Fact Finder appointed twixt teachers board Alan Harries of Peterborough has been appointed to act as Fact Finder in the negotiations between the teachers and the trustees of the Hal ton Roman Catholic Separate School Board Mr Harries will meet with thepartiesand write a report setting out which matters have been agreed upon and which matters remain in dispute The report may also contain recommendations for settlement Harries has had extensive experience he Education Relations Commission since 1977 He lias served as a fact finder in Norfolk and Secondary Fort Frances Elementary and Secondary Lake Superior Secondary and Simcoe Secondary The ground rules for bargaining In the education sector as provided in the Act state that bargaining in each jurisdiction begins in January of the in which the agreement expires All collective agree menlsin education regardless of the term expire on August 31 Thus the parties have eight months of bargaining time available prior to the expiration of their collective agreement Events leading to a strike or lockout are regulated and neither is legal until a A fact finder has met with the parties and his report has been made public and b A 30day cooling off period takes place after the fact finders report Is submitted to the parties and The teachers have voted by secret ballot in a supervised vote on the last offer of the school board and The teachers have voted by secret ballot in a supervised vote to take strike action GeorgetownActon Wednesday Sept 26 1384 RES CVCA sponsor duck goose hunt Early fall is upon us once again and many hunters are on the lookout for places to hunt This year controlled duck and goose hunt at the Reservoir will open on Saturday September and close on day October 1384 The Orangeville Reservoir Conservation Area is located on Street just east of the inter section of and 10 and parking facilities will be provided at the main en trance Antistatic Spraj blouses with a can of antistatic product before ad cling a sweater says Clothing and Textile Specialist Margaret of the On Ministry of Agriculture and Foods rural organizations and services branch When the sweater is removed the blouse will not cling Lower hems Spray the inside of men s and women pant legs with a can of on static product to keep hems at the ankles says Clothing and Textile Specialist Mogaret of the On tsxlo Ministry of Agriculture and Foods rural organizations and services branch The hunt will once again be supervised by the Northern Peel Anglers and Hunters Association and cosponsored by the Credit Valley Conservation Authority and the Ministry of Natural Resources Huronia District Hunting will be permitted on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 p to onehalf hour after sunset and on Saturdays from onehalf hour before Hunters must hunt from one of twcKe blinds numbered to correspond with their parking location Seven of the twelve blinds are accessible only by boat Hunters must slay within meters of their designated blind while hunting and no more than two hunters may occupy a blind at one time Hunters are required to either a boat or a dog for retrieval of downed fowl The designation of hunting blinds and stakes is on a first come first served basis The hunting fee at the Reservoir is carpet WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE CARPET REDUCED TO CALLING ALL ENGAGED COUPLES la planning popular who In the Georgetown Acton If you planning a WEDDING during you will want to attend LOOK what WELCOME WAGON has in store for you FASHION SHOWS DEMONSTRATIONS SPECIAL DISPLAYS EXCITING GIFTS FOR EVERY BRIDE NUMEROUS DOOR PRIZES MONDAY OCTOBER 630 BayrischerHof Restaurant 324 STEELES AVENUE Admittance is FREE but by invitation only To obtain your personal invitation tor you and your mother or attendant please give us a call FOR YOUR FRff INVITATION CALL OR SUN 7 hours only MUST BE CLEARED Warehouse Clearance of over- 5000 yards of 1 st quality carpet rolls and rolls of broadloom Hundreds of remnants room size rugs and handwoven Indian rugs HURRY IN For best selection shop early at these prices theyll go fast SUNDAY 105 CLOSED SAl I MISSISSAUC carpeT 17K1 FINAL CLEAROUT Green TURF CARPET LOTS OF FREE PARKING