Halloo Board of Education youngest trustee Dick Ho will turned 12 year today Wednesday February The Leap Year baby wii victim of a brief surprise party during last week sbcird meeting Board chairman and Georgetown trustee Betty Fisher left Bruce contributed to the fun Vision may be disability cause Vision problems may be the cause of learning disabilities in many children and may also contribute to juvenile ddiquency according to an optometrist speaking at the Georgetown Library February 15 While talking about children vision June Robertson noted that a study provided Juvenile with visual therapy along with educational opportunities and found that after two years there was a SO per cent drop in repeat criminal offenses problems can hamper other senses especially hearing she noted and she pointed out that medical data shows that they can cause physical and mental stress Vision is a part of the body said Robertson It plays a great role in the development of coordination and Judgement It also is vital for the develop ment of since much of our language comes to us in writing Teachers are often to spot signs of vis on problems since they spend so much time with the children in a learning environ ment Signs of difficulty Include squinting watery eyes blinking frustration and an liability to copy off the board Robertson advised parents that other physical ailments can affect vision so there are many potent sources of visual impair ment June Robertson left checks the vision of Margaret Mitchell with a pair of glasses and a 3D Image Georgetown IB Mountakwtaw Rd N GEORGETOWN Toronto Line Cultural grants create dispute Regional Council had a bucket full of cash to spread around in cultural grants Wed but not everyone was happy with the way the pot was dlvicd up The Hamilton Philharmonic Society was granted little debate and the Royal Boton cal Gardens received GOO in the same fashion But the modest demands of the Georgetown Chambcrof Commerce Oak lie Symphony Orchestra and Lome Scots Regiment 000 received long and led scrutiny that left some council mutter ng about the spending priorities of their colleagues All were eventually approved except the Chamber of Commerce application Some councillors argued that its BIG celebration was not prim or a cultural event while others said it was a cultural event that only the town of Hills and provincial B centennial funds should support But Just or to denying this grant over Julie left and Christine mix up a batch of mufti at Christian School They were taking part In a Christian School Workshops boost spirits February is the lime of year when dreary days n the classroom lead students to thoughts or summer vacation and The teachers Georgetown District Chr an School know their students pretty well and this year dec to head the mid doldrums off at the pass For he post three weeks Tuesday alter noons ha been reserved for es such as do 11 ski ng pottery cook painting and drama and the whole school teachers and pup Is are humming th act vlty Principal George said children n Grades 18 are taking part and are quite enthused from s practical break from the studies It gives them quite a lift he explained Mr said the workshops are very good Tor students who prefer practical experiences to academic studies For those who have fflculty with book studies they are given a chance to excel at something else and it helps belter their self image he explained There are workshops in all and students were asked to give their top three prefer from which one was chosen for them lo participate in Mr said the school Is indebted to parents who have helped teachers supervise the workshops and drive students to their outdoor activities Parentage tests hike welfare cost by to welfare rolls the region welfare budget to grow The accord lo d manager Income maintenance department new welfare programs introduced by the ltd government One of the major increases in this year welfare ass stance budget Is the cost of lests on men who deny being the father of a child The tests are used by the courts lo determine the man should pay for his children The expensive tests which can costs as much as MOO are increasing said And although Ihe lests could save the region from paying out a lot of money in welfare cheques to Ihe single they are still costing he region a bundle of money said the region had cases last year and had to pick up approximately per cent of Ihe bill The province paid the other per cent told the members of the region a social services committee that original welfare predictions were overestimated last year by six per cent adding that he expected this rale to fall even further In addition the region also has to pick up costs related to the early discharge of and mentally retarded patient from institutions told committee members that a grant of 330 Is given to some of patients being deinstitu tionaliied The region is responsible for per cent of the grant which Is given to the patients to assist them back into the com munily It Is often used to pay the first month a rent he explained In the grant the patient are also putting additional demands on the community dentistry program and other rcg on ally funded welfare assistance pro grams Siwarc d the pa tents were provided th denial care while they were in the in st tutions but once they move out