Far CHEV ten Silverado lone silver V till wheel sliding rear window 67 miles 4 on I standard Mechanical i In excellent condition needs minor body work recertify 190 CITATION i i CONCORD station wagon speed Standard transmission in excellent condition with low mileage and well an 8776108 1V79HREBIRD Formula or miles barrel P tilt steering air conditioning stereo Immaculate condition FORD Van automatic Fully customized chairs bed Many extra CAU GEORGETOWN CttnYSLBt ton pick up with cap automatic V power steering brakes radio spare Good clean truck SI or make oiler van V3 AM with booster cor heater no power supply H trailer hitch work and storage benches GREMLIN 4 cylinder standard reliable 877 HONDA CIVIC 4 speed AM radio runs 877 HONDA Civic many new parts sales available for verification Have purchased car This one must be sold Asking as Ca1IB7B3048alter6pm IMPALA 350 JEEP Renegade CJ cylinder hard soft lop alter 4 LOOKING tor an A certified used car sure Motors Guelph S Classic air con Excellent after J COST 8776108 MALIBU excellent condition P air conditioning tires after MECHANICAL body work oil spraying or used parts starters alternators wind shields replaced no deductabte charged lowing used motors and transmission replaced flat tires replaced for SI We also buy and sell used cars 844 Ashgrove Service Station 1949 NOVA SS miles 350 hi rise cam dual point and headers turbo automatic tranny and 4 10 traction rear rally rims and tinted glass painted lasl year good running car lor as Is 853 Ask 8776108 Delta 4 new 731 Firestone belted tires 7815 new Sears die hard mechanically good body needs work 877 OLDS tone silver and black fully loaded Sharp automobile Reduced to clear Coll at AAA Auto Erin 8774108 GRAND MANS station wagon automatic radio 1 at Auto Erin 519 TOYOTA Tercel Hatchback sun roof end steel roof certified S4000 Wife driven aicsMent condition Call 8143 between Must sal VW RABBIT 5 speed transmission clean car Reduced to clear Call Al at A and A Auto Erin 519833 RcraaUonVhiciM HONDA rady to be cert tied good parts for the two Mother wants It sold IMMACULATE 1980 HONDA Speed cruise control km 4ttter4pm BE RacruUonVsMdM I Come see what 20 years of service exceience can do for your motorcycle 1983GSSG0L how 2799 INSPECTION TAX EXTRA Brampton Cyde 22 Stratheam A vs tots a 7914011 Think Fast YAMAHA WEEiaYSPEOAL -SH0PC0MPARE- 1963 YAMAHA MAXIM Save 700 RHMEATfflNAL VEHfOLE CENTRE 32 Brants St Mlton 820401 YAMAHA Maxim One owner low mileage carrier Showroom condition if Cam pert Trailers Motor Homes 1975 CUSTOM ton camper special mi V8 auto sliding rear window radio rear bumper with trailer spare wheels a topper Also hard top trailer sleeps way r stove sink and cupboards and canopy Excellent 1977 ft trailer fully equip ped lbs For more information phone 4578 17 FT ROCKET travel trailer New toilet end electric brakes Good condition or oiler 1978 LAYTON trailer double door fully equipped plus air with sloops 6 used 4 years El Boats Motors BOATS EVINRUDE MARINE ACTON Opportunities EXERCISE BOUTIQUE Established womens exorcise boutique located In downtown Oakvllle Owner must sell tor personal reasons Marvellous opportunity tor the right person Call 8420762 till After call 8456598 GEORGETOWN or mi TOWN OF HALTON HILLS FOR SALE TWO USED PHOTOCOPIERS XEROX MODEL 3100 Tht Town of Halton HUH will receive bids In writing In envelope marked Photocopier Bid up to noon April 1984 addressed to the undersigned A bid deposit of 8100 00 certified cheque pay able to the Town of Halton Hlb must be enclosed to guarantee your Machines must be removed by 30th 1804 at which time deposit wU be returned That have been maintained under contracts far seven year and give en on bond paper Contact Xerox to certain coat of maintenance contract Units can be aeon during office hours at 3B Maes Street South Georgetown They are offered a where Is Highest or any not accepted Tendon ALTON ILLS YDR0 Georgetown Ontario Hatton Hills Hydro will receive sealed tenders up to m noon Thursday May for the purchase of two new vehicles Information to bidders available at the Operations Centre 43 Alice Street Acton Town of Hatton Hills NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of GERALD EQOLETON lata of the Town of Halton Hilts in the Regional Municipality of who died on the IBth day of February are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the