Wednesday June Full house honors David van der Bent There waa a Ml house at the curling dub Saturday night the community honored Dr DaidvanderBealActaDsl7lbCllireo of the Year Family friends acquaintances and patients of the popular doctor were there to bun on bis achieve ments and the work be has done in the community Gary Barton was the master of ceremonies for the evening was high lighted by several a combination roast citation composed and written by Jon Hunt a longtime friend of the doctor Presentations included a certificate from the federal government presented by MP Otto Jdlnekacertiflcste from the Province signed by the premier and presented by Wilson on behalf of MPP Julian Reed unable to attend A plaque and coins from Hills were presented by Mayor Run Miller and Dave Whiting representing the Region of presented a plaque from the Region Chamber of Commerce president Steve presented van der Bent with theCiUzenortheYearplaque The Chamber is responsible for the annual selection and dinner honoring noted Acton Captain Wilson of the Salvation Army spoke words of appreciation for van Bents help with the Red Shield campaign over the last few years Head table guests included the Citizen of the Year his parents Mr and Mrs van der Bent Sr Mr and Mrs Gary Barton Steve and Mr and Mrs Jon Hurst Another highlight of the evening was a visit from a mysterious stranger who claimed he was van der Bents former school principal and presented him with a licence plate with the significant message SAY AH He Identified himself as the Venerable Robert H Biddle but suspicious diners said he sounded like Jack Carpenter The citation composed and read by Jon Hurst Is elsewhere in this issue Ospringe Knox Library dedicated by Doris Fines The library and Its furnishings at Knox Presbyterian Church Ospringe were dedicated at the anniversary service on Sunday June to the memory of Anna W The beautiful desk was presented for dedication by the Altken family and the plaque for the library by the church Anna contributed much of her time and talents to the church and community and It she who set the library in motion and was instrumental in setting it up She also established and led the churchs choir The Reverend Wayne Allen accepted the memorial as a sacred trust to the glory of God Annas husband Gordon and family Joan John and Sherlock were present at the service also her sister Phyllis and husband the Reverend Hugh Moorhouse Music for the anniversary service was supplied by Bonnie Scbotsch on the organ and Hilda McKenzle on the piano In bis sermon the The Danger of Being Religious Rev Allen spoke on building your house upon the rock not on the shifting sands of fate Our standards are not the worlds standards Our standards come from deep inside u The Judge of the final outcome is God not us their outward manifestations but on their inward consistence What you are Inside is what you are outside Musical interludes were solos by Dour Eden Mills Young How Great Thou Art and by Lynn Eagles Great Is Thy Faithfulness Lynn also presented a flute solo The Lords Prayer and Glen da and Debbie Sinclair accordion duets The Old Rugged Cross and Amazing Grace After lunch was served in the basement of the church a presentation of a card table and chairs was given to Gordon who will shortly be leaving the community to live closer to his family down Kingston way Gordon was born in the house he is living In and has lived all his life in the community so it is with mixed feelings he is pulling up stakes and he will be missed in the com m unity and church where he has con tributed so much of his time and friendly neighbor Retiring teacher Arlene Hipkins was guest of honour at a dinner party at Inn Rockwood on June She Is retiring from the teaching profession after spending the last ID years at Public School Nancy Trimble secretary of the school organized the proceedings and made the presentation of gifts to which included a clock from the school staff and other individual gifts and amusing novelties Mr William of Woodstock visited one day this week with his aunt Mrs David Stewart Churches will interchange ministers for summer MscDougall Eden Mills Presbyterian Church and Stone United Church will interchange for summer services Rev Gostonyi will lead worship during July and Rev during August Mr and Mrs Ted have returned from a visit to Balzac Alberta where they attended the wedding of Teds cousin Miss Kim Robson only child of Mr and Mrs Albert On the return trip home Ted and Ed visited several relatives CondolencesareextendedtoMrs William McLean and children Betty Jean and Don in their bereavement of a dear brotherin law and uncle Mr Ogstone Ogg McLean Mr McLean was a long time resident of this area He was predeceased by two brothers Jack and BUI It Is time to renew Community Club memberships This year the price is 5 per household Membership allows members and their family to participate in a number of communitysponsored clubs and events including Brownies and Guides exercise classes karate swimming lessonB and more Membership cards may be obtained from BUI Adair Harold Tomlinson Mavis Stamp Judy Duffidd or Louise Koepfler A reminder that in the spirit of the bicentennial the Community Club is sponsoring a Canada Day celebration on Sunday July tat the ball park In the event rain plans have been made for indoor activities A recent baseball game played here against turned into be a inning marathon with the home cam Seniors the victors by a score Pot luck at Knox Alert The Knox Alert Evening Group met in the A Stewari Memorial Hall for our June Luck Supper several members of Ihe former and Rev Cribar enjoyed a delightful time of fellowship over a variety of delectable dishes After the supper we gathered for the program the theme being Jesus Christ the Life Giving Water