QuhkStart Start It the futett Watchers program ever And use proven success because thousands have mod it and lost weight quicker in the very first weeks Quick Start is simple and sensible It flexible too with a exchange system that allows you to substitute the foods thai you like Andlhe appetizing easy to follow menus consist only of real foods no food substitutes or supplements Wo re accepting enrollments now for the Quick Pro gram So call Weight Watchers today Hurry All you need is Quick Start and you really lake WEIGHT WATCHERS PRICE SPECIAL 1984 Jo We grit Watchers for instead of the regular 18 on your f rst ng and on foe weekly thereafter Sen lor Citizens and students join for 50 instead regular 00 weekly hereafter New Member Reg on Times Morning Evening FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL 18002683915 Wehavethe TEMPO TOPAZ For You MANY MODELS IN STOCK TO CHOOSE FROM We have the Deal For You Driving Is Believing 45 Main St North 15181 8532370 4164531761 do not want all the business In town JUSTYOURSI THE BEST BEST BACKED CARS IN NORTH AMERICA ARE UP FOR GRABS r Your Dodge and Plymouth Dealers are prepared to bhe the bullet on ALL 1984 MODELS Yes their whole inventory All the great Chrysler Dodge and Plymouth cars that Canada has come to depend on lor quality styling and value Traditional wedding for Juanita and Bob Allsop A traditional double ring candlelight wedding Trinity United Church July saw Violet Andrews of Acton become the bride of Robert William Allsop of Employed at the motor vehicle office in Georgetown is he daughter of Sandra and Elmer Andrews of Elmore Bob Is the son of Prank and Allsop of Alma St and works at Electric in For her late afternoon wedding con ducted by Rev Gerald with organist Mrs Denn providing the musical setting wore a traditional white gown with a cathedral tram She wore a cathedral veil with finger veil and a pearl and lace tiara The gown was covered in crystal and pearl beads also wore a crystal necklace that was a gift from her grandmother and carried pink and dusty rose flowers with a cascade of roses Maid of honor Judy Pink a friend the bride and bridesmaids Corinne Andrews her sister Shelley Allsop the groom sister and Gail Morgan a cousin all wore Victor an style gowns with Judy In dusty rose and the others pale pink Flower girl Bonnie Lou Morgan the bride goddaughter was similarly attired Best man was Brad Billings of Eden Mills and ushers were Lawrlc Smith and Mike of Guelph and Glenn Murray of Trevor Dawe served as ring bearer Fallowing the ceremony the were driven to their reception at Community Centre In a 1964 Chevrolet convertible provided by Bob Garrett Some guests enjoyed the dinnerdance reception by a family friend Cyril Bishop and were treated to pieces of a wedding cake prepared by the groom s mother Mo Hie and friend Dorothy Roach The bride uncle James Bungay offered the traditional toast to the new bride Another highlight of the reception was a fountain of pink punch which everyone appreciated Special guests included Mr and Mrs Fred Allsop of Philadelphia Mr and Mrs James Bungay and Mr and Mrs Reuben Harding of Corner BrooK Newfoundland Irene of St John Newfoundland Mr and Mrs Donald Finn of Hull Quebec Mr and Mrs Lee Robinson of Ste Marie and grandmother Gwen of Acton BESS 100sOf 1984 CARS SMIiJSTK SOLD They said to my offer SSS Dodge nmtf AH am Chryslorbulltcars an backed tor 5 YEARS OR 80000 KM Dealer lor details WATER SLIDE Over It sting I omen at Canada tool year round Water Slldo Seo you the si del Sat Sunday Family Rates Party Packages Whitewater shoppers World Brampton HILLS MAJORETTE CORPS ATTENTION RECRUITING GIRLS AGES 3 20 YRS MAJORETTES AND COLOUR GUARD Tho HILLS GIRLS to for Compel Corps Tho Corps PARADES EXHIBITIONS and COMPETITIONS JOIN TAKE PART BECOME A MEMBER OF COMING GROUP EXCITING COLOURFUL REWARDING REGISTRATION DATE IBM 2pm PLAZA FEES The General lot tha Town irs will conduct a Public Meeting no a proposed amendment to Zoning By law of the former Township of This amendment involves he mooing of a 17 farm property located in part the watt of Lot 1 Concession It to permit second residence for farm help la at Department au am Tim Date- Monday October Counca Chambers Municipal Road MR AND MRS BOB The returned Aug from their honeymoon In Hope Bay They re making Ihelr home at 128 Church St East Special events for Ihe couple prior to the wedding Included three miscellaneous showers for hosted by Andrews and Gall Morgan by Judy and Faye Pink and by Shelley and Terry and a kitchen and pantry hosted by The groom a friends threw a stag for him and campers gathered at Pike Lake Golf Course for a party In I960 less than half of the people in the Third World had clean drinking water In some countries water can only be found deep beneath the earth surface For Canada is supplying clean water to villages In Semongkong Lesotho The Ottawa TOCHER PIANOS SALES A SERVICE I Wagner Pianos Piano Tuning Repairs Reconditioning STORE HOURS MAIN ST ONTARIO Simon CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 877 0109 Street Georgetown Ontario THE BRAMPTON GEORGETOWN PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION INVITES YOU TO THE SIXTH ANNUAL FAMILY CORN ROAST SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 9 700PM FARMS CITY OF BRAMPTON McUaghla Rd el Hn ID BRING YOUR LAWN CHAIR TICKETS AT THE GATE ADULT BASIC EDUCATION Halton Board of Education is claim for adults who have not com Die led Grada Upon successful completion course students may proceed Grade work and eventually asm a secondary school d ptoma CLASSES TO BE HELD AT Georgetown District High School Monday Wednesday REGISTER ami school Wednesday September IBM information please celt The Continuing Education Department or 1