town Acton Wednesday Aug 8 fUU STAFF Barber Henley Ltd Main hi Downtown orcein 8772214 BOATING TIPS FOR SAFE BOATING MARINERS COMPASS For information call The Georgetown Power Squadron at 8775034 This community minded message brought to you by mnRSH Live Bait fit Taxidermy SALMON HUNT SPECIAL SliadRopRon Wnlkor Reg 130GUELPHST GEORGETOWN S SPORTS SCOREBOARD BROUGHT TO YOU BY lllllllllllillllllllllll a e Lepage iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiii REAL ESTATE SERVICES LTD REALTOR 170 GUELPH STREET GEORGETOWN 8770173 BMX roundup It was a hot da in Mil at the Park Saturday as both tin and competition scorched the trick Beginner In the to nine beginner division Dennis pedalled in first while Ryan Shields followed in se In the lu and 11 earold Chris Shaw rolled over the finish line in first pake followed by Jimmj English and Paul Doug notched a first plate finish in 12 division with Jamie Leslie ind Chris follow ing second and third res In the and class dipped over lie finish line fist while J J and notched second and third respee Novice In the division action Jason Leslie placed first in the 14 year old Trevor Recoskie finished and need in third In the ljvearold division Mike was first John Rob Tripp recorded third place finish Expert the expert for eight year olds Ryan wis credited with first while Peter Ward was second and Paul was third The nine year old expert winner was Morrison Colin I was second and third was captured by Brandon Point standings is of August 1 are 1 Uj Ryan Harvey Paul Ward Brian Barry Neil Haigh Robert Mitchell Chris Morrison 10 Jason Smith 232 II TON HILLS lit 1112 Kathleen Kuno Michelle Shannon Nauman Ryan Han Novice 1 Brandon Danny Peter Ward Novice Mike 2 Danny Opvc Josh Park 13 Novice I Jason Smith Derek Jason Sullivan 14 Novice 1 Shannon Falconer Jason Leslie Derek Nischan 15 Expert l Troy Naylor Robert Chris 17 I John Teixena Mark Neil and under Beginner 1 Blair Flood Taylor Loughran 10 11 Beginner Jimmy English Paul Schaefer Paul Sinclair Beginner 1 Doug Kent Chris Schaefer Steve Sutherland Beginner I Jamie Pete Von Dan and over Beginner1 Steve Houston David Bishop Top Riders I Peter Word 373 Brandon Rne Harvey Brian Barry Paul Ward CANADAS LARGEST FASHION FABRIC DISTRIBUTOR PLUS SUPER BUYS LINING mi n DENIM PIN STRIPE flog HOW PLAID lOrnfO flo5o BORDER ETELET Reg BB NOW 5 TRAFALGAR LINEN STRIPE b 150c ROW STRETOH TERRY 150cm6O R In ITALIAN LINEN 150 cm il HOW m COTTON Rag HO I HI VELVETEEN HOW Win Inp3 I Rag 50 Cm KETTLE CLOTH Mm J Br an BATISTE DOW in QUILTED GINGHAM Reg IS SB Q Mi Slacks Bug HOW GEORGETTE BOX CHECK Rig SB Paste On TERRTCLOTH Rag iwritcOny BOW 547MainStE MILTON OVER50STOESNONriniO TheBest In Selection and Price Anywhere Tips from the Golf Doctor by Ttrrv The Don at wing Its a product of thought have all heard that if mv is correct my downswing will happen Its true but the exact of the is only a product of how well vou are able to visualize target Its like those that when on the putting surface thing seems to go sense target much clearer that day That is one area that is seldom talked about target golf But target golf will enable the downswing reaction to unfold The order of events in the golf swing is as follows The arms begin back pull ihe shoulders into position which in turn pull the back which pulls the hips which pui ihe legs back into a position behind the ball The downswing reaction Is just that a reaction goal eel that reaction can a ful golf swing but cant but the ball to wards the target Why Because as jou stand at the ball ihougnts in your head are all the technical aspects of golf nothing but nothing about where target is Your thought is hit the ball not target Your thought be tempo not target You- must practice only target on the golf course Not much is necessary as far as the downswing is concerned of practice thought will aid the reaction of ihe body back into the finished position As you reach the top of the swing the impulse strike ball has to disap pear tend to draw attention to one of areas One go directly from the top of your hacks wing to your finish position letting the ball follow whatever direction you have decided to take But know where you want to finish have that picture clear in jour mind The other technique is to make sure your weight has shifted from the back foot to the front fool before the arms begin to descend ice those