Rockwood artist carves a totem to creativity Totem pole is a real trafficstopper but whos squashed on the bottom GeorgetownActon Wednesday Aug A Rockwood artist who now has been virtually unknown has created a sculpt thai is stopping traffic on 7 just north of hi home Soaring feel into the air John Van writs creation resembles a west coast Indian totem pole but unlike native art the piece contains human figures rather than the animals and birds usually depicted I work mainly with human figures said Vanderweit who is an honors graduate he fine art and landscape architecture programs the University of Traditional totem poles had many philosophical and religious connotations he explained and while my sculpture makes a serious statement it also has its humorous aspects The carving hewn from a 26foot sugar maple log depicts four figures of which the bottom one Is rather squashed Moving up the second third and fourth figures become more extended The statement 1 am trying to make is rather like life itself with he low man on he totem pole bearing the weight of the world and the op man with a smug look on his face has been released from the burdens of life Vanderweit said The decision to erect the carving in front of Rockwood Roof Truss was a bit of fluke Vanderweit said I was working on a few smaller wood carvings at the time and I was on the lookout for suitable pieces of wood to work on he said When he saw the log sitting in front of Roof Truss he approached Peter he owner of Ihe business and asked him what he Intended to do with he wood Dudnick then became Intrigued with work and suggested that he build the sculpture out front of his business A Towering above ground this by Rockwood artist John Van- can be seen In Rockwood Rockwood on The structure Is out of a sugar maple Within days Vanderweit was hard at work It took working days to complete the sculpture using a chains aw to rough out the AW TRENTON DENTURE THERAPIST MAIN ST GEORGETOWN 8772359 doctorvinyl co SUEPHILLIMORE figures and chisels and an to the figures When I was working were numerous people fay to see what I was doing Vanderweit said and since its been completed theres been a steady flow of curious people The land around the sculpture will event ually be landscaped said Vanderweit who as a direct result of his first major creation has been commissioned to carve two other sculptures for area residents For the future Vanderweit said he will continue to create his wooden and hopefully his career will lead him to some well deserved recognition AGE MECHANICAL LTD is now located In Georgetown at Avenue UnitNo Call Allen Edwards at 8773638 8464270 Plumbing and Hutting Plumbers Kan Q bun Cairns Draws It Wood Freezer MacMillans Acton E1BJSM311 The Cookie Jar is coming soon Presenting the only All Chocolate Chip Bated with NO ADDITIVES OR PRESERVATIVES and immediately FROZEN to retain JUST DEFROST AND SERVE THE BEST TASTING CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES IN J University courses in Halton Hills Tha University of Waterloo will offer three university credit courses In Halton Hills this fall and winter You can attend classes free of charge simply lor personal Interest or you may register to take them for credit Copies of the 19548S FallWinter OffCampus Lectures brochure are aval table at the area local libraries and from the Recreation and Parka Department of Hill a For more details call the numbers listed below or the UW Office of PartTime Studies Correspondence and Continuing Education B19M51211 2000 or come to the first lecture of the subject which Interest you St Josephs Separate School Child Abuse Issues An Integrative Seminar Social Work RZ1 Wednesdays 7 Septombor12December5 1984 Mr Dale Payne Holy Cross Separate School Georgetown 88751 Family Therapy Social Work 32 RZ2 Mondays September 10 December 3 19B4 Mr Alton Bross Social Group Work Social Work 22m Mondays 710pm January April 1 Paul Courses at the Holy Cross and St Josephs Schools presented with the cooperation of the Hills Recreation and Parks Department Please call 68751 B5 tor more Information University of LENDL IvanLendl 1983 Players International Icy determination backed in every play thats lend Hes up against McEnroe Connors Will retain his title Dont miss the International the only mens world class tennis tournament in Canada this year Tickets on sale at Bass outlets Information or DADIl rHnlX MERCURYI FORD TRUCKS Hwy- No 7 West Between Gearjatswn Acton CAR OF THE WEEK 1984 E160 CLUB WAGON 8 PASSENGER Midnight metallic wtth light charcoal tu tone In blus cloth with trim option Powered by 302 VB with automatic tram million and Handsomely finished with many options for your driving comfort vehicles are hard to find take advantage Grand Marquis LS S3 Cougar Crome P327 S3 2 Door GrayP229 S3 Raliant K Blue B3 Lincoln Town Car Lynx OS Block P209 82 Ford Door Blue Phoenix 4 Door Silver C01 Cantury Door Tan40S3B F1B0 Explorer TuTono4239A 1 Cargo Van Blue Brown SI Chav C10 Pickup Tu Tone Brown A 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