GeorgetownActon Wednesday SERVING THE HARD OF HEARING ERIN HEARING AID CENTRE 78 MAIN ST S GEORGETOWN IN THE OLD BANK FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE 8773765 Solitude tanks Continued from Hi I was able o relax almost immediately after entering the tank while found his neck tensing up because of the feeling his head going to sink underwater lolsofellaslecpor at least into a dream like stale as Ihe hour session slipped by so fast that it seemed as i I d only entered the tank Dorsey on the other hand became bored after a while and exited before the full hour was over When the session was over I left the tank in a slightly disoriented and euphoric state while was suffering a slight neck cramp from trying to keep his head out of the water For the rest of the I felt relaxed as if 1 had just had eight hours of fitful sleep who commented that he became bored waiting for something to happen to him in the tank said his experience didnt do much to make a difference in his day However decided to go back the following day and much to his enjoyment he found tanking a second time more enjoyable He found he could relax in the tank and remained inside for almost an hour and a hair Dorsey exited the tank feeling relaxed and rested and the effects lasted through out the day Overall the experience was good which as the tank is advertised to do relaxes the user euphoric feeing Both of us felt that tanking is a relatively way to spend a meditative hour that is truly relaxing Bannockbum Wl Slides shown of Australia enjoyed by fcdiUi Median The May meeting of Bannock burn Women Insutue was held at the home Ada Sinclair with 17 ladies present President Linda Cairns read a poem on the rules of How to Ruin Your Child Roll call Remember When was answered by all the ladies Some nostalgic memories were discussed with much merriment The Motto Arithmetic was read by Reno Morrison It covered the adding up of all the benefits from day to day through our lives which amounts to a very tidy sum Members were privileged to have Doris Fines show slides she took on a trip to Australia and New Zealand and they were enjoyed by all A pleasant social period lowed with refreshments served by Mary Matthews and Ruth