8 Wednesday Mar 1984 TOt FACTORY REBATE WHEN YOU PURCHASE YOUR NEW HEAT PUMP OR AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM FROM THE INSTALLATION EXPERTS HEATING ft AIR CONDITIONING YOUR LOCAL CARRIER MAN CALL TODAY FOR A FREE IN HOME SURVEY 8275550 OR DROP IN TO OUR SHOWROOM AT 2300 RD J Hilton Region Conservation AM AutborUy baa received to a acre parcel of land adjacent to the Rattlesnake Ratal Conservation Area from Natural Resource Minutter Alan Pope Subject to prioriliea and availability of food provincial grant totalling fttmS to contributed to project PERM SPECIAL FASHION TREND HAIRSHOPPES OFFER GOOD UNTIL MARCH 31 1984 TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU BEST 31AMAINST 8775845 8776822 IN GEORGETOWN Other discounts not with this offer AUnmBdcordwerprescitedivccnUyMtbeiRiemberafthEdeaMillsGulde Front to right Annette McLaren Jacqueline Knelt Jenairer Wood Tricla Monte and Iteatber Mac Donald Back row Tracy Athop Sharon Jones Andrei Turawiki Pa and Wendv Weston Ontario Electoral Boundaries Commission NOTICE OF PUBLIC SITTING Proposed Provincial Electoral Boundaries A public sitting of the Ontario Electoral Boundaries Commission will be held in Hamilton Court House 50MamStreetEast 10 Wednesday 1984 and Thursday April 26 1984 for the proposed electoral districts of Brantford BrantHaldimand Burlington HaltonPeel Hamilton Centre Hamilton East Hamilton Mountain Hamilton West Oakville Wentworth East and Wentworth West Below is the proposal for the electoral district of Theccmpktetciof the Comm ssions proposals and the the Legislative Assembly appear Feb Rules of procedure govern cm the Ontario toralBoundar won 1983 for the hear of represents I or object by interested pan accordance the rtsolul on of he Assembly 1 Notice of public stings of iheConun shall be shed the Ontario together with the proposals of he Cam truss on for he red stnbunon of electoral boundaries at least 42 calendar days to the the proposals apply 2 of the Co mm representations or from n crested part ex will be heard and cons to the extent that ihcy apply to ss electoral for the held any dec on relevance shall rest w the Comm ss on 4 Subject to Rule the ss on will hear rep rescnai Ions or object only from those individuals who Red the to make them by lodging written notice ssionsv thin calendar days from the date of the cat on of s advert and such not shall stale ihc they propose to be heard Re pre nut or behalf of at or groups shall be made by one person ss on may vcahdeons dcrat any relevant rep from any Member of the the requ rcment for not Rule 4 7 If I appears to the Comm on that all the relevant tat me allotted for pubic sitings any ad ted place or postponed and the Comm si on shall such oral or written publ not of the adequate rcdbyRulc4shallbeaddtessedto The Secretary The Electoral Comm on Lombard Street Toronto Ontario M5C Electoral District of consists of the Town Hills thai put of the Cay of Brampton lying westerly of Laugh I Road and ihat part of the City of Mississaugaly as follows Commen withSecondLineVtfcst thence southerly Deny Road thence northerly along Erin Mills Parkway to Derry Road thence westerly along Deny Road to MilIcreeltDr thence southeasterly along MiUcrcck Drive in Line West Line Drive thence southeasterly along to Erin M Hi Parkway thence southerly along Er Mills Parkway to Road thence westerly along Bntann the westerly lim of the Cuy of ssusauga Ontario Electoral Boundaries Commission LOMBARD STREET TORONTO ONTARIO The three Eden Brownies graduated up to Guides Crystal Forth left joining tbe Guides while Linda and Patty moved up to Eden Mills Guides Students cutoff busing lack The French Immersion program Is the on ly one offered by Halton Board of Education for which the board does not provide transportation a brief submitted by Patricia Stuart Haggc and Joseph Hagge states It to one or several briefs on the subject heard by the board s Transportation Policy Review Committee Tuesday night This one foetuses on equality of access by all dents to all programs Children are being excluded from French Immersion because some parents cannot drive their children to the program tbe brief argues and cites working parents single parent families no car available 11 Iness of a parent driver young children who must be taken along with children and parents with children in programs as specific example The termed the policy Unjust and discriminatory arid emphasized of the boards in Ontario with a French Immersion program over per cent Include transportation Parents spend much more in private transportation far children who must attend a school away from their home area than would be spent collect for the same transportation Chimney fire gets out of hand A chimney fire at a Cobblehill home Saturday evening got out of hand and spread walls according to Hills fire chief Bill Cunningham Firefighters had to pry panelling from the wall in order to get to the flames which caused about damage The chief blames an Improperly installed wood burning device for the fire Artists receive Arts grants Ontario Arts Council grants have been given to six area artists Filmmakers Brian Lemay Georgetown and Kitchen Acton will receive up to Under the craftsman program Agnes Olive Terra and Larry Davidson Acton will be awarded up to f5 will go to David Stcen Terra Cotta as a writer a award and Madeline Milton will benefit by a grant up to under the artist In school and community program A total of 319 was awarded by Ontario Arts Council covering arta organizations and individual artists discount Own or more cars Allstate a A multicar insurance discount Call or come in instate Soo or phone