largo storey bnck home ft bath large kitchen with Ion cupboards combined dining room plus living room and family room full basement large woodshed end bam on double lot in small hamlet will became reaity when you settle tor ha modern superbly built bungalow en acres Double garage landscaping and fire wood galore are pjst some of the features Acres on winding picturesque road just oft No Wefc property 35 Acres goad workable land acres muted bush Owner consider offers give a mortgage Reduced on ths hobby arm with spacious aluminum sided renovated home Small bam shed BO Rod frontage an paved road Could be family heme Country Estate and immaculately bungalow on acres Tha home features bedrooms eying mom and dining room kitchen lovely cupboards and dishwasher Family mom with airtight bath wraparound large era McMTEE ft Ca REALTOR Vronica Smhh LouJaaMurphy HalenOaborne the Permanent 100 ACRE FARM PART BUSH HOUSE AND BARN AU UNDER Near Grand Valley you out the last time you might have a Mcond chance act last Cat me right away 7328111 SMALL BUSINESS BOWLING ALLEY LUNCH COUNTER COMBO ASKING A LOW Includes 4 automatic pin Miters and all related equipment ahoos lunch counter and equipment Vendor will with Ideal for or ratirad couple For information can R Csdieux or GeorgetownActon Wednesday Mar 1984 RE9 The Finest Homes Of Them All BUILDING A HOME Viceroy offers a selection of the finest contemporary traditional and country home designs you have ever seen at prices you won t believe Please send me the 68page Viceroy Catalogue enclose CITY CALL US TODAY OR SEND FOR YOUR SUPER HOME CATALOGUE Cedarcrest Homes r ROYAL CITY REALTY LTD m We DRAPER STREET 3 badraomt fireplace dining loom and more COUNTRY CUSTOM DOUBLE GARAGE Acton town limit SILENCE IS GOLDEN 11 Brick and cedar cuatom country GOOD LUCK AND GOOD SKATING TO ALL GEORGETOWN AND ACTON COMPETITORS GOINGTO SARNIA WE WILL SEE YOU THERE PLEASE CALL AND ASK FOR US Y LAKEYIEW SPECIAL DONT WAIT ITS ONLY Located in a prime area of Acton close to the lake this immaculate 3 bedroom brick bungalow also includes a living and dining area 1 baths room walkout to deck ell drapes broadloom and a nicely landscaped lot This one wont last so see it today PLANNING A MOVE With over 25 years experience in the real estate field our professionals can offer you expert assistance that top dollar for your home with no hassle for you So for professional service and personal satisfaction call