two areas of leading the and they will help gel away from the impulse of hitting the ball Remember ball will only go where the club goes and club goes where vourbodj travels therefore we learn to let our travel with correct positions enabling an effective and golf shot to take place Next week II talk about some of the misnomers in golf and role of tension in the golf swing Burlington Stamps look for local talent Football is a popular spectator sport in Ontario but few communities actually program for their One of Hills neighboring com Burlington does offer such a pro gram but they are In some players to keep the program alive The Burlington Major Stampcders are interested in any local athletes between the ages of 16 and 19 as of January 1 1964 that dont weigh in at more than pounds They felt that the Hills area might be a good area to search for talent Acton High doesn l offer a football program and Georgetown offers only a junior program leaving any interested players with no place to play The ore currently holding daily workouts and practices at the tyke field at Nelson Stadium and welcome any prospective players that meet the weight and age requirements The Burlington squad plays in the Ontario Major Football League The season commences for the Stampeders on August with an exhibition contest against Scarborough before they kickoff their league August The team Is particularly interested in defensive linemen wide receivers and line backers According assistant coach Dave equipment will be no problem for prospective players interested in trying their luck with the Stampeders can call coach Peter Mallon at or assistants Dave at Terry Wilkinson 1939 or Bill Nash There is a registration fee for those making the squad Three Georgetown residents Cam Paul Wiison and Paul are currently with the squad North Halton Sports camp will Hi doors on season on August 20 Th local camp usually runs tor three of poor response the tlrst has cancelled this season The Camp Instructors will put the group of through paces as they prepare for the up and coming hockey season McDuffe to hel goalies Camp ready for tenth year When the North Halton sports Camp be operation ten years ago its prime was to provide Ihe youth of Hills with low priced fun filled hockey with out leaving town according to Chris Milne Ten years later that philosophy still remains but the instructors have ten years experience rely on in helping teach youngsters that much better the do and don Is of hockey concentrated on fun claims and we still do This year camp will only run for two weeks due to a recent decision by the and poor registration for the opening week Thit means the camp wilt run from August to with the camp taking place the final week The clinic was slated to open the school on August along with a beginners class but the low registration for that time has forced change The camp Is expecting about and they will learn from one of the areas best Former MIL VtHAcr and Georgetown Haider netminder Peter will be handling that the do and don Is of his business Last vear was the first season the Campoffered a special week for with Brian hand ing things Along with the usual tricks of the trade special office conditioning video analysts and a puck shooting machine ill help in the instruction The Sports Camp feels that one main advantage it will have is a one to four ratio of instructors teachers in ihe clinic Along the clinic a regular on ice session will take place for of the rep and house league calibre According to Milne each group will be taught their speed level Milne points out that the camp is open to any player house league or rep forward defence or goaltendcr The instruction at the rep level will be tougher than at the novice or beginner levels By the same token groups will be divided by ability so no you will be totally overmatched and have an equal opportunity to learn Chris Milne has been with the camp for all ten years it has been in operation He will be working with Neil Cotton who is in his eighth year with the camp Both are proven Georgetown Minor Hockey coaches and power skating instructors This year camp costs per week with a discount for a family plan In addition lunches can be provided for the week at a of for the week Anyone interested in attending camp Is asked to call Chris Milne or Doug Anderson at 7777 or slop off at North Sports to pick up an application