day of May 1B84 AFTER that date the assets will be having regard only the claims then received DATED at Hills this 11th day of April MARGARET ANN EOQLETON Executrix by her MONTY THOMAS HYDE Main Street South Georgetown Ontario NOTICE TO CREDITORS THI MATTER OF the Estate of JOSEPH HENRY BERRY lata of the Town of Hafe In the Regional MurOcepesTty of Hatton ALL PARTIES having claims against the aforesaid Estate of JOSEPH HENRY BERRY who died on or about the 3rd day of Jury are required to file proof thereof with the undersigned Solicit ore for the Executrix on or before the 30th day of April after which date the Estate will be distribu ted having regard only to the claims than filed DATED at Acton Ontario this IBth day of April 1981 HILLS Acton Ontario L7J1H4 for the Han Pope NOTICE TO CREDITORS THE MATTER OF the Estate of ALL PARTIES having claims against the foresaid Estate of ANNE BERRY who died on or about the day of June 1MX required to ffle proof thereof the under for the Executrix on or before the 30th day of ISM after which data the Estate be distribute having regard only to the claims then flsad DATED at Acton Ontario this day of April 19S4 7 settee HSU Ontario L7J1M GeoroetownA4otiWetJncjatlyApf1B19e4 C9 Offer schools for licensed events Five schools are among the It designated by the Board of El Wanted to Rent APARTMENT wanted In Georgetown Surrounding area for young professional One bedroom urn lined or unfurnished Available tor mid May occupancy Please call Personnel Department prom may l to September snare house or room with kitchen use or rent small apartment or country or Terra Corta area Quiet well mannered person Call Jeanne collect or 4 SW WANTED or 4 bedroom country home or farmhouse lor June Minimum year lease Professional couple with one child and I well border collies Call 1413 or I oitawa WANTED or bedroom country house for June Initial month tease Mature professional couple and one old cat Write Box The Independent 30 Main St Georgetown ON BE HOUSE lor rent Available May In far Nerval area bedrooms plus den bathrooms Very private all utilities Included per First and last required No pets References HOUSES Large 3 bedroom or larger bedroom appliances I baths 1550 or carpeted 4 bedroom garage or country 3 bedroom acreage barn Pee VEGETABLE lol for rent plowed water available Reserve lor early planting Apartment For Rent APARTMENTS cozy bachelor apt or carpeted one bedroom or larger one bedroom utilities paid or carpeted bedroom only Many others tool 41 Home locators Fee BEDROOM main floor of house fenced bock yard stove fridge broad loom Prince Charles near Grey Gate References Available May Including lilies BEDROOM apartment close to downtown Acton Available May 1 per month all utilities Included 977 LARGE i bedroom apartment In pi ox li Crescent area 1335 month hydro Phone 534 or LARGE one bedroom apt for rent available May 1st large fridge and stove heat and water included LARGE one bedroom apartment In country home broad loomed walkout fridge stove all utilities Included smokers no pets ONE BEDROOM apt stove fridge and utilities Phone ONE BEDROOM in 4 pi ex Showing Wednesday John St plus hydro TWO BEDROOM apartment adult building available June 1 1375 a month Call alter weekdays anytime weekends R nd For rent by month at ysv Furnished luxury apartment available April 15th nets Masse 811 ACCOMMODATION Available Silver Eagle Cottages Haliburton Highlands Housekeeping nils sandy beach boats brochures available Call lor more inlotmalion Commercial ProperiiiT LARGE lector buildings for rent Includes large yard Federal Furniture SI 0381 REASONABLE Industrial for rent from I up Secretarial answering services on premises or Space STORE In small mall downtown Georgetown would suit pastry shop or other HAS Includes utilities JU COUNTRY Retreat acres almost all hardwood on good country road minutes of Owen Sound A 1 wildlife area way severance possible firm 794 12000 full DOWN 4 bedroom starter home In Hills burg completely self contained one bedroom Carries for per month I T Call Jim Flaherty Lerman R Ltd 5901 or 877 WANTED Privet a 3 bedroom home In tow a- B83- POWER OF New Semidetached housing units on Carbeny Rd Erin Closed in but require completion To be sold as ta by tender For Inspection andor tenders cat Mortgagees- PRIVATE SALE very road on the