B8 GeorgatownActon Wednesday Feb 29 FwSHi SPORTS REPAIRS fformmty of North Haton Ski Repairs Binding and Adjustments Bicycle Repairs Goff Club Repairs An txptwt in M Piano Sale Annual Scratch Sale Rental returns Floor models Demonstrators Sm 3M 10M turn HmOz VAN GEEST House of by Piano Technicians Daily ttP cloaad Sunday CARPENTER ANTS WRECKING YOUR HOUSE EXPERIENCED Miracle Man tea to anytime Tuts la Sal mam ON TARGET EVERY TIME SWIMMING POOL SALE Manufacturer a pro season sale lor a I 1983 Inventory on above ground pools Complete Ih f Itor motor pump tic fence now la supply lasts Don I bo cough I last yea book now lor del vary Nobody beats our pr for ANTIQUE room suite bookcase desk wardrobe piano and more Antique Trafalgar and Maple Ave Georgetown BALDWIN Eucarc electric organ varies Leslie speakers lull rhythm BEDROOM set large of drawer night condition bed tc good BUILT new platform cook lop It fridge new It range new Hills Appliances 351 Queen St Acton S3 CHILDREN c Baby stroller COLOR TV good Working order color TV new picture stereo console stereo console In good working order AM FM stereo with speakers Halton Appliances 35 Queen SI FT fridge gold gold dryer used white used Avocado dishwasher 1135 Hills Furnitures Appliances Queen St AclonB solid pine dark llnlsh I chars extension table buffet Exec II en cond tlon 11400 or best offer 4304 or 455 maple and FIRST quality rec room carpel yd Commercial carpet sq yd Installed Shop at home service call Georgetown Carpet NEW AM phono speakers Lloyds AM FM phono cassette speakers New Telef color TV year warranty Included new color TV 3 years warranty Included Halton Hilts Furniture Appliances Queen St Hwy 7 Acton QUI el in 503 PAIR gold drapes 100 95 and i inch TV I set cement laundry tubs 1 brown Inch range hood PRINTING Invoices forms tickets books potters envelopes invitations etc Complete Printing Acton MO I ROCKWELL Beaver wood lathe bed 7 swing optional face plate chisels pulley like new so It high Ira me chicken house with shingled roof suitable tor tool or garden shed or best offer 853307 SEWING Machines for sale reconditioned per cent of All machines guaranteed J Sewing Service SOLID pine wall unit 4 pieces by Regularly reduced to First come first satisfied Hilts Furniture Appliances 353 Queen St Acton 853 ran SPEED Queen refrigerator excellent con WOO Kenmore stove excellent lion or TOOL Garden weds built to your specifications at Acton H School Example Phone USED Carpeting for isle assorted sties and colours Saturdays Wallace Acton one street tracks WHISKEY and rum barrels wet or dry I WHISKEY and rum barrels 853341 or 877 MIX Km and bake sale Highway Numerous Horn- too many to tat Drop in a something for everyone Produce FARMERS BOOK NOW Ta year grata fad bees rJMMdw dew ant tea but we CANADIAN MOBILE StEED CLEANING LTD 141 677543994 A Dtviruon erf Agnes HAY 1982 per bale per bale Crop may be arranged 877 45 quant ties Delivery Livestock QUARTERAMA84 commercial too Don t miss it I GELDING 0 colour and quel reason only 853 Acton ORDER your ng now day old meat rds egg layers and turkeys available Full line and equipment Brampton Chick Hatchery 451 QUARTERHOR5E geld ng Animals Boarded a BIG Brothers Association of Halton HIM Volunteers urgently needed In Acton Call PROJECT DRAFTING PROCESS CONTROL expand process control manufacturer once w P and diagrams ladder J win good organ company con rob and iwngs for major layouts and block log diagrams Compel I and ticcllonl banof It our and Bramplon on For in phone HM 4579638 Marls Transport Ltd Requires Class A Drivers Mm mum years experience least years age free racoid Grade Good health record Earnings potent at in per year plus run company bene Is Apply In pcrton to 1090 South Service Roitf BUYER A greal ly or a well individual to work in on department with responsibil lor iho mantenance and supples and raw as and pans automotive systems components The deal dale will be a self starter and have had pnor experience in purchasing and Will be enroled program abase under standing MRP and SPC will Please complete conference a complete re sums including salary to Cmtm Carrfaurator Division 109ErtDr BramtrklfHrvOnL L6T1B1 ha Attention of- Handson person with genera mechanical skills and knowledge needed Some wetting rough carpentry plumbing electrical and general ability to handle daily problems of preven tative and corrective maintenance in a small manufacturing plant required Good opportunity for energetic self starter Please send resume to Box co The Acton Fre Pros Willow St Acton Ontario SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS WANTED MILTON GEORGETOWN AREA ACTON SPEYSIDE Musi years ot age of older A ROUTES ALSO SPARE Good Record B licensa required We assist Irs for said For more Information call TRAVELWAYS 8774448 IV RADIO New man women wanted for News Interviews Commercials and Sports Announcer training Pan or full Special Radio TV BOOKKEEPER The Credit Valley CoruMrvatlon Authority has a vacancy available tor position of Book who wilt for a full eat of books to trial balance and will aealat In preparation of various financial and manage ma reports Formal accounting training la required along with accounting in a computer environment Experience In Conservation Authority accounting would an Own transportation Competitive salary and fringe package Application Including references should bo to the undersigned by MarchS 1884 V Barron Valey Cmearvation Authority MB Street MEAOOWVALE Ontario L0J1K0 TOOL AND DIE CERTIFIED Required by automotive parts manufacturer excellent benefrti