GeorgetownActon Wednesday May 16 1984 Tvauao New men women wanted for News Shorn CommarcMto end Sports tranng Part or Special Recto A TV for 1 Cooks Dishwashers Bartenders WaiterWaitresses TOOLE road house style an a of and ts raw at newest location at 30C Si Were looking lor usage to J The above and pan tire positions Apply a person Ma IB 1984 at Canada Employment Centre Guelph St Georgetown No ienre necessary tracing provided JUNIOR ESTIMATOR fm progressive 1 company lion Mull bo able read nts and take oil quant ties accurately Know swat Send Box No a The Canadian Champion 131 Main St E SUPERVISOR FOSTER CARE SERVICES Socoty tor mo Foster Caro Supervisor Out nil and supcrv of a loam social workers cos children care o the Soc A Management position lo Wo Manogar Res dental Serv cos the Fosler Core is accountable lor del very of services with agency philosophy cants mull have an degree or level degree and a Child Wellaro agency Salary commensurate with dual cations Apply n writing only to Salt J upend- HjRm CAS 457 Spam Raid DRIIIK3S4 Unemployed Aged 16 24 The Ontario Career Program OCAP can provide you with on the job training or up to IP weeks during which you receive 100 per week Contact Local Canada Employ ment Centra or at Sheridan College 7936815 REUDEHT8 local KELLY SERVICES office ha lot temper try need your ax the lowing art FIRST Choice opening Georgetown local Ion requires licenced hair slyllsts Excellent wages package Full and part For call Join FOOD Service Supervise Cook reports to nursing home administrator Responsibilities Include supervision Inventory control meal prep Involvement residence care conference Monday to Friday 30 Salary Under review In 1964 Company benef t package Interview only call Jan King King Nursing Home Bolton 857 MAINTENANCE Pert of out requires nowl motors and some welding per M Milt jr REQUIRED pari lime real estate office Saturdays required Call and Assoc ales SWITCHBOARD Receptionist Li requires an ambitious and neat ndlvldual to act as sw receptionist Other dut this lion Incoming and outgoing ma I accurate typing general departments Send resume to Box 740 The Georgetown Independent JO Main I o Ont L7G3G4 TRUCKING careers Above average drivers are always In demand To arrange pre screen tor lob trs and lob placement help callMervOrr Toronto branch BABYSITTER required in September for preschoolers Centennial School ere err ably In EXPERIENCED Nanny requires liveIn I ton in Georgetown Brampton area to start work July Call S77 53 between end fieri In June tj Employment Wanted GARDENS ROTOTILLED CALL 8776202 AFTER4pm SPRING HAS SPRUNG ROTOTHJUNQ TIMETOFIXUPANDREPAIR For R0T0T1LUNG 1H00 TOPSOtL AVAILABLE 1717 or CARPENTER 3Qycarsei carpentry struct Ion custom mereisllbulldtngs irr repairs etc rel able truck and tools iNDREDS Helpers from Quebec or refund guaranteed 2478 STUDENT employment Avallabli HE UN invitation to better health Natural weight control and counselling Distributor Paul Man Veen llubufgh JEHOVAH S WITNESSES If the Watchtower prophet of Jehovah why have they made so many false prophecies Box US I by snap up n our pleasant facilities right hi In Downtown Georgetown Men ladies and hours Pool sauna whirlpool weigh room aerobic classes Call today lor your tree guest pass at Exclusively Yours Fitness Centre off James SI STOP corrected and sometimes weakens school abilities Get confidential In formation from Box Cambridge N3H 4T3 stating age and phone Your WOMEN Physically or emotionally abused 1 con self help group has been farmed your area offering support help with solving and chance to have a good talk tl others who understand For nformaflon day or night El MERCURY FORD TRUCKS FORD It you re a builder or waldar then you be rested in this vehicle F350 cab Er chaeali with bed equipped with power tin a automatic trensmiiilon 351 dual wheels tough truckwevegot It 84 To pel LS Door Lynx Door WhleC014 Acadian Door tMTopei BlueC0t2 Blue P306 B3 Hoiiion 4 Door Bluo4093A S3 Town Car ToyotB Corolla 4 Door Brown Zephyr Blue P209 m Diplomat Silver CromoP233B Dodge Pickup Blue Eicon Door BluoCOOBA B2 CavaHar Wagon Bulck Century Corolla Ivor 81 Citation Door Dodge Ram Blue Charger 8772261 WE FIX Collision Paint Repairs InsUancoCIa Our Specially HatonH 13 Most Mode n8odyShog UPTOWN COLLISION- FREE ESTIMATES Conveniently located et 877 Georgetown 1 cedBeo Coupe de VMe 49B TWrd clean automatic Newport 4 door as I BUY OF THE WEEK Loaded with goodie Cotor gold Low mile age original mBe One owner Nice Serial No 1473 ttJ MOTORS 8782328 PASSENGER Belalr Wagon excellent condition certified PS VI IMS For Site 1979 Skylark der PS week only Call A ySl 19S2CKRYSLEHLbBARON SEE IT AT CHRYSLER 1382 REGAL CALL GEORGETOWN CHRYSLER 1381 CALL GEORGETOWN CHRYSLER equipped excellent gas m Bank I nanclng available Special this week only 111 MO Call at A and A Auto Er blue block Recreation Vahfclss El VaMclta Foe Salt VB good condition 19NrlTnACPARISaM CALL GEORGETOWN CHRYSLER FIRST body and pain phone 1500 buys 1975 good running order excellent at 14 Mary St or M C VAN VB automatic power steer power brakes inside panelled carpeted S00orbestolter VOLKSWAGEN CAMPER CALL CHRYSLER GREMLIN automatic PS good on needs some body work SI JEEP J4000 ton with Snow plow VB PS PB automatic new tires and brakes