they go to the reg run facilities Burlington councillor Joyce at tacked the provincial government for in traducing programs and making regions p up some of the bills If they are deinstitutionalized people and dollars we should not have to pay anything she said In an attempt to additional demands placed on the region by the province com members decided to chop 000 from the general welfare assistance budget Siwarc said the budget decrease would mean immediate restrictions to various welfare programs including community denial Expansion Volunteers still needed The Volunteer Centre bat been tegular requests various agenda for help to their programs areas of volunteering below are few areas that might inter yen nay I can do that age of JO with an ongoing basil that Hooey Pot assist in the Nursery School You ccd do that ami w to MM Von Yob A to fatfr till dnb with Ontario and Mo It No objection to clay pit The Town has no objection to the ex panskmoftheAmosC Martin Ltd day pit the Niagara Escarpment Commission was told last week Martin owns acres of land In Lot Concession fronting on the north side of 33 Eight acres baa ben for day extraction since and now the owner wants the remainder of the property licensed Amos Martin Ltd manufactures clay was given to Region Safety Council In a cultural grant even though many councillors agreed the money was to be spent not on cultural events but on safety promotion campaigns Regional Chairman Pete said it was included under cultural grant because there t seem lo be any other suitable classification for it A number of councillors from Oakville were upset at the attention He phony Orchestra request received when council was eager to give the Hamilton Phil harmonic Orchestra a vastly greater sum Others had argued that the symphony should get lis support from the town of After the got its grant It was reveal that it has about sub scribers including from Burlington and from Oakville In the past the HPO has only made appearances in Oakville The Oakv lie Symphony says per formers from around the rcg on Nothing to celebrate region ignores birthday Ho I on Region may be 10 years old this year but not even regional council thinks a on is in order A mot on was killed Wednesday that called for the appointment of a committee to plan birthday fesl lies In conjunction with bicentennial celebration Said Regional llor Waller Mulke Why should we celebrate 10 years of government that has yet to be proven Added Burl ngton Mayor Bird a strong of reg government I haven run across anyone th nKs a on is a good idea said the province s bicen was a time to celebrate years of and citizen achievement and It be used to mark the founding of a political body I regional council Even veteran regional clan Pat McLaughlin was against any birthday plans He suggested that a or was a more appropriate event to celebrate Planners question sewage allocation When land approved for development lies vacant for a few years should the sewage capacity allocated to that development be retained nltely That question is being discussed by and works department staffs at the region and town levels The outcome could affect development cations in various stages of approval In Town since all committed developments arc included in total sewage plant capacity The question was voiced by Planning Director Ian Keith when two development applications w th draft approval sought an extension of that approval this week Mar port Development Corporation whose proposal calls for 126 street townhouses or link homes behind the plaza was approved originally In 1976 and has had several ex tensions of draft approvals since then The most recent approval would have lapsed on March of this year but council agreed to a further six month extension blamed the delay in building on economic conditions when seeking This time claims a sale of the land is being negotiated and hopes the new owner will proceed with the subdivision agreement Sharmont Investments Ltd who plan 14 single family homes between Hillside Crescent and the CNR line near the hospital also were given a six month slon In both cases a year long extension had been requested The planning director in a report to conn polntedout developments which show no evidence of progress could hold up develop ment of proposed development to the south since the sewage capacity Is allocated and not being used Keith said this report is simply a warning that sewage capacity rights should not go on forever and the subject reexamined We should keep such applicants on short rope he ted as he recommended the six month extension rather than the year Council agreed to the six month extension tiles primarily for agricultural use at a plant Wallensteln Since the depletion of the clay In approximately 15 tons have been extracted annually from the Hills site Production Is expected to increase to less than tons Cooditiona of approval include rehabUi tatioo of the tana areas are depleted removal of mod from ruck wheels before entering Town road or highway and fencing along the southern limita of the vs Sheldon right presented Mink and John a sarprise party at the Acton Friday The DeVriesea owned and General Store for almost six years and recently said botbtesi pfeudogts move to Milton Almost set friends and neighbors gathered at the parly lo wish well