Appfy Personnel Deparrtrrint Standard Products Canada Ltd 34GiMphSt Georgetown Ontario 8776921 50000 Regional Distributor Who to Drink Pure Water We are an International firm which manu factures North America s widest range of high quality distillers for purifying water in the home office laboratory or hospital and also In commercial and industrial applies lions We require an aggressive individual who wants the challenge independence of running Ms or her own business and who can direct the of their own area sales team Strong company back up and co operative merchandising plan will assure you an excellent start in a new career Contact us now for an appointment Box 7256 co The Burlington Post 231 Fairvlew Street Burlington Ont L7R OikvHi rtqutret an ASSISTANT MANAGER For lis adult training centre Qualifications In Mental Experience in a Dpoclaliied workshop setting required and industrial experience strong rxoanlzstJonal skills supervisory la a lion requiring both supervision and train clients as wall as organized management skills Apply In writing THEDAKVBLEAMR 0ivfeDnUrraLK3H7 PartTime Security Person Mature reliable person required immediately for weekend work Hours will be Saturday 1 am to 8 a Sunday 1am to a Apply in person to Msple Lodge Firms Wat of Bnrtiiston PARTTIME AT HOME estate marketing raquhn out Inter views on ntal store Tracing pi CalOils Better WAtfTADS SECRETARY I Legal Department 140009 Perform ranoua with a range of and documents control function proof raerdng and ravtawing tor standards Tha succasafui candadata a School Graduate or Community Graduate in or Busnesa and Commerce Pneferanca given to trained commonlcalJon Word Processing Please forward a resume quoting the above named position post marked no later than March to Mr VeUa Person net Bronte Ho OakvlllaLejSE1 mm LADIES FASHIONS Burlington Saleahelp tor quality fashion stores Must be fully experienced In better lines Excellont opportunity Only those who qua need For confidential Interview please ceil Your local Service WEWILLBEINTEAVIEWINS IK MEAOOWVALE NEXT WEEK MARCH 1984 Take advantage of this opportunity PLEASE CAUL FOR APPOINTMENT AND LOCATION TemponryPennanent Employment FACTORY WORKERS hove n Iho George town Cr an Dave Will keep beating It depends on YOU Be a RED CROSS Blood Honor GENERAL experience necessary Apply In writing Box The Canadian Champion Main St Milton INTERVIEWING Why Not Interviewer needed part time car necessary wages and phone877fl91S LEGAL secretary required for general practice firm General experience In law office environment would be an asset Salary com with experience Reply by resume Georgetown Independent Streets Georgetown LICENSED body person must be experienced Contact Dave Armstrong Uptown Collision S3 Georgetown Mil RETIRED electrician or person handy in electrical repairs required for odd lobs SUPERINTENDENT required for apartment building Reply Limited Suite 70S University Ave Toronto Ont TRAINING Careers Above average drivers are always in demand To arrange pre screening for lob training and job placement help call Toronto branch WANTED Temporary dicta typist weeks In March Typing minimum For In formation call E Mills at Sanrkot NEED HELP Tax returns bookkeeping government return S T and rem pay roll business advice Professionally super vised wiih services available as required Small Business Consultants 11 Main St Acton 8533340 LOVING experienced daycare available In my home Constant Fenced yard breakfast and hot lunch provided BABYSITTING available In a friendly atmosphere children any age live Longtieid area LIVE INnrnyreoijfr4WfM- and years beginning in June Reply to Box no submitting references etc Box no The Independent Main St Georgetown LOOKING for reliable loving daycare my ho ma or yours or and a own transporter Ion a must Four days a week Line East area V7XOS cars Registered Ontario Ministry of Social Services Sargent area Space limited jrt Winled INCOME T AX REPEAT RETURNS NEW RETURNS Dm New 8TO2S1 CLEANING lady Georgetown Reasonable eT7 and references INCOME Tax Returns completed and up Betty Mar after PROFESSIONAL writer will tutor children of ill ages in English French Math and general studying skills Ml LADIES March Special at Georgetown Fashion Trend Hair Main St S Lois la offering a Perm Special for only until March Phone for appointment EH hPtraonil FIT and enloy winter at Exclusively Yours Fitness Centre Led el Men Co hours 1 and month memberships Gilt cer James St downtown Georgetown Tran RIDE to and from the Golf Club from Guelph St for the Dale Carnegie course Starling April 1 RIDE won led from Acton to Georgetown Mori arriving leaving El Auto Pirtt For Salo Georgetown 5 no OVERSTOCKED SALE Come In look in Low down ptrymtmts DODGE CONVERTIBLE 61100 1982 CAVALIER Stock No A7395 1980 PLYMOUTH DUSTER StockNo I aqe 1980AMCSPIRIT CHEV SCOTS DALE PICKUP Stock No o dQC 1979 LITTLE RED EXPRESS AS fllTG 1878 VOLKSWAGEN RABBIT Automatic A3 1982 RELIANT K Automatic StockNo This Was 6995 1981 DODGE COLT StockNo 1980 CHRYSLER LoBARON TOWN COUNTRY WAGON StockNo ARJ05 1979DATSUNB210 Sharp StockNo A3 1979 CHRYSLER CORDOBA 1979 PLYMOUTH TC3 SPORT Stock 5474 1 A3QQfi 1982 ROYAL SPORTSMAN VAN ABeaury Stock ff you dont buy from you too JOHN MUSIAL JACK JONES 16 Rd GEORGETOWN 875108 Toronto Line UPTOWN COLLISION ltd N NEXT TO BUMPER TO BUMPER Call Today 8779211 MERCURY CAPRI New condition km 1978 VW RABBIT Good condition 000 miles or Sates 8774266 or 8731191 altar tun Buy of the Week cylinder automatic power steering radio Serial No S439S ciaeiTsiwiTins Bronte St Milton 8782328