Advisory group offers small business help Owners of small businesses Halt on who need help or advice their operations can now tap he expertise retired cor porate executives thanks to the newly formed Small Business Advisory Group Noting that per cent of the Region businesses employ fewer than en people the groups chairman Bill filled council in last week on the organization s plans The group made up of more than a dozen retired executives will meet Fridays at in a committee room at regional head quarters on just north or the Queen Elizabeth Way A small business entrepreneur cannot be an expert on all aspects of business nor can his operation afford the luxury of having employees experienced In every field as can large corporations Ihe group in statement says Often the problem of the single en is simply not having skilled and experienced people that can act as a sounding board for his ideas that can challenge his proposals that can suggest alternatives that can make sure he has done his homework noted that the Federal Business Development Bank offers counselling for small business through CASE Counselling Assistance for Small Enterprises but does not haw a office The Hallon group he said has patterned itself Toronto s Associated Senior Executives of Canada Ltd whose members are retired executives often able to resolve given problems at one of their weekly meetings If not members are assigned to follow up on problem McAlisier explained that he group has recruited 12 members to offer such a service in Ha ton and hopes to sign on four or six more Regional chairman Pete told council that the Region Business Develop ment department is taking the groups phone calls as a token of sup port lie and will together visit each of four area municipalities to in form local councillors about the new ser vice It good lo see at last hat the needs of small business axe finally being addressed McAlisier commented quoting Prime Minister Brian as saying small business is Canadas hope for economic recovery I a great future for his type of advisement It s action not Just talk come voluntarily to help out the small companies You d be amazed how we who were used lo running big corpora lions can bring ourselves down to the level of Ihe small businessman newsmakers GeorgetownActon Wednesday September 26 Georgetown CHBYSlXAiro 15 Mountafmrlaw N GEORGETOWN 8775108 Toronto Una 6776802 Oct 1 begins Andrew Tamil a father Ms ion a big hug Inside the hula hoop Both wars attending a course attains child abusers Sept 16 Children Ilka Andrew war taught that they have a parsons space alza of a hula hoop and nobody Is allowed lnsld unless child tells And raw lets nit father Inside the hoop to give him a big hug High abuse stats lead local women to teach children streetproofing by Cynthia Gamble Start reporter Say NO get away and tell someone It is a maxim which one day may save a child from a sexual abuse attack The incidence of child abuse in Halton Kills Is on a par with the national statistic that one in four girls and one in boys will be sexually abused before ihey are an adult according statistics compiled by the Region Family Services and the Children a Aid Society says Janet one of eight Georgetown women trying to lower those figures Mrs Still and seven other women taught children aged four to 12 from families how to themselves Sept means children are given methods to become aware of child abusers and how to defend themselves The women became interested In street proofing after members of Oshawa Outreach a child abuse centre spoke to concerned parents at a local school last February The women took it a step further and attended Outreach courses to learn techniques to teach George town children The Sept IS session was Ihe first class held in Georgetown by the women with another one tentatively scheduled in November for another families currently on a wailing list The group is hoping to eventually get all Georgetown families involved in said Maureen Craighead The group has no plans yet to set up a class for Acton residents Mrs Craighead said but that interested Acton parents should contact Oshawa Outreach to arrange a public meeting or lo take their courses We re Just trying to help be safe in the streets from attack or abduction It la meant to be tun and a learning experience lor children Parents are given techniques to reinforce to children on an basis Mrs Craighead said Parents have been hungering for this kind education she said and All a fatber present at the session agreed He Mid every day a child In a trig city Is abused because la parents did not the know ledge their children Sanatgar said he very nappy to have the opportunity to teain proofing here daughter It Is very necessary said Karen Taylor Harrison a mother also at the session Most people in a small town are blase about child abuse thinking it cannot happen here especially when there is very little Informs lion about it in the local media she said Parents are rather out of touch wilh if they think this she added Streetproofing makes us more aware and gives us tools lo fight back Mrs Taylor Harrison says All the parents have been very positive about it Mrs Craighead Bays adding that both parents must the session with the children Parents must first know what the children have learned to reinforce it at home and second lo know how to deal abuse should it happen The session centres around four stations In the first Ihe children learn the sexual parts of the male and female anatomy and the reason for wearing or no I wearing clothing The children also sing songs which teach that nobody should touch their bodies without permission For example the lyrics lo My Body by peter are My body nobody s body but mine you run your own body let me run mine Another song I ells children to scream loudly and kick up a fuss is someone comes loo close Many child abusers do not like noise because il draws alien t ion to them and they run away Mrs Craighead says These selfdefence techniques such as screaming are taught in a second station Children learn how to use their elbows fectlvely and how lo get out of an unwanted person grasp At ihe same time children arc shown the difference between good touch and bad touch A third stationhas the children play ac ting In various situations For