AM cassette In dash or offer ISaDLeMANS WAGON CALL GEORGETOWN CHRYSLEH 8774108 Gran Lemans wagon automatic PS AM FM cassette cruise control miles Specialities week only I Al at A and A Auto Erin door V6 automatic stereo cassette Special this week only A Auto Its all in YOUR wallet Bronte St Mllon 1983 YAMAHA VIRAGO And so nan SPRING DISCOUNTS 82W01 SUZUKI T500 motorcycle completely rebuilt trade ding or Call TOTALLY rebuilt Vorton motor cycle chrome many now parts too mcnl on Musi be seen Other may be considered or part trade Phone Carllsle6896135 Campers Trailers Motor Homes HALTON TRAILER SALES RENTALS rR IGeorgetown Lightweight 17 and trailer rental and Sleepers Sand 8 Sleeper Hard Top Camp Trailer JULY AUGUST All Typos Tro lor Efocl Connect Installed MOTOR home for rent sleeps 6 daily am weekly rates Fully nsured Call 7470 1123 MUST sell I weight trailer fridge stove sink toilet Reduced to trade for small Import cor Days RAMBLER trailer stove fridge healer t sleeps asking SI Boys I Empire Biter 877 TRAILER IS Deluxe Corsalrl electric brakes hitch steeps propane stove or propane Lights or volt propane I Phone meal times 877 Boats ft Motors J1 ft SHEPHERD wood hull enclosed aft deck and cabin I RebullM979 V no GM new generator 7 Fully Asking Days 514 even 511 651 3838 or O Box 90 lie Quebec J4B5E6 OUTBOARD 65 HP Mercury tanks and controls S100O Rudy or John otter gas Opportunities IT man you In to earn year We Ira you raise big bait worms In your basement or garage Odorless Low In Buy back guarantee Early Bird Ecology 3931 SEEI establish independent iarket home security Capital investment Call Mr at after ffiwInrotoHMtrt Canadian Heart j T TENDERS I The- Halloo Board of Educaiion will receive tondoro or Contract Care Inking tor the following schools SCHOOL LESTER B PEARSON MM SCHOOL SCHOOL Tenders for those schools f May 10B4 Da tailed ton dor lists and other for the may bo obtained at Bio Control Line Burl ngton Ontario Tho lowasl or any lender will not necessarily be accepted BETTY FISHER CHAIRMAN WALLY8EEVEH DIRECTOR PUZZLED We ve got the an were to your ad needs Call and lei us put the pieces for you today Hi 2219 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS and others In the Eitate of LOW KLOOSTER Deceased ALL PERSONS having claim against the Estate of LOIS KLOOSTER late of the Town of Hills In the Regional Municipality of Hah on who died on the 11th day of January 1984 are raqubed to file proof of same the undersigned on or before the day of June 1984 AFTER that date the assets will be distributed having regard only to the claim acelved DATED at Helton Hill this day of May 1984 WILLIAM C Executor by his SOPINKAKORT 145 MHJ Street Georgetown Ontario tzflis NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS AH deem the estate of HARRIETT MARY MATTHEWS late of Ontario who died on April be fUed the undersigned on or before June after which data the estate wilt be distributed hevfng regerd only to claims then Toronto May 1994 ALAN AID end DONALD LANE CAMPBELL executor by heir eofiehora HOLMESTED SUTTON King St E Toronto NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS and others in the Estate of MREDCMA Deceased ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of MlXDEMA late the Town of Hatton HIHa n the Regional Municipality of who died on the 20th day of January are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the d of May AFTER that date the assets be distributed having regard only to the claims then received DATED at Hitls this 26th day of April 1984 JOHN Execute SOPINKA Mel Street George Ontario L7Q2C2 dubjo jh For Rent apartment ground door Acton Includes ell labieJunel of a For Rent HOUSES Lovely bedroom bungalow den fenced yard Georgetown or larger bedroom in town only Many ottiersl Fee Apartments For Rent utilities larger one bedroom heal park ng Included bedroom handy Others 0670 LARGE bedroom separate en trance parking monthly plus utilities must have references Daytime 8723 apartments very quiet Rooms Available Vacation and Properties SUMMER Camp for boys and girls 11 English riding and swimming dally Write Rainbow Valley Ranch RR or 519 5343 days I The name f riemts recommend COMMERCIAL RENTAL BARGAINS Greatly reduced rates on prime commercial space stores and offices Choice area for Don miss these rates Start your business with a super lease Act offer ends Juno 30th PLEASE CALL HELEN ATKINSON FOR DETAILS LbPbob Real Eslats Services Ltd Street Georgetown th pond driveway hydro hard top road Dundsik area Veronica Smith 519 dMclntrcCo Ltd Realtor Of Erin financing Lot 100x460 Hones welcome steel bedroom brick home 1800 square feet livable area Asking Phone 833 ROCKWOOD Semi Well located at Main Street close to all stores schools and GO le Early possession 7t4 SALE or RENT Former Rockwood Bar at Main Street Large 3 bedroom house also available rear Immed ale possession house with dining room I ng to pay up In or near Georgetown Reply The Indepen Ma St Georgetown L7G 3 POWER OF SALE ACRES ESTATE LOT Line Campbellvilla south of Mohvvk Racs Track frontages Ideal horse farm or brat offer Ral Easts ltd Raster BEDROOM RANCHER year ok acres around walkout from ctnlng room Steel 1 acre pond croefc bush IB acres on hardtop road are AaMng CaSefterpm VercneSmrtn WWredMciriteeCo