were transferred to a school across Georgetown where re sources were more plentiful and reading and writing more important But her other thorn was still there values education For Fisher it was like Ihe beginning of a very long fuse leading to a keg of dynamite And io years ago it was lit and burning rapidly The new chairman of the Board of Education explains that rather than taught right from wrong students were given problems to solve on which Ihey were supposedly mold their future characters If Johnny went into a store with his friend Timmy she said pointing to one such problem and Timmy stole a chocolate bar should Johnny a eat half the bar tell Ihe store owner stole the bar or do nothing It outraged Fisher that Ihe child was to make his or her own decision as to what Is right or wrong Fisher contends there are no shades of gray in many cases and honesty Is honesty The schools were undoing what parents were trying to instill In their child rcn at home She viewed values education as potentially destructive for children and their future thinking process and was leaving future open to thievery criminal acts dishonesty and chaos Group formed Thats when Concerned Parents was born Fisher and other mothers and fathers with the same views as hers got to to fight Ihe school board Al the same time Renaissance headed by Rev Ken Campbell was also going strong and the two ran parallel for some time Fisher points out Campbells group was against sex education in the schools while Fishers organization was only against It when teamed up with values education When Campbell was ready to step down from his group he asked Fisher if she would replace him She declined mainly because she was not a member However she did accept post of communications coordinator She felt Renaissances big gest negative factor was their com with parents the school board and the press It was a challenge for her to accept the position It only took about three months however for Fisher to discover her style of com was not the same as Renais sances She felt it was better for her to leave them lo do things the way they wanted to She went on to form Ihe Action League This group was Inter ested in watching budgetary items of the board Their major concern was the million board building expansion By creating more space more civil servants would be hired to fill it Fisher contended Her group waged war against the board and even went so far as seeking an in June against the construction However lawsuits were soon threatened and the group had to back down They were too naive to know how to stop It she recalls But the committee continued to monitor the budget committee and watched for In appropriate subjects being taught to the students At this stage in history Fisher says the boards major concern was not com munication but Just to get the Job done Parents concerned about their childrens welfare and education felt as if they were coming up against a brick wall It needed a total reorganization A posting on the library board kept her busy for some time However she never forgot the Board of Education and It was while she was on the library board that she decided it was time for her to work from the inside rather than the outside CentinoedooW

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