example one boy dressed up as a man who tried to get another boy help him find his lost dog In another a little girl visits her friends house but nobody is borne but the big brother who asks her Inside In either case the children are asked If they should go with the adults A fourth station deals with a book written by two women after a Toronto girl was at lacked and murdered last year In all tour stations the maxim to say NO get away and tell someone is constantly reinforced In the children If all they can remember it will on Page Lungs are for Life Week Hallon Lung Association annual Lungs arc far Life Week will be held October 1 to 7 Ihls year with the theme Adult Lung Health Awareness Lung Associations throughout Ontario will be conducting special programs or events focusing on the imparlance of healthy lungs Your Lung Association in Hallon will be marking this week with mail displays and radio inter views as well as commencing many winter programs One in five Canadians has a respiratory problem More than half a million suffer from bronchitis and emphysema and approximately have asthma and allergy sufferers will not be surprised to learn that there are two million in Canada feeling miserable during peak allergy times In early spring the pollens causing hay beech oak and poplar In June and July grass pollens the villains In late summer and fall weeds are the culprit ragweed in particular The Lung Association a Fact Series Hay Fever and Common Respiratory Allergies will provide helpful Emphysema and chronic bronchitis are of particular concern to the Lung Associa Hon More than was directed medical research in through dona tlons to the Lung There is no cure for emphysema and funds are needed If a medical breaktBough Is to be accomplished When you have it minute by minute struggle to breathe The daily tasks most of us take for granted are counted as victories by the emphysema sufferer says Dr J W Cunnlngton Medical Director for the Association Better Breathing Club The Lung Association conducts Programs which help and support those suffering from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease through Better Breathing Clubs examined in film cold weather Disarmament issue masks available The Lung Association announced it will be making face masks available to he public to wear in cold weather for who experience difficulty in breathing of Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital medical director of the family asthma programs and better breathing classes advised that the Cold Masks were devised to prevent the onset of as a result of breathing very cold air The patient wears Ihis mask as she leaves home and is able to inhale through a corrugated tube the air which has been warmed by his own body The use of a one way valve enables the patient to always receive fresh warm air each Inhalation well as eliminate carbon dioxide upon exhalation Old Weather Masks can be obtained from the Lung Association at a cost of This service is made possible through support of the Christmas Seal Campaign For those who think there is nothing we can do about threat of nuclear war and those who don I know why we should do any thing a pro disarmament film The Gods of Metal will be shown at a peace mating Oct at Georgetown St Andrew United Church Taxpayers are financing the arms race so taxpayers can do something about it Is part of the message movie conveys In the film a group of priests withhold the portion of their Income tax that would be contributed to the military budget In protest Each declared opposition at the income tax office with the statement I withholding per cent in the name of the poor handicapped disabled who could be helped the money The film was previewed by members of Ihe Hills Action for Nuclear HAND organization and Ihe public in Acton last Tuesday Candid scenes of consequences of the Hiroshima bombing and starving children deliver most of the message without the need of words A quote from Pope John Paul who was quoting from the bible was only part of Ihe film that referred to the Russian side of the problem Love your enemies Peace coordlnator Joanne Clarke will be special guest at the meet ing which is open the public A pot luck dinner will be dished up at pjn and the meeting will begin at Musi our children receive arms race as a necessary Inherit Beatty will introduce taxpayers bill of rights BEATTY Taxpayers friend by MARK HOLMES Staff Reporter Wellington DufferinSlmcoe MP this week called his appointment to the head of the federal revenue and taxation department a challenging and exciting development in his career The revenue portfolio Is the second Cabinet position Beatty has held since he was elected at age in 1972 His first post was minister of the slate for the treasury board in shortlived Joe Clark govern ment In 1979 said it wasn much of a surprise when he was named to the high profile post His first Job as minister will be to be fully briefed on the Canada Post situation another responsibility and get a handle on the crown corporation deficit The revenue portfolio came to following his work as chairman of the Conservative task force on Revenue Canada Prior to taking over the task force chair was named spokesman on Revenue Canada for the official Opposition in September The task force which took across the country hear citizens complaints against Revenue Canada came up wilh recommendations improve ihe ad ministration of the Income Tax Act Of those recommendations said Treating the taxpayer decently and demonstrating that obligation to the tax payer is the first objective of Ihe depart ment we must show If questions are raised on a person tax records they are to be Innocent until proven guilty unlike the reverse policy under the Liberals As well he added we have an lo make sure everyone pays his or her fair share of laxes so honest people dont shoulder the burden of the dishonest tax payers One of the first proposals will present to the House of Commons concerns institution of a taxpayers bill of rights A native of Fergus retained his seal by gleaning votes out of a possible In the Sept election His riding includes Erin Township In area Squara Kan smBhta Hums the nlgM at Had Vaster Squat said aquara la all a parson dayattnaKalL need The dub Ha annual tost Wadnasoef