based on John 3 and Ruby Banks acted as narrator and Gladys Davidson and Babe enacted out the the well where Christ asked the Samaritan woman for a drink of water The meeting closed with the Mfzpah Benediction and best wishes for an en joyable summer McNeil Williams vows exchanged in Acton Acton Baptist Church was the setting for the double ring ceremony of Sandra Elisabeth McNeil daughter or Mr Edward McNeil of Mrs Maureen McNeil of London to David Alan Williams son of Mr and Mrs Iain Williams of Acton Reverend Jean Stair officiated at the Given hi marriage by her father the bride wore a white gown accented with chantUly lace and featuring a long traditional train The matron of honor was Karen Wood sitter of the bride who wore a rose colored silk gown with matching Jacket The best man was David Berry brother- law of the groom The grooms mother Susan Williams wore a frosted peach colored gown to receive wedding guests Following the wedding a reception was held at the Hedgate Inn Milton Guests from Niagara Fails Windsor Toronto Brampton Georgetown and Acton attended the reception Prior to the wedding showers were given by the groom sister Cheryl Berry and the brides sisters Karen Wood Joan Fairfax and Coaklin addition a Jack and Jill shower was given by the brides mother In A a wedding dinner far the groom was given by the best man David Berry David Williams and Sandra McNeil were married at Baptist Chorea with the Rev Jean Stairs officiating The covple reside In The groom parents entertained the rehearsal party The couple now reside in Acton Wilson presents a plaque from the Pro- MP Otto Jeliaek presents a certificate tram Mayor Miller presents recognition vine he federal government from I ID I me as a complete surprise David van Bent former principal but someone I I tors request The donor he sounded like Music Hall host Jack Carpenter Community honors Dr van der Bent Following is part of the citation composed and read by Jon Hurst at the Citizen of the Year dinner honoring David van der Bent Saturday night at the Acton Curling Club I am very pleased and honoured to have been asked to say a few words this evening about Actons Citizen of the Year I must soy that I am unaccustomed to speaking to such a large and auspicious gathering The only people Ive given a speech to are my kids and they never listen to me anyway They usually leave the room when I half way through and I end up talking to the wall But at least I don get an argument from he wall My mother an English teacher gave me some advice which she thought 1 could use for this speech She said if you can dazzle them with brilliance baffle with big words Pusillanimous I declined her advice with thanks The man we are here to honour this evening is a very good friend of mine and he is very well known by people throughout the com his name being almost a household word I am very pleas to be able to say a few words about Acton Citizen of the Year David David van der Bent Actually I only kidding I really do know his name I should I see it enough on my pharmacy bills I was asked to speak for minutes and at first wondered what I would say for that length of time Then I remembered something Dave once told me He said we were given two ears and one tongue so that we should listen twice as much as we talk So 1 11 talk for minutes and you listen for 15 Trying to decide what to say this evening I thought it might be a good idea to check with some of Daves patients and friends So I asked around town and I came up with a few comments I made up a short list and you know there some really good stuff here I read It over and you know the old saying I could write a book well I could write a book My mind started racing as I thought hey I could have a best seller here or copies How about The Deeds of Doc tor Dave and then I thought hey how about a movie it could star Montalbaunas Dave wed call it Fantasy Hospital Villacheze could be the patient lying In bed saying The Pain doc the pain But then I came back to reality I mean I dont think a lot of this stuff is true probably Just conjecture and gossip Let me read a few comments patient said that Van must keep a bucket or ice water in his office and that he soaks his hands just prior to each physical examination One woman patient said she mind the long wait for Van the waiting room She Just thought that he would like to treat her illness In its early stages One guy said he felt that Dr Van has at times taken leave of the senses I said how can you possibly say that But this guy had positive proof and I had to agree Do you know that Dave is actual a fan of the Toronto Argonauts I pointed out to this guy that ihe ArgoswontheGreyCuplastyear Yeahhesald But it took them over 30 years to do it Well I suggested this proved that Dave is very determined dedicated I hope so said the man cause itll probably take another years for them to win it again Besides he also cheers for the Toronto Maple Leafs didnt argue anymore One patient said that Dr Van put him on an effective diet fillet times a day Geencsald the first week I lost This story comes from one of Daves fishing partners You know hes got a reputation for stretching the truth about the size of the fish he catches so for his next fishing trip he bought a set of scales and he weighed every fish he caught in front of a witness Back at the office the next week when his office scale broke he brought in his fish scale to weigh a new born baby The little gaffer came in at After a fishing trip up north he was asked if he fished with flies he said fished with them camped with them ate with them and slept with them You know Dave has a hobby of raising exotic pheasants But when he first embarked on this he bad a bit of a problem He had bought a beautiful female pheasant he paid a lot of money for her He took her