B2 GeorgetownActon Wednesday Apr DENTURE THERAPIST 8772359 New Course HIDDEN MYSTICISM OF THE NEW TESTAMENT Thai Forming Now Paul Hourlhan Phi Instructor WIN A SHOPPING SPREE IN OUR STORE During the month of youareeEgfelsto win SI or worth of the of your choice in our fantastic JEWELLERY TRIVIA CONTEST Plus other pnzesl No purchase necessary but to be eligible you must correctly answer the skill testing questions VISIT OUR STORE FOR DETAILS John Jewellers DownTown Aft 8774313 GEORGETOWN DISTRICT CHRISTIAN SCHOOL The Baa the Georgetown Christian School would like to thank the for Dior and helping id make our annual Bazaar such a success The proceeds be used to funnel the study Education Acton Auto Hornby Ben Acton Home Hardware Acton Acton Fabric Shop G A Georgetown ATs Meats Kentucky Fried Aladdin Bakery Defile Garage Beaver Lumber Lock Flock Farms Jewellers Maple Lodge Firms Burger King McDonalds Canadian Tire Fuels Meats Packaging Nap Inc Georrjeiown Fabric Rchs Service Centre Georgetown Home Hardware M Construction Glenlea Drug Mart Rods Travel Grams Welding Auto Wreckers Tho Independent Furniture The Hide House Kitchen Refacers Vender Holland Shop Almost MO representatives tram the ration Catholic Women St Josephs School Saturday for the Regional meeting president Ram MeMaaon greeted Hamilton diocesan president Dorothy Bird and Georgetown president Alice Walker 140 attend regional meeting of CWL by Carmcl McGeragle On Saturday St Josephs Catholic Women League Acton hosted the Spring for the Kitchener Brentford region of the Hamilton diocese Hie beautiful spring day seemed to say welcome to the almost women who con verged on the town The day started with mass celebrated by Father Ralph A multicar procea then made Its way to St Joseph s school Aflcr coffee and goodies the business part of the day began Ruth McMahon the host president welcomed everyone and the diocesan council members presented their reports The membership Is over 15 and It was uplifting to hear the many and varied goals Army evangelist here April 58 Major James Cooper Territorial Evange list for Canada and Bermuda will be in Halton Hills April to 8 for the Evangelist Campaign of the Salvation Army At its Acton Citadel 114 Mill St East the Salvation Army will host evangelistic services on April and at On Sunday April there will be services at 11 am and Major Cooper was born in Newfoundland Not a Salvationist by birth he was Invited to The Salvation Army by a young friend and became Interested the church activity Sometime later he made a declaration of faith and was enrolled as a soldier of the corps Major and Mrs and make their home in Halifax while the majortravels as Territorial Evangelist for The Salvation Army In the Canada Bermuda Territory As an example both Kitchener and Cambridge told of their sue cess In getting their town councils to draw up an pornography bylaw Many members have written to the Fraser Committee hearings on pornography and all are encouraged to do so After a break for lunch the presidents of the 33 parishes present each read a short count of the highlights of their year which ranged from humorous feeding visiting St Michael s Choir School boys to moving fund raising for a young leukemia victim Funds are raised for unwed mothers and battered wives and one parish told of Its successful three year project to raise over for a new pipe organ The meeting closed when the diocesan president Dorothy Bird thanked everyone Including the school choir which sang at the Mr and Mrs John Van Acton are pleased to the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Elaine Rose to Rene Mast son of Mr and Mrs John Mast Belconrt Crescent The wedding will take place Saturday April at p at Christian Reformed Church George town ATTENTION BUILDERS AND HOME OWNERS THE TIME AND THE PLACE TO SAVE ANNUAL SPRING FACTORY amour SAVEALOT7 HUNDREDS OF FANTASTIC BUYSI ii mil i mil mm WAREHOUSE SALE BARGAINS UNCLAIMED UNITS BUILDER WINDOWS PATH DOORS AND EMT DOOR UNITS JUST ARRIVED DIRECT FROM FACTORY OFF BUILDING RENOVATING PLANNING YOUCANSAVEI MORE TO COME ATONE LOCATION 45 RD N GE0R6ET0WN Van Our Showroom to 96 Sat SALE STARTS APRIL SHOP FOR WOOD on Dominion Windows AWRBNG20NLY DOUBLE INSULOlAZEO CASBHBVT30NLY DOUBLE 1 SECTION CASBHBITtONLY DOUBLE IKSULflLAZED SECTION 2 OPERATING 7110 WOOD PATIO DOORS AT LAST PRICES ENTRANCES INSULATED METAL ENTRANCE DOORS IN WOOD FRAME am bond for lode Unfit IOO camttnmmuas WE HAVE ESP PICTURE WINDOWS CURVED BOW 0NLY D 1UTE SECTIONS 2 OP DOUBLE INSUULAZED rt CURVBB0W10NLY 1 LITE SECTION DOUSUINSUIOLAZED ST ANGLE BAY1 ONLY DOUBLE INSUL BOX SIZE STOW DOORS M1MSBF STORM WISE THE PLACE TO SAVE