outsium of Georgetown garage new carpeting freshly psdnted and dean A beautiful home to show Waa Bated at aUMOO WMeeflfwinUMt 8770277 op as being available ox public functions where alcoholic beverages arc served The designations are part ol recent revisions to board policy governing the rental of school facilities Also under con is the boards right to cancel without notice any nonschool event that interferes with school activities The revised policy statement with a new schedule of rental rates still to come was presented to the board Thursday night for preliminary study Georgetown and Acton high schools as well as Speyside and schools are the local facilities designated as available for licensed activities The policy dictates that alcohol cannot be distributed during any school function or when regular day school students are still present Only local community groups can take advantage of the new proposal The boards community schools adminis tration committee headed by trustee Cam Jackson selected the designated school based on accessibility far the greatest number of users geographical location and proper flooring The board will review its list in 1986 adding or deleting schools according to the way theyve been used for such functions Hills trustee Bruce ex pressed concern over a policy giving the board the right to cancel conflicting school events without notice revised policy statement also dictates that no costs should be incurred by the board In making facilities available to the public that caretakers must be on duty during non- school functions and that those renting facilities are entirely responsible for claims arising from inadequate supervision Home and school acceptations rate payers groups board employee groups and Scout and Guide organizations can use school free of charge Limehouse WI plans Canada Day The annual meeting of limehouse Womens Institute began with a delicious pot luck luncheon Business was conducted by Elaine Hannah A vote of thanks was tendered to John Benton for his work in removing snow from the hall parking lot during the winter Ada Rough had attended a Scout breakfast meeting where she was the recipient of a certificate of appreciation to Institute for sponsoring the scouts in our area A report of the meeting in Milton was presented by Jean Anderson The financial report showed that the seasons parlies had added to funds A discussion on the plans for the Canada Day Bicentennial celebrations showed much enthusiasm for the event slated for June and July 1 A grant from has been received to be used to promote the program which is hoped to include demonstrations of pioneer article displays picnic supper Saturday night dance a ball game an open air church service and more Watch for posters The election of officers resulted in Ihe 198485 executive being Past Elaine Hannah President Glen da Benton 1st Vice President Pearl Brown 2nd Vice President Ada Roughley Sec Ttcas Jean Kirk wood PRO Mary Booth District Director Jean Anderson and Auditors Blanche Brighom and Doris Brown Obituary Arthur Powley A prominent and active Jehovah Witness minister Arthur of Acton died April a following a lengthy Illness Mr Powley was born in Saull Ste Marie the eon of George and Clara Powley one of nine children He was baptized In and has been active in his faith ever since On October 30 1M1 he married his wife Rose In Sudbury The couple lived In Georgetown before moving to Acton two years ago For the past 34 years Mr Powley has been a fulltime minister in a voluntary capacity for the Jehovah Witness He has travelled throughout Canada for the past 30 years as a district and circuit minister Kenneth little officiated nt the funeral April at Kingdom Hall Georgetown A memorial service was held in Georgetown and interment was at Marie Left to mourn his loss are his wife Rose and a brother Marvin from Red Lake Ontario brothers Roy of Harold Harvey and George of Sault Ste Marie and sisters Pearl Booth Florence and Edith Dunn all of Sault Ste Marie EI TtKKlm Complete Mr System tor Day Cirt Centre 1256 Crescent Oekmie Seated landers clearly marked as to conHnts wfl be by the Otflca Clerk M Local Time Tuesday May 111 or the lender Tender may from the of the Purchasing Department 1 Bronte Ontario Teridere Local Time Tuesday May the flecjsonei Room Ho 2 Bronte Road tenders are lo attend any tender i Manager