home built a beautiful big cage for her and fed her But lime went by and he wasnt getting any eggs to hat ch So one day be ran Into Fred on the street and he told Fred about his problem And Fred replied I I know the Dave I think you need a male pheasant So the very next day Dave sold the female and bought a male After a physical examination one of Daves patients said level with me docdon I scare me with Ihe scientific name of what Ive got Just give It to mem plain English So Dave being a no nonsense guy said there nothing wrong with you you re Just plain LAZY Boy thats a relief replied the patient now can you give me the scientific name so I can go home and tell the wife Early one Saturday morning I was out driving and I was pass Dave house And I saw he was having a garage sale By the way did you ever wonder why they call them garage sales Usual ly they re in the driveway or on the front lawn And none of them ever want to sell their garage Some that I seen lately should be called end of the driveway sales When the sale over you leave everything left there for the garbage truck Anyway I pulled into Daves house and boy he had a lot of good stuff there 1 almost bought a used cast for a left arm Of course with my luck Id buy it then break my right leg He had a bedpan I picked up for he cottage No more using Ihe outhouse in the middle of the night He also had a set of books you know the books you could buy one week in the grocery store How lo books Well he had a set of how lo medical books you know how to set a broken limb how to cure the common cold I picked up what was Dr Moore beat me to the other five And you know Dave is supposed to be such an avid fisherman I see these pictures of all the fish he supposedly catches I think he uses a zoom lens yet when I go fishing with him I don t see him catch any and I don get any myself Maybe he keeping the best fishing spots tor hEmslcf or maybe there a fish market where he deals He probably says to the guy behind the counter I take that big fish there throw it lo me and then he can honestly say that he caught it The last time I fishing with him early one afternoon on Lake Ontario he seem too Interested in fishing The rest of us were in the back of the boat tending the poles while Dave Was sitting in front of the screen of the fish finder playing with the knobs and trying to dial in General Hospital There are many reasons why Dave was chosen as Citizen of the Year In my opinion the number one reason for his choice was the warm feelings that his patients have for him Because of the caring manner in which he conducts his practice with a total commitment to his patients He has been chairman of the Salvation Red Shield Campaign for four years He supports Ihe North Halton Association for the Mentally Retarded He has donated swans and the air bubbler which keeps the ice clear for the swans at Fairy Lake He serves as Club doctor for the Acton Sabres Hockey Club And I can honestly tell you tonight that he quietly contributes to this community in ways that you and I know nothing about He has aptly been referred to as an naturalist fisherman photo grapher adventurer humanitarian You know you II never hear Dave cussing even when hes fishing and the big one gels away But there are a lot of four letter words in his vocabulary words like duly help care give work love And he shows us the true meaning of those words everyday I think it is important for us to acknowledge one s contributions while they are still active in the community And this Is what the Acton Chamber of Commerce Citizen of Year dinner does I would like to say that Im glad to have known Dave for so many years and to be able to call him my friend at least I hope so after tonight and I know I speak for everyone here when I say I am hap py that years ago David Bent M D chose lo come to our town I would like to close with a light hearted poem which I feel is an explanation of why we are here this evening If with pleasure you ate anything thai he is doing If you like or if you him tellhunna Don iwilhold your approbation Till person makes oration And he lies snowy round hit brow For then no mailer how you shout it He i really care about it He won know how many teardrops you have shed Mort than fame and more than mimty the comment kind and sunny And the hearty Harm of a If he earns your praise biilo Ifyouloiehimtet him known Let the of true be said Do not wait till life isoter And he s underneath the For he cannot read hit tombstone when he dead Acton tops Malton 60 in I ntercounty tennis by Vic Morris The Acton mixed team con tin lies to roll along as they overwhelmed Malton on the local courts on 14 June by a score of The ladies learn also had one of their better fixtures when they visited Bramalea the previous day returning with a vic tory Gordon Alcott had the edge In the junior boys fixture when Acton visited last Saturday winning 1 Bob Bruce team maintained its unbeaten record on June when the team played at and won by games to Dont forget to get down to the Friday round robins as the price Is right no charge the balls are provided and starting lime is SO The next club tournament will be the ladies and mens doubles on July and a Meanderings Barkman Why Is It that when a lawn Is cut the tidiness of it remains for about a day Here in the country we cannot keep a weed free lawn and am constantly amazed at how First we have the dandelions whose stems pro trude in an upward position right after we mow the lawn Then when they the Indian paintbrush takes over with long slender stems When that battle is won the small leafed plantain decides to send up un flowers on tall stilts If company comes we have to run out and shave the lawn long before it really needs it The consolation a thai in the winter I forgtv about